Version 0.9.4 mostly with some updates for 1.0

This Manual is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Table of Contents

Optional Helper Programs
Installing Denemo from Source Code
Getting Started
Some Common Keyboard Shortcuts
Some Common Mouse Shortcuts
Some Common Uses of MIDI in
Overall View of Denemo
General Concepts
The Denemo Input Window
The Main Menubar
Playback Controls
Midi In Controls
Object Menu
Adding Markings
Music Snippets
The Print View Window
The Score Layouts Window
A Survey of the Input Methods
Playing Notes into Denemo - MIDI
Transcribing from Facsimile or Hand-written Score
Playing Notes into Denemo - Audio (Souncard Mic Input)
Score Setup
Adding Key/Mouse Shortcuts
More Commands
Adding More Features
Adding Your Own Features
An even easier way
Writing Scheme Scripts
Variables Defined in Scheme
Functions Callable from Scheme
Denemo Directives
The Directive Fields
Directive Edit Scripts
Initialization Scripts
Edit Scripts
LilyPond Editing
Using the LilyPond Window
Using the Denemo From the PC keyboard
Note Entry
Chord Entry
Inserting LilyPond Directives
Advanced Features
Musical Score that Do Things!
Piano Staffs, Orchestral Scores etc
Single Staff Polyphony
Entering Vocal Music
Entering Figured Bass
Entering Chord Symbols
What Happens at Startup
Denemo Command Line Options


Denemo lets you create musical scores. You can type music in using the keyboard or play it in using a MIDI contoller or the microphone input. You can edit your music - the input display window shows you what you are working on in music notation - and you can playback to check how it sounds. The typeset display window shows the final printed score and typeset to the highest standards used in the music publishing industry - thanks to the Lilypond music typesetting program.

This separation of the final typesetting window from the input display avoids the constant dragging about of overlapping notation which is typical of music notation programs. Nevertheless, if you do wish to tweak the appearance dragging and re-positioning of notation is possible on the final typeset display.

Obtaining and Installing Denemo

Denemo is available from a variety of sources for different distributions. The latest stable release (tar.gz and .deb formats) is available for download from You can install Denemo from the Debian unstable repositories, using the command apt-get install denemo. Builds for Macintosh are available from the Gnu-Darwin project. The Denemo development branch can be downloaded using anonymous CVS or Git.

Anonymous Git checkout:

git clone git://

Anonymous CVS checkout:

cvs co -d denemo master


To build Denemo from a source package, the following !!out of date!! dependent packages should be installed first. (See website for up-to-date list). Remember to install the development packages as well (check your distribution for the specific package name):

[Note]For Debian Users

Type apt-cache showsrc denemo at a command line to determine what are the package names for Denemo dependencies. Type apt-get build-dep denemo to build the dependent files or use apt-get to install the packages individually by copying and pasting their names to the command line.

  • g++ 2.95 or higher

  • cdbs

  • gettext

  • libgtk2.0-dev or 3

  • gtk+ 2 or 3

  • libglib2.0-dev

  • libxml2

  • libxml2-dev

  • autoconf 2.59 or higher

  • automake1.7

  • libaubio

  • libfftw3-dev

  • libportaudio

Optional Helper Programs

Denemo can use other applications for printing. You may install the following applications, and edit the preferences menu to tell Denemo which you want it to use.

  • A PDF viewer (ghostview, evince etc)

  • An image viewer such as EOG

Installing Denemo from Source Code

Denemo is available in a variety of formats. The current stable release is available either as source code or in binary format. The Development branch of Denemo is available as a GIT source tree.

Procedure 1. To install from source code:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Change directory to the directory to which you downloaded the Denemo source package.

  3. Uncompress the source package using standard Linux tools (tar and gunzip).

  4. Change directory to the uncompressed source directory.

Procedure 2. Generating a Configure Script

Git does not come with a Configure script; generate one by typing and pressing Enter after the line:

  • ./

Procedure 3. To build from source, press Enter after each line:

  1. ./configure

  2. make

  3. make install

  4. If you are not logged in as root user, for the last step type su and your root password, or alternately type sudo make install.

Getting Started

Most people will start with playing around with Denemo via the pc keyboard. The default setup means that keys a-g represent the note names and 0-6 the different durations (whole note, half note etc). When the cursor is appending (blue) pressing key "0" will insert a note at the cursor. Pressing key "a" will append the nearest A. If the duration of the next note is the same you can simply type the note name, it will use the last entered duration. There are keypresses (+/-, and plus/minus on the numeric keypad) to set sharp/flat/double-sharp/double-flat for the next entered note and to sharpen or flatten. Use +/- with the shift key for editing. Likewise, Shift with a number key edits the duration.

When the cursor is moved on to a note (with the arrow key right or mouse) the cursor turns green and then a-g edits the note name. To insert a note before a note at the cursor use a double strike A,A-G,G. When the cursor is green the keys 0-6 change the duration of the note, while Shift-0 6 insert a note before the cursor. (If you use the numeric keypad you can use Shift-KP 0-6 for this). The arrow keys move the cursor around, the period key adds a dot while Alt-a-g add notes to the chord at the cursor. Ins inserts a note in a chord whether the cursor is on (green) or after (blue) a note, a double Del, Del removes it.

When in the appending position the cursor shows as a large blue or red rectangle on a note-position. Blue indicates a note can be appended at that point without overflowing the measure. Red indicates that the measure is already full. When the cursor is a smaller green rectangle it indicates that you are not in the appending position: you can edit the note/object at the cursor or insert before it. The vertical blue line indicates the insertion point.

You can find more shortcuts by exploring the menu system - e.g. under the Notes/Rests menu the Select Duration submenu gives Remove Dot with the shortcut Control-period shown next to the command.

Some Common Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are a few of the keyboard shortcuts that are commonly used in Denemo.

  • Letters a-g edit the note at the cursor to be A-G, if the cursor is in the appending position then notes are added. Letters A-G (either caps lock or shift) insert a note at the cursor.
  • Numbers 0-6 are used to refer to the note durations Whole Note ... 64th Note. They insert a duration at the cursor, which you then give a pitch to with a note name. With the shift key held (or the CapsLock on) 0-6 edits the duration of the note at the cursor. The corresponding Numeric Keypad keys can be used instead.
  • "." dots a note, Ctrl-"." undots it.
  • Alt-0-6 inserts a rest.
  • Alt-a-g Add notes to a chord. Or position the cursor and use Insert to add a note, Ctrl-Insert to remove it.
  • 7 starts a slur, 8 extends it, while 9 reduces it.
  • Shift-/ inserts a cautionary accidental

Some Common Mouse Shortcuts

Here are a few of the mouse shortcuts that are commonly used in Denemo (keyboards may vary, for control, shift, alt etc modifiers). Note that under the Input menu is an option to turn on more mouse-friendly buttons, this is the default for Windows users.

  • Scroll Wheel pans up/down to bring staffs out of view into the window.
  • Shift Key and Scroll Wheel pans the score left/right.
  • Control Key and Scroll Wheel zooms.
  • Shift Key and Left mouse button drags notes up and down.
  • CapsLock AND Shift key with Left mouse drag inserts a crescendo
  • CapsLock AND AltGr key with Left mouse drag inserts a diminuendo

For more serious use of Denemo, for transcribing hundreds of measures of music, for example, you should explore other key shortcut schemes. These are available via the Command Manager. The Arranger scheme uses two-key bindings such as "B,s" for start repeat barline and "B,e" for end repeat barline. Composer shortcuts is another scheme concentrating on rapid entry from the pc-keyboard. The LilyPond shortcuts scheme will be familiar to those who know the LilyPond music typesetting language, as well as including commands which generate easier-to-read LilyPond output.

Some Common Uses of MIDI in

The MIDI keyboard too can be customized to perform different actions. Usually, playing notes adds or edits the score (like hitting note names at the pc-keyboard). With the sustain pedal pressed chords are generated (the Alt key can be used for this too). If the interval between the notes played is augmented or diminished it is played on a different channel, so that you are alerted to possible pitch spelling errors (e.g. inputting A-sharp for B-flat). By holding down the Control key a score can be checked by playing the notes - the cursor only advances if the right note is played, and the Shift key can be held down to route the MIDI keyboard straight to the output (e.g. to check a phrase before playing it in). The Pitch Bend controller can be used to set the range of sharps and flats to be used, and the modulation controller can be used to mark sections of the music. With the MIDI controller set as Input source (Input menu) the duration keys create pure durations (notes colored yellow/brown) - you can enter as much of the rhythm as you wish, and then play the notes on top.

Denemo is used via the computer keyboard, MIDI controller or playing in via a musical instrument. Quite a few mouse operations are also included by default. Clicking on the score will select items, and the status bar at the bottom will describe the item clicked. Right-clicking on items in the score allows you to edit any special attributes, (called Directives, see the section called “Denemo Directives”), that they may have. Clicking on the initial clef, key or timesignature lets you edit these, clicking to the right or left of the measures visible moves you forwards and backwards in the score. Selections can be made by dragging with the mouse from one note to another. And right-clicking any menu item gets help and the opportunity to set a shortcuts for the menu item. Furthermore, scripts are available in the menu system that give the mouse further uses.

Overall View of Denemo

General Concepts

The unit of work in Denemo is a musical score, which can be saved in a single file (with .denemo suffix). This is represented on the screen by a "tab". If you have several tabs open at once they appear just above the music in the main window, and you can switch between them by clicking on the tab.

One score may contain several movements, which you can move between, insert and delete with the Movements menu. A movement is a continuous piece of music with titles etc.

It is not all that easy to tell that you have several movements; the first thing on the status bar is the movement number. If you try to move to a new movement which isn't there the bell sounds (if enabled).

Within a movement there are staffs (arranged vertically) and within the staffs Denemo Objects. These can be notes, chords and Denemo Directives (see the section called “Denemo Directives”). The notes and chords are displayed in conventional format (though not fully typeset). The Denemo Directives are used for most things that are not chords or notes: Metronome marks, repeat barlines etc are good examples. They can also be attached to chords, individual notes in a chord, to a staff as a whole and to the score as a whole; in this case the directive can be thought of as an attribute of the object it is attached to. Each Denemo Directive carries its own display method. For example the Close Repeat barline appears as a Denemo Object in the converional music notation, while a Directive attached to a staff (e.g. Smaller Staff) may appear in a menu under a tools icon to the right of the staff. In the case of "Smaller Staff" the directive directs the LilyPond typesetter to make the staff smaller, and it can be edited from the menu under the tools icon to the left of the clef. Another tools icon appears if directives are attached to voices within a staff, again to the left of the clef, below the staff one.

If there is more than one voice on a staff it is best displayed on a separate staff in the Denemo Display, for ease of editing - the clef is drawn pale and there is no timesignature for such extra voices so it is easy to understand what is going on. The Print Preview window as usual shows the final typeset appearance.

In the Denemo display a cursor shows where the next note will be entered/edited. It is red for an over-full bar, blue for appending into an under-full one and green when editing (i.e. on an already entered object).

There are two sorts of titles. Book titles have a separate title page with titles for individual movements which can be listed in an automatically generated table of contents. Simple titles give a Title and (optionally) movement titles on the same page. Comments can be place on chords in the score and these can be automatically collected into an appendix.

When a file is loaded it opens at the point where you left off editing it. The position and size of the window is restored as well as the position and size of the source pdf you are transcribing from.

The Denemo Input Window

Figure 1. Main Window

Main Window

The main window has menus and toolbars at the top. The Titles Etc appear next, along with any extra menu items which you may have placed there (e.g. the Print Part button). With View->Score View checked there is next the drawing area where the music input is displayed. When zoomed out you see just the few measures you are working on. By dragging the red bar at the bottom of the score upwards you get space for more of the music. If you have many staffs they may not all fit: you can still drag the red bar upwards to see several lines of just one or two staffs for instance. Below this is a "Console Pane" showing any LilyPond messages while typesetting the music. At the bottom is a status line showing which movement you are in and what sort of object the cursor is on. If there are any MIDI filters that active they will be noted at the right in the status bar. The small colored rectangle is the Denemo Cursor, which shows where notes etc will be added/edited next - the insertion point is marked as a blue vertical bar. Selected music is indicated by a green background.

The menus in Denemo are unusual: they not only let you do some particular action, but also each menu item lets you enquire what the action does in more detail and lets you see or set keyboard/mouse shortcuts for the action. A single keystroke can be set as a shortcut simply by pressing the key while the menu item is selected. You are warned if you are stealing this shortcut from something else. All the extra functionality of menu items can be accessed by right-clicking the menu item, while the usual left click is for executing the action itself. The menus can always be torn off for working with particular items (e.g. working with different movements or with measures, dynamics etc.). Also available by right-clicking is creating new actions - often by modifying ones that are already there.

The Main Menubar

The Main Menubar has submenus for overall control of the program. It contains the following submenus:

  • File

  • Navigation

  • Edit

  • View

  • Input

  • Playback

  • More

  • Help

  • Educational



This menu has been re-organized, so the following is only a rough guide.

Use the File menu to perform global operations related to storing and retrieving from file systems. The File menu contains the following Menu Items:

Menu ItemDescription
NewCreate score from scratch.
OpenOpen an existing Denemo file.
Add StaffsOpen an existing Denemo file and append the staffs from the (first) movement of it to the staffs in the current movement.
Add MovementsOpen an existing Denemo file and append the movements from it to the current score.
Open RecentOpen a file recently edited.
Open Standard TemplateCreate score from a stock template.
Open from GalleryCreate score from an example in the Gallery.
Open Custom TemplateCreate score from a template you have saved.
New WindowOpen another instance of Denemo.
Open in NewOpen an existing Denemo file in a new tab (or "page") so that both can be used at once.
SaveSave the current file.
Save AsSave the current file with a new name.
Save PartsSaves a set of parts (staves) in LilyPond format.
Export PDFRun LilyPond on the current file to create a PDF.
PrintDisplays the score in a pdf view, from which it can be printed.
Print excerptDisplays only the selection in image viewer, from which it can be saved.
Print Current PartDisplays one part taken from the score in a pdf view, from which it can be printed.
Score WizardOpen a Score Setup Wizard.
CloseClose the current score but keep other Denemo scores open.
QuitClose the current scores and exit Denemo.


Use the Edit menu to access common editing commands.

Menu ItemDescription
UndoUndo the pitch and rhythm just added.
RedoRedo the pitch and rhythm just added.
SelectMenu items for selecting music in the score.
CutCopy the selected notation to the clipboard and delete the selection.
CopyCopy the selected notation to the clipboard.
PastePaste the copied notation at the cursor point.
Paste LilyPond NotesPaste text as LilyPond notes. Open a .ly file in a text editor, copy some notes and then execute this command to capture them into Denemo.
Edit ObjectA general interface to editing whatever is at the cursor, especially Directives attached to notes/chords.
Change PreferencesSet external programs (LilyPond, PDF viewer etc.), autosave interval etc. These values will bre remembered when you re-start the program
Customize Commands, Shortcuts... 
Quick settings checkbox One touch setting of keyboad shortcuts
Save Command Set. Save your current customization of the menu commands and shortcuts.
Manage Command Set. Hide/Delete/Show menu items, set keyboard shortcuts, set cursor shapes, load/save all these.


Use the View menu to toggle toolbars and palettes used with the mouse.

Menu ItemDescription
Score ViewShows the score in panorama format for editing. The printed score will generally look different.
Print ViewShows the score as engraved by the LilyPond typesetter. You cannot edit in this window, but you can drag items to indicate how you want an item edited.
Lyrics ViewShows any lyrics for the current staff/voice. Each verse has its own tab, when selected the lyric placement shows in the Denemo display, so you can adjust by typing in the lyrics view window
Rhythms PatternsAllows custom rhythm patterns. Enter rhythms by setting up patterns and then overlay the rhythms with pitches via MIDI or microphone
Note and Rest EntryNotes and rests buttons – the highlighted button is current duration – click a button to enter a note/rest, or to edit the note under the cursor in edit mode
Articulation PaletteA (limited) palette of expression marks etc to apply to notes. More are in the menu system under Markings.
Score Titles, Controls etcIf this is checked any Titles, indent settings etc applying to the score can be shown as buttons at the top of the score. They must be created with their graphic field set for this.
Menu of ObjectsMenu of all the Denemo commands listed under type of object
Show LilyPondPops up a window for customizing the LilyPond
Show Scheme ScriptPops up a window for showing scripts written in scheme to control Denemo


Choose whether to use external sources (Audio from the Mic input or MIDI) for Denemo. To use these you may need to review the settings in Edit->Prefs first.


Add commands to Denemo. Extra commands are available (those which not everyone will want) via this menu. More Commands gives commands shipped with Denemo, while My Commands gives ones that you have created locally. Note that the extra commands can also be loaded at the menu where you are looking for them (you right-click on a menu item, and if there are more commands for that menu the More Commands for this Menu item will show),

Update Commands from the Internet allows you to get the latest versions of commands directly from They are stored in the .denemo/download directory in your home directory. You can set a preference to have this happen in the background every time you start Denemo, if you prefer.


Use the Playback menu to start playback of your score. Denemo lets you hear your score, using an internal synthesizer.

Menu ItemDescription
PlayPlays from the start marker to the end marker
StopStops the playback


Use the Help menu to get help using Denemo.

Menu ItemDescription
HelpLaunch a browser to view this manual.
Chat to Other UsersConnects you to a site with other users to give advice.
AboutView Denemo version information.


Use the Toolbar to access common Denemo commands quickly. The Tool Bar contains the following icons:

Creates a new document.
Creates a new document using the score wizard.
Opens the Open File dialog box.
Saves the current file
Runs LilyPond to convert the current file to PDF and sends it to the printer for printing
Undoes the last action.
Redoes the previous undo action.
Cuts the current selection to the clipboard.
Copies the selected notation to the clipboard.
Pastes the current clipboard item at the cursor position.
Jumps to the first measure of the movement.
Jumps to the last measure of the movement.

Playback Controls

Use this frame to control MIDI playback of the current movement. It has the following controls:

Runs DenemoFirst script.
Runs DenemoGoBack script.
Moves the start playback position backwards. Runs DenemoGoBack script.
Sets start playback position to cursor. Runs DenemoStartToCursor script.
Moves the start playback position forwards. Runs DenemoNext script.
Runs DenemoRewind script.
Runs DenemoStop script.
Runs DenemoPlay script.
Starts playing back while recording from MIDI-in.(Runs DenemoRecord scriptto do this).
Moves the end playback position backwards.Runs DenemoGoForward script.
Sets the end playback position to the cursor.Runs DenemoEndToCursor script.
Moves the end playback position forwards. Runs DenemoLast script.
LoopRuns DenemoLoop script.
ConductorWhen you press Play the music advances past the cursor only while the mouse is moving.
ResetInternal Synth only. Performs a reset on the synth. Also resets the start/end play positions to whole piece (the visual display shows just a red bar at the start)
PanicJack only. Emits jack panic.
Set from SelectionSets the selection to be the start/end. Note first use in a session is buggy.
TempoFor movements with a single tempo this tempo is changed for rest of the playback. If the movement has an embedded MIDI tempo change, the change will be altered proportionally. The movement tempo setting itself is not altered - you are just altering the playback.(See next button or Movements->MIDI Tempo for setting that)
Set TempoSets the overall tempo of the movement to the value fixed by the Tempo slider
VolumeReduces the current volume by the % set. Again, this applies only to playback and proportionally affects embedded dynamics.
SetCalls the DenemoSetPlaybackIntervalToSelection script.

Midi In Controls

Use this frame to control MIDI input to the current movement. It has the following controls:

Sets the end sharps and flats to use.
MIDI->ScoreDirects the MIDI in to the score or to a MIDI recorder. The MIDI recorder is active when Record button is pressed. When you wish to return to score editing, this button re-directs MIDI-in to the score.
DeleteDeletes your MIDI recording.
ConvertConverts your MIDI recording to Notation. Not yet at all practical!
MIDI statusTells you how MIDI in will be treated. Press Control/Shift/Alt keys to modify
Switch to Play Along PlaybackWith this set, when you press Play the music will not advance past the cursor until you play the note. (Mute the current staff to prevent double sounding of notes)

Object Menu

The object menus give you actions (such as insert, delete ...) ordered by the objects (notes, staffs, measures ...) that they act on.

Menu ItemDescription
ScoreSettings that apply to the whole score.
MovementsInsert/remove navigate, change the properties of movements.
Staffs/VoicesInsert/remove, navigate, swap, change the properties of staffs or voices
MeasuresInsert/remove navigate measures .
Notes/RestsThe first menu item in this menu depends on which mode you have chosen. For example in Classic mode there is a function to move the cursor to a new note while in Insert mode the function inserts a note of the given name. These menu items are present mainly to allow you to set shortcuts – it would be too slow to use them for actually entering notes/rests. I addition there are menu items for inserting rests, deleting, tied notes, setting the notehead style and stem direction, grace notes, triplets, transposing and more
ChordsInsert/remove notes from a chord.
ClefsInsert change or set the initial clef.
KeysInsert a change or set the initial key.
Time SignaturesInsert a change or set the initial time signature.
MarkingsInsert/remove tempo indications, dynamics, slurs, trills etc.
CursorNavigation of the (Denemo) cursor.
BookmarksCreate/delete or move to bookmarked positions in the current movement.
LyricsCreate and delete lyrics.
OtherEnter chord symbols, figured basses or LilyPond directives. Clear overlays.


In the score properties dialog things that affect the whole piece can be set, as well as the titles of the current movement. In the score properties dialog you can include directives to apply to all the movements.


When a file is loaded it opens with the final movement set as the current movement.

Adding Markings

Dynamics, Slurs, Trills, Tempo Indications etc are in the Notes/Rests menu (if attached to a note or chord) or Directives menu (if standalone objects)

You can collect together your favorite ones, either by assigning shortcuts, or creating a menu of favorite commands which just invoke the action you use.

Music Snippets

The Music Snippet toolbar lets you keep a number of snippets of music for pasting into your score. You can enter notes following a rhythmic pattern of a snippet. If you have a pattern in your music that appears many times you only need to type it once. By selecting it and clicking Create Snippet you install that snippet on the toolbar. Then as you enter notes (in Insert Mode) the notes follow the rhythmic pattern chosen. Pressing a duration key goes back to adding notes of the prevailing duration. You can have several snippets like this and switch between them using the space bar (or other keybinding of your choice). Another (more musical) way of entering rhythms is to "drum" them in using the keys on the computer keyboard for quarter-note, eighth-note etc, a curious sort of "musical instrument" where you change key for different durations. Use the numeric keypad for this. Drumming in is quickly learnt and, by playing in the notes rhythmically you can keep your place in the music. Use the immediate feedback option for this, so that you get a bell to confirm when you have completed a measure.

The snippets toolbar is also where "special" notes such as Breve, Longa will appear.

Using Input->Midi or Audio allows you to enter pitches directly. If you have entered your piece of music as pure rhythm you can overlay with the pitches using a MIDI controller or musical instrument with mic, headphones out or pickup attached to your soundcard.

The Print View Window

The print view window is shown by checking View->Print View. At the top are buttons to turn continuous typesetting off or on, and to select Full score or Parts. The mouse scroll buttons enable vertical panning and with Control pressed, zooming. Use Ctrl+Shft for finer control zoom. Right click for help with tweaking beam angles, slurs etc.

Right clicking in this pane also allows you to drag offsets to apply to items that LilyPond has positioned badly. Slurs and beaming can be altered here, and page or line breaks added. Or you can select an amount of padding to apply to some object. This is generally a better way of indicating that it is too close to something else, since other objects will move away from it as needed - that is, if you later edit something it will behave more intelligently.

The Score Layouts Window

The score layouts window is shown by checking View->Score Layout. You can use layouts to print the music in different ways. For example, one layout may have the score transposed, or be for just two parts printed together.

You can customize any layout in this window - positioning lyrics above the staff rather than below for example, or setting the staff groupings.

You can make Denemo Directives conditional on the score layout, so that for example a page break only applies when printing the full score, or is just for printing one part. In this way if, for example, one part does not need separate first and second time bars, then these can be marked as not being for that layout. See Directives->Conditional Directives for setting this.

The score layout can only be edited graphically when first created. Once re-loaded from disk it is reduced to its LilyPond text form and can then only be edited in the LilyPond view.

A Survey of the Input Methods


Denemo allows you to explore all the actions (insert/delete/edit/navigate...) using the menus. So, for example, inserting notes can be found under Notes/Rests while inserting a Staff comes under Staffs/Voices. When you have found the action you need hovering over the item will give an explanation of what it does. The keyboard or mouse shortcut to use for the command is in blue on the right. You can set the keyboard shortcut just by pressing the desired key while the menu item is selected. You can right click on the menu item to set a a two-key keyboard shortcut or mouse shortcut to activate the action. In addition you can customize the mouse actions to initiate commands, and set the cursor that will show while certain mouse conditions apply.

Denemo offers several ways of entering music: typing at the keyboard, playing in via a MIDI keyboard (controller), playing in acoustically using a microphone or choosing items from the menu system.

Using the menus for everything would be very slow, but next to each menu item is the keypress that you can use instead. If there is no keypress shown, and you want to use that item often, then right click on the menu item and you can set a key combination for that menu action. Right clicking is also useful for getting a description of what the menu action is.

Typing at the keyboard can be very fast, if you forget which keypress you need you can consult the menu system to find out. This method is good for touch typists.

For entering a lot of already written-out music, playing the music in via a MIDI keyboard or microphone can offer the fastest and most musical method.

One way to do this is enter the music as pure rhythms, ignoring the note names. The durations show as yellow/brown notes. Each duration sounds its own pitch and length as you enter the durations. As you start each measure the bell will sound so that you can keep your eyes on the score you are copying without needing to look up and check that you haven't miss-typed. If you are a reading musician you will find that you tap in the rhythm rhythmically which helps to keep your place in the piece you are entering.

Once you have entered the rhythms for one or two measures you play the notes via MIDI - they automatically fill in the rhythm for you. When you play notes in via MIDI they give their pitches to the rhythm you have notated. By this means you can enter a piece of music in the time taken to play it twice - once to give the rhythm and once to give the pitches. If the piece modulates strongly you may need to shift the set of accidentals used to match the score. If entering pitches via a mic you need to navigate to the start point, but this isn't needed for MIDI in.

The oldest Denemo keymaps are no longer supported. (see the section called “Adding Key/Mouse Shortcuts”). (Input via MIDI keyboard and Mic in is now available). Denemo shortcuts also work on Numeric Keypad.

Playing Notes into Denemo - MIDI

Denemo can take pitches directly from MIDI input. Select Input->Midi Input. The control panel allows you to choose the enharmonic range. Under Input->MIDI are various "MIDI filters" that allow you to control how the MIDI input is used: with none active the behavior is as if you had entered the notes using the pc-keyboard, but with the following advantages

  • The octave, accidental and note name are all entered in one press of the MIDI key.
  • The duration keys enter the yellow/brown duration-only notes, when you play a MIDI key the cursor automatically moves to the first of these.
  • Holding down the Alt key (or sustain pedal) lets you enter chords.
  • Holding down the Ctrl key lets you check the pitches of a piece already entered. The cursor only advances if the note played is the one at the cursor.
  • Holding down the Shift key lets you listen to the MIDI keyboard without affecting the score.
  • The problem of entering the wrong enharmonic is largely avoided by Denemo's simple pitch-spelling strategy. The more extreme intervals are played in a separate MIDI channel so that if, for example you enter F - A-sharp it sounds quite distinct from F - B-flat

The MIDI filters are scheme scripts, so they can be tailored to do whatever you wish. One example is a filter that enables you to enter Figured Bass figures by playing the notes corresponding to the figures while holding down the bass note. Another is the "AngryDelete" filter. With this filter on notes are entered normally with the cursor advancing automatically, but if you make a mistake and press the wrong note just hit the next one much louder and it will make the correction for you! MIDI filters are found under Input->MIDI

Transcribing from Facsimile or Hand-written Score

This feature is now largely redundant as you can now open a source pdf and place links to it in the Denemo score, which is quicker to do

This is particularly useful for difficult-to-read scores. Each measure of the original can be captured as an image and stored along with the Denemo measure that is your transcription. This makes the transcribing process much easier as you can glance at your original without losing your place in a large messy manuscript. Capturing the images of the measures is done using a screenshot type of process - you need to have the original visible on the screen so you can indicate the extent of each measure.

First display the original score or part on the screen using your pdf viewer or other image display software. Then, in Denemo, choose one of the Capture Measures commands. For a Full score you can capture all the parts at once - choose Movement->Capture Score->Capture Measures (Score). If you have parts use Staff->Capture Score->Capture Measures (One Staff).

Now you can continuously enter measures by left clicking at each measure. You can adjust the start position of the measure (which is normally the end of the last one) by right-clicking. As you enter a measure image a Denemo measure is entered into the score and the image placed underneath it. To stop entering images press a key on the keyboard. There are also commands to delete an erroneous measure-image and to insert a new one - N.B. when you delete the image for a measure all the other measures shift along by one, so they are under the wrong bars until you insert a new screenshot for the measure.

Now you can transcribe the music straight from the images directly under the measure you have selected. LaManina.denemo is an example: the original print made in Venice is quite difficult to decipher and has a couple of errors. In this Denemo file each measure for each part can be seen directly beneath the transcription. You will notice that in places the original measure was split across two lines; at the moment there is no mechanism for joining up the two halves, so instead the following measure has an image containing the remainder of the measure plus the next measure.

Playing Notes into Denemo - Audio (Souncard Mic Input)

Denemo can listen for, and detect the pitch of notes on the mic input of the computer; it doesn't attempt to guess the rhythm - such systems do not work well - but you will find that playing the notes in time will help you to play them in, as well as make playing them in a musical experience rather than a chore.

Playing the notes in can be much quicker than using the keyboard since the note octave and accidental are all given just by playing the note. If you are able to play a musical instrument then this will probably be much faster for you than typing note names, octave shifts and accidentals at the computer keyboard. Using the headphones out of an electronic keyboard avoids "noises-off" interfering with the pitch detection. Many microphones and pickups benefit from some pre-amplification - it is worth getting the level right before you begin.

When you select the Input->Audio on the Main Menu the Pitch Recognition window pops up. While the mouse pointer is inside the score drawing area the score is sensitive to pitches heard via the microphone input. The background colour of the score changes to show that the notes will be entered into the score.

There are two ways of using the pitch entry - Overlay mode (default) and Insert mode. The button marked Insert causes notes to be entered into the current measure in the prevailing rhythm - the mode is set to Insert for this. The button marked Overlays overlays the notes already present with the pitches you sound. There is a third button, marked Tuning, which is a state-of-the art musical instrument tuner.

Music is entered into the measure which holds the cursor. If you are overlaying a rhythm already entered, then the first un-overlayed note in the measure is overlayed by the note detected. You can delete the overlay using the regular delete keys, or clear them altogether if you want to start over in a measure. If you are in Insert mode then the notes detected will be inserted at the cursor position.

Use the enharmonic shift to select whether Bb or A# should be entered when you enter the given pitch - you can usefully go as far as B# and Fb.

Use the transpose control to shift up or down by octaves.

Most of the other settings would require study of the Aubio documentation to understand, but the one marked threshold may be useful to make the detection less sensitive to ambient noises if using a microphone with an acoustic instrument.

The best set-up is to plug the headphones-out socket of an electronic keyboard into the mic input, and choose a piano setting on the electronic keyboard.

If you don't have any musical instrument that you can plug directly into the mic in, then you can use an acoustic instrument with a microphone, in which case move your microphone closer or further from your instrument to get reliable detection. Too close and you get double detections, too far and you get missed ones. To check for good detection open a piece of music, set Overlay mode and put the cursor in the first measure and play the piece in – the notes should all turn blue if you have perfect detection. It is worth while getting perfect detection – more than one or two miss-detects per piece of music and you may want to use the Insert rather than the Overlay method.

The Audio Input button introduces a special entry mode where the pitches you play in will overlay the rhythm, appearing as blue notes. You can delete any wrong pitches using the usual delete keys, without deleting the rhythm. In fact if you have an "interloper" (an extra spurious note) you can delete it and the other pitches will all move along to their correct places.

Another method of playing music in acoustically doesn't involve entering the rhythm separately. For this select Input->Audio and then choose Insert instead of Overlays on the Pitch Recognition Panel that pops up. With Insert the sounded notes are entered as in the prevailing rhythm. The same applies if you have MIDI, only you just need to select Insert mode to enter the notes in that case. So by choosing a rhythm (e.g. half-note, quarter-note, or a custom rhythm pattern) and playing in the pitches you can enter the music into a blank score.

Score Setup

Denemo provides different ways to set up scores:

  • Create template with the special name "default.denemo". If this is placed at the top level of your templates directory (that is ~/.denemo/templates/default.denemo), then it will be opened each time you start a new score.

  • Create an init.denemo score with everything you want to start up with, and any actions you want to be taken before you begin. This will be opened when you first start Denemo (that is once per Denemo session). See the section called “Musical Score that Do Things!” for details on what actions you can have Denemo perform before you start.

  • Use a Template

  • Use shortcut keys to add staves and set attributes

  • Use Menus

Using Templates to Setup Scores

Denemo comes with a few preinstalled templates. You can also design your own templates as well.

  1. Navigate to File, New From Template, The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Double click on a template name from the list of templates. The dialog box closes and the template appears.


Adjust the clef, key and time signatures as needed.

Using Shortcuts to Setup Scores

Inserting attributes with shortcut keys is an effective way to quickly customize a template.

  • Navigate to the Staff you want to change an attribute using one of these shortcuts:

    • Select Staffs/Voices-\>StaffDown to move down one staff

    • Select Staffs/Voices-\>StaffUp to move up one staff

Using Templates to Setup Scores

Denemo Comes with a wide range of prebuilt templates for standard vocal and instrumental scores. If you have a custom score setup you use over and over create a score layout using the Setup Wizard and save it as a template.

  1. Click on File-\>New From Template, The Open Dialog box appears displaying the currently available Templates.

  2. Double click on the template name in the righthand pane. The template loads in the Main Denemo Window.


    The currently active staff will be black. All other staves will be yellow, until they are active.

Adding Key/Mouse Shortcuts

Denemo allows you to choose which keys activate which commands. It also allows you to choose Mouse press/release gestures (in combination with keys such as Shift, NumLock, CapsLock etc).

To choose a shortcut for a menu item, right-click on the item and choose the Create Mouse Shortcut, or the Edit Shortcuts option. The Set Mouse Shortcut Dialog requires you to set which button and action you want to use and then to hold/lock the keyboard modifier while clicking on the big button. The setting you have chosen is shown, and you click ok to accept it.

To set a keyboard shortcut, and to delete any sort of shortcut, use the Edit Shortcuts menu item. This dialog also allows you to choose a cursor to show while certain mouse actions are underway.

If your choice of keyboard shortcut already belongs to another command, you are warned about this, and given the chance to change your mind or steal the shortcut. Also, you can choose whether to distinguish between keypresses with, say the NumLock down and those without or to ignore it. If the NumLock is set but no command for that key specifically requires it then the setting of NumLock is ignored and the keypress is treated as if the NumLock was off.

The menu item that activates the command shows the shortcuts that exist in bright blue lettering. PrsL-CapsLoc, for example, is the Press action on the Left mouse key while the CapsLock light is on. In the default command set this is linked to the BeginSlur command, so that together with the RlsL-CapsLoc for the release of the left mouse button, you can "draw" slurs by using the mouse. Similarly, Shift with left mouse button (MveL-Shift) is set to allow you to drag notes up and down the staff. (This is using Command MoveNoteToCursor, which is found under Notes/Rests/Edit/Edit Note/To Cursor)

More Commands

Adding More Features

It is possible to add more commands to the set that Denemo ships with. Some of these are shipped with Denemo, but not added automatically so as to keep the menu sizes manageable. Generally, you right-click to find more menu items to add; once added you can set a keyboard/mouse shortcut and keep the command in your default setup.

Adding Your Own Features

You can also get Denemo to remember a frequently used sequence of actions - it can be installed in the menu system and given a keyboard shortcut just like any other command.

To do this you right-click and choose Show Scheme Script. (You do not have to understand what a Scheme Script is to use this!). In the little window that pops up set Record Scheme Script and then do the set of steps you wish Denemo to remember, using the menu items, not keyboard, for each step.

As a simple example, suppose you wanted a command to delete the next note (there are commands to delete the previous note and the current note, so why not?). You would enter some notes, put on Record Scheme Script and then from the menu Cursor select Cursor Right (to move on to the note to be deleted), and with the Notes/Rests->Delete->Delete Object menu item you would delete the note. (Each time you use a menu item you will see a new command entered into the Scheme window). Now turn off Record Scheme Script and you can experiment with your new command by pressing Execute in the Scheme Script window. To save this new command for future use, you right click on a menu item (in the menu where you would like the command to appear) and choose "Save Script as New Menu Item", this will ask you to make up a name for your new command as well as a label for the menu item etc.

You can save the command in your default sequence of commands (via Edit->Customize Commands...->Manage Command Set->Save as Default Command Set). If not you will be asked if you want to save your new commands when you exit. Otherwise you can re-load via the More->My Commands menu item.

An even easier way

There is an even easier way of adding your own favorite LilyPond tweaks, which is by modifying a tweak that has already been done. This can be done by using the text-edit dialog on an existing Denemo Directive (usually found under the Advanced button provided by an edit script). Here you can see the actual LilyPond text that will be inserted, and there is a button to create a script to generate whatever you choose to enter. You can also enter the name of graphic images (.png files) that are to be used to represent your item in the display, and say where it should be positioned.

Once you have created the script, it can be saved in the menu system by right clicking on an item in the menu where you want to place the command, and choosing "Save Script as New Menu Item" as above.

Writing Scheme Scripts

If you are a programmer you will have guessed that you can edit the Scheme Script window to create any command you want. Even if you are not familiar with Scheme you may find that you can adapt other scripts to do what you want.

A good example of this is a script to insert a particular LilyPond directive into the score. This is all that many scripts do: it is easy to see the piece of LilyPond in the Scheme Script window, and by changing it you can create a new command.

For example, from the More menu select the command /menus/ObjectMenu/Instruments/Orchestral/RehearsalMark (the files are laid out in folders/directories in the same way as the menu system itself). Then choose Get Script from the right click menu. With this command its script is appended to the Scheme Script window. Here you can see the part that says

  • (d-DirectivePut-standalone-postfix "RehearsalMark" " \\mark \\default" )

which is inserting the LilyPond directive "\mark \default" which inserts the default rehearsal mark. (The extra \s are needed to tell Scheme that you literally mean a \ sign). You can change this to insert any other LilyPond that you need - always doubling the \ signs. The you can save as a new menu item, or use Save Script to customize the script you started with.

More ambitious programmers will need to know all the commands available. Besides the complete Denemo command set (the list is given in the Command Management window) there are the following additional Scheme procedures defined.

  • d-InitializeScript deprecated - init.scm is now run automatically. (parameter: action-name) runs a script init.scm in the menupath attached to the action whose name is given. Used by commands that need a time-consuming initialization step which can be skipped on subsequent calls.
  • d-GetType returns a scheme string indicating the type of the current object
  • d-GetNoteName returns a scheme string, giving the note name a-g of the current note
  • d-GetNote returns a scheme string, the note name, accidental and octave of the current note (LilyPond notation)
  • d-GetNotes returns a scheme string, the notes of a chord separated by NULL characters
  • d-PutNoteName takes a string argument, a note in LilyPond notation. Changes the note at the cursor. Not for use with multi-note chords.
  • d-DiatonicShift Deprecated.
  • d-NextObject moves cursor to next object, returning TRUE if current object has changed
  • d-NextChord as d-NextObject, but skipping non-chord objects. chords includes rests and chords with 1 or more notes.
  • d-NextNote as d-NextChord but skipping rests (i.e. chords with 0 notes).
  • d-NextStandaloneDirective as NextObject, stopping on a standalone directive. Using d-DirectiveGet-standalone tag a directive of a particular tag can be found.
  • (d-Directive-type? optional-tag) where type is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note.This returns #t if the cursor is on a directive of type (with tag optional-tag if optional-tag is present) else #f
  • (d-DirectivePut-standalone? tag) inserts a standalone directive with the given tag at the current cursor position and places the cursor on it.
  • (d-DirectiveGetTag-type) where type is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note. This returns the tag if the cursor is on a directive of type else #f
  • (d-DirectiveGetTagForTag-type tag) returns the tag passed in if the cursor is on directive of type with that tag, else it returns the tag of the first directive of type that is present at the cursor, else #f
  • d-WarningDialog Pass a string argument to pop up a warning.
  • d-GetOption (parameter string of options). Takes a null separated set of options and pops up a dialog offering them to the user. Returns the one chosen or #f if the user cancels.
  • d-GetChar returns a string containing a single character from the user (blocks waiting for a keypress)
  • d-GetKeypress returns a string representing a keypress from the user (blocks waiting for a keypress) (e.g. Up for the up arrow key etc.)
  • d-GetCommand returns a string containing the command name for the user's keypress (blocks waiting for a keypress)
  • d-GetUserInput takes three strings, displays and returns the user's response as a string.
  • d-GetMidi
  • d-PutMidi
  • d-PlayMidiKey
  • d-BassFigure
  • d-GetNoteAsMidi
  • d-RefreshDisplay
  • d-InputFilterNames sets the status bar
  • d-Chordize Ensure that even a single note is treated as a chord - needed for some LilyPond constructs (e.g. fingerings)

Standard Denemo commands that pop up dialogs will work as usual if no argument is passed to them from Scheme. In general if a string consisting of strings of the form "name=value\0" is passed these will be used and no popup will occur. The field "name" will be given the value "value". The \0 is a NULL character that separates the assignment strings. As a shorthand if there is only one value being passed you can just pass the value. The names of the fields depend on the action being called. So for example

Example 1. 

(d-Open "filename=myfile.denemo\0")

will open the file "myfile.denemo".

This feature is being rolled out, and currently works for

  • d-InsertLilyDirective (directive, display. minpixels) (deprecated function)
  • d-AttachLilyToChord (prefix, postfix, display) deprecated see d-DirectiveGet-chord-* and d-DirectivePut-chord-* below
  • d-AttachLilyToNote (prefix, postfix, display) deprecated see d-DirectiveGet-note* and Put below
  • d-StaffProperties understands a couple of property=value settings
  • d-InitialClef
  • d-InsertClef
  • d-InitialKey
  • d-InsertKey
  • d-Open filename
  • d-ScoreProperties (fontsize= size of font to be used for score)

Variables Defined in Scheme

Variable NameMeaning

Functions Callable from Scheme

All functions are prefixed by d- when called from scheme. For example the command Help is called thus (d-Help).
Command NameHelpLabelMenu Path
NotationMagick::AskNewAsciistringNo help--
DeleteDynamic::paramsNo help--
InsertAmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Amaj-
MoveToMovementBeginningMoves the cursor to the beginning of the movement without altering the selectionMove To Movement Beginning/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
ChangeToFChanges note at cursor to nearest note F Rhythm is unchangedChange to F-
DirectiveGet-timesig-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
CreateParts::paramsNo help--
MakeGrace::paramsNo help--
ScoreProlog::paramsNo help--
NoBarlineSkips the printing of any automatic barline here - allows line break.(Print) Omit Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
IncreaseGuard"Stop collecting undo information. Call DecreaseGuard when finished. Returns #f if already guarded, #t if this call is stopping the undo collection"--
GetMidi"Intercepts a MIDI event and returns it as a 4 byte number"--
ExtendSlurExtends the slur finishing at the cursor.Extend Slur/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Slurs
Change-6411No help--
InsertDmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Dmaj-
MoveToMovementBeginning::paramsNo help--
AddFAdds note F to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd F-
SetObjectDisplayWidth"Sets the display width of the object at the cursor to the value passed (in pixels)"--
ToggleTrillAdds/Removes a trill to the noteTrill (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
MovementSubtitlePrints the given name below the title of the current movement.Subtitle/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Simple Titles
ChangePan::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
NoBarline::paramsNo help--
ExtendSlur::paramsNo help--
DenemoVolumeNo help--
DirectiveGet-paper-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveTextEdit-staff"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a staff directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
Change-3072No help--
DirectiveGet-voice-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
AddNoteFInserts note F after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert F After-
ToggleTrill::paramsNo help--
MovementSubtitle::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddHighestDownMinor3Add a minor third as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Minor 3rd below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
DeleteCapturedMeasureForStaffDeletes the captured measure image for the current measure of the current staff.Delete Captured Measure./ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/CaptureScore
InsertGmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Gmaj-
DirectivePut-clef-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddDotSelectionSwitcherAdds an Augmentation Dot to current note/chord/rest.Add Dot/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
WarningDialog"Takes a message as a string. Pops up the message for the user to take note of as a warning"--
NotationMagick::AskNewNotationstringNo help--
Change6411No help--
InsertFInserts note F before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert F-
DirectivePut-header-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
ApplyToSelectionFollowed by a keyboard shortcut: applies the shortcut with the cursor successively on each object in the selection.Apply Shortcut to Objects in Selection/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
DenemoVolume::ValueNo help--
AddHighestDownMinor3::paramsNo help--
DeleteCapturedMeasureForStaff::paramsNo help--
InsertCmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Cmaj-
DecreaseGuard"Drop one guard against collecting undo information. Returns #t if there are no more guards (undo information will be collected) or #f if there are still guards in place."--
AddDotSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
SetMidiCapture"Takes one bool parameter - MIDI events will be captured/not captured depending on the value passed in, returns previous value."--
OpenOctaveUp::paramsNo help--
Change3072No help--
MoveToEMoves cursor to nearest note EMove to E-
GetMeasure"Returns the measure number counting from 1"--
ApplyToSelection::paramsNo help--
JoinChordsJoins all notes, chords and rests in the selection and inserts a new, longer note instead. May create tied notes. Uses the cursor position as pitch.Join music objects/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Set98TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 9/8 Time-
DirectiveGet-paper-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
StartStaffReverts the "Stop Drawing Staff" command(Print) Start Drawing Staff (Again)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Staff
DirectiveActivate-staff"Activates a staff directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
OpenOctaveUpOpens a block to be transposed up one octave This must be followed by a CloseBlock "}" to end the transposed section.(Print) Open { Octave Up/ObjectMenu/Directives/Print Transpositions
Set-6411No help--
DirectiveGet-voice-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeToEChanges note at cursor to nearest note E Rhythm is unchangedChange to E-
AttachDirectiveNo help--
JoinChords::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Set128TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 12/8 Time-
GetUserInputWithSnippets"Takes up to three strings, title, prompt and initial value. Shows these to the user with a text editor for the user to return a string. Buttons are present to insert snippets which are bracketed with secion characters in the return string. Fourth parameter makes the dialog not block waiting for input"--
StartStaff::paramsNo help--
BarNumbersTurns bar numbering on/off in print out.Bar Numbers (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Numbering
Set-3072No help--
RHFingerFollow with a number keypress, the note at the cursor is typeset with the given number as right hand fingering. Use a non-number to delete.Right Hand Fingering/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings
AddEAdds note E to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd E-
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Set68TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 6/8 Time-
TogglePlayAlong"Switches to playalong playback. When playing or recording playback will not advance beyond the cursor position unless then mouse is moved or the next note is played in via MIDI in."--
GrandStaffStartStart grouping single staves together in order to form multi-stave systems. In a GrandStaff, the group begins with a brace, and bar lines are connected between the staves.GrandStaff Start/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
DenemoTempoNo help--
BarNumbers::paramsNo help--
EditTargetNo help--
Set6411No help--
RHFinger::paramsNo help--
AddNoteEInserts note E after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert E After-
GetStaff"Returns the staff/voice number counting from 1"--
ToggleFermataMark/Unmark the chord with a fermataFermata (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DenemoBarTypesets the Denemo barlines, regardless of the timing.Typeset Barlines Literally/ObjectMenu/Score
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Set38TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 3/8 Time-
GrandStaffStart::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-paper-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveDelete-staff"Deletes a staff directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
VoiceSettingThe Voice 1,2,3,4 commands set up the voices so that first and third voices get stems up, second and fourth voices get stems down, third and fourth voice note heads are horizontally shifted, and rests in the respective voices are automatically moved to avoid collisions. The Automatic Voice command returns all the voice settings to the neutral default directionsChoose Voice/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
Set3072No help--
BookmarkNonPrintingAdds a custom Denemo bookmark without Lilypond output.Add Non-Printing Bookmark/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Bookmarks
DirectivePut-score-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertEInserts note E before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert E-
ToggleFermata::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoBar::paramsNo help--
Set64TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 6/4 Time-
CommandListScrollDownNo help--
NotationMagick-InsertStringAsReversedBinaryRhythmGive a string to generate a rhythm out of its ascii chars in binary encoding. The rhythm for each letter gets reversed before inserting.Insert String as Reversed Binary Rhythm/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/GenerateRhythmFromString
GetUserInput"Takes up to three strings, title, prompt and initial value. Shows these to the user and returns the user's string. Fourth parameter makes the dialog not block waiting for input"--
VoiceSetting::paramsNo help--
Insert-6411No help--
BookmarkNonPrinting::paramsNo help--
MoveToDMoves cursor to nearest note DMove to D-
DirectiveGet-keysig-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
SetThumbnailSets the thumbnail to the section made in the first movement.Set Thumbnail from Selection/ObjectMenu/Score
Set24TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 2/4 Time-
NotationMagick-InsertStringAsReversedBinaryRhythm::paramsNo help--
TocTitleGives a heading for a table of contents, inserting the table in the book.Table of Contents Title/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
ToggleConduct"Switches to mouse conducting playback. Playback will not advance beyond the cursor position unless then mouse is moved in the drawing area."--
ForceBarlineInsert barline at cursor, Denemo's measure count is unaffected.Insert Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
MezzoForteAttach mf indication to a chord.Mezzo Forte/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Dynamic Markings
Insert-3072No help--
ChangeToDChanges note at cursor to nearest note D Rhythm is unchangedChange to D-
GetMovement"Returns the movement number counting from 1"--
DenemoTempo::ValueNo help--
ChordsForBarPlays the context of the current bar. Then listens for you to play each note in current bar the bar with added chord(s), notates the chords on a staff above. When finished re-plays the bar. Allows you to repeat (pitch bend down) or go on to next bar (pitch bend up).Chords for Bar/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Set34TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 3/4 Time-
CommandListScrollUpNo help--
Ab-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedAb Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
TocTitle::paramsNo help--
ArpeggioSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark the selected notes arpeggioArpeggio (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectiveGet-paper-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
ForceBarline::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-chord"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a chord directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
GetSlurStartNo help--
MezzoForte::paramsNo help--
Insert6411No help--
HalfBarlineInsert a barline with only half of its original sizeHalf Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
DirectivePut-score-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddDAdds note D to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd D-
StandAloneSelfEditDirectiveNo help--
GetFlattest"Return name of flattest degree of current temperament"--
ClefChooserChoose any sort of clef. If the cursor is at the start change initial clef, else insert chosen clef.Clef Chooser/ObjectMenu/ClefMenu
ChordsForBar::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetThumbnail::paramsNo help--
Set44TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 4/4 Time-
Ab-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
NewVoiceAdds a voice to the current staff, initially displayed on a staff of its own, for readability. It will print on the staff above, and can be displayed there using Join Voices command if desired.Add Voice/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
SlurTwoCreates a slur from current note to next note.Slur with Next Note/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Slurs
ArpeggioSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
GoToPosition"Move to given Movement, voice measure and object position. Takes 4 parameters integers starting from 1, use #f for no change. Returns #f if it fails"--
SetBeamPositionsNo help--
Insert3072No help--
HalfBarline::paramsNo help--
AddNoteDInserts note D after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert D After-
MovementTitlePrints the name given as a title above the current movement.Title/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Simple Titles
Set42TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 4/2 Time-
NewVoice::paramsNo help--
MidiRecord"Starts playback and synchronously records from MIDI in. The recording will play back with future play until deleted. The recording is not saved with the score - convert to notation first,"--
SlurTwo::paramsNo help--
ClefChooser::paramsNo help--
GetBeamPositionsNo help--
-6411No help--
InsertDInserts note D before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert D-
DirectivePut-standalone-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShiftCursor"Shifts the cursor up or down by the integer amount passed in"--
MovementTitle::paramsNo help--
AddHighestDownMajor3Add a major third as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Major 3rd below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Set32TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 3/2 Time-
CommandList:list-refNo help--
DirectiveGet-paper-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveActivate-chord"Activates a chord directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
SetSlurPositionsNo help--
-3072No help--
DeleteCapturedMeasureDeletes the captured image of the source measure for the current measure.Delete Captured Measure/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/CaptureScore
DirectivePut-score-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MoveToCMoves cursor to nearest note CMove to C-
GetSharpest"Return name of sharpest degree of current temperament"--
Major7Minor7OrDominant7Determine which seventh chord is soundedMajor7Minor7Dominant7/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
RepeatEndStartInserts a barline ending one repeated section and starting anotherRepeat End-Start/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
DirectiveGet-header-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
AddHighestDownMajor3::paramsNo help--
SetBreveSets Prevailing Duration to BreveBreve/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/SelectDuration
Set22TimeNo Tooltip yetSet 2/2 Time-
HTTP"Takes 4 parameters and makes http transaction with"--
CloseLilyBlock::paramsNo help--
6411No help--
DeleteCapturedMeasure::paramsNo help--
ChangeToCChanges note at cursor to nearest note C Rhythm is unchangedChange to C-
Major7Minor7OrDominant7::paramsNo help--
ProbePreviousNoteNo help--
RepeatEndStart::paramsNo help--
DenemoLoopNo help--
ChangeBalanceBalance. Typically used for a stereo signal tweak without changing the pan itself. Like a CD player. 8 Balance/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
Insert98TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 9/8 Time-
CreateTimebase"Generates the MIDI timings for the music of the current movement. Returns TRUE if the MIDI was re-computed else FALSE (call was unnecessary)."--
ShiftRealHalfDownTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one half tone downHalf tone down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
GetSlurPositionsNo help--
CloseLilyBlockCloses a LilyPond Block (there must be a matching open, {, earlier)(Print) Close } a LilyPond Block/ObjectMenu/Directives/Print Transpositions
3072No help--
AddCAdds note C to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd C-
DirectivePut-chord-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
FermataSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark current selection or object with a fermataFermata (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
IsAppending"Returns #t if the cursor is in the appending position, else #f"--
ProbeNextNoteNo help--
SetBreve::paramsNo help--
ChangeBalance::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Insert128TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 12/8 Time-
DirectiveGet-paper-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
ShiftRealHalfDown::paramsNo help--
DirectiveDelete-chord"Deletes a chord directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
FinalizeTypesettingNo help--
FingeringPositionAllows you to specify the position of the fingering relative to the note at the cursor.Fingering Position/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings
DirectiveGet-score-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
AddNoteCInserts note C after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert C After-
GetTemperament"Return name of current temperament"--
DirectiveGet-header-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
Insert68TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 6/8 Time-
Directive-standaloneNo help--
FermataSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
ChoirStaffEndStop ChoirStaff multi-stave system.ChoirStaff End/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
GetPositions"Interactively gets two positions from the user in the print view window. Returns pair of pairs numbers."--
ANS::InsertMemberRandomlyNo help--
InitializeTypesettingNo help--
FingeringPosition::paramsNo help--
InsertCInserts note C before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert C-
ProbePreviousObjectNo help--
ToggleStaccatoMark/Unmark the chord staccatoStaccato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
JumpDownOctaveMoves cursor down an octave.Octave Down/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
Insert38TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 3/8 Time-
PutMidi"Takes and int as MIDI data and simulates a midi event, avoiding capturing of midi by scripts. Value 0 is special and is received by scripts."--
ChoirStaffEnd::paramsNo help--
FiguredBassExercisesAllows you to play in chords to Handel's continuo practice materialHandel's Figured Bass Exercises/MainMenu/Educational/MIDI
FinalizeMidiGenerationNo help--
BookmarkNamedAdds a Denemo bookmark combined with a custom Lilypond Rehearsal MarkAdd Named Bookmark/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Bookmarks
MoveToBMoves cursor to nearest note BMove to B-
DirectivePut-note-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
IsInSelection"Returns #t if the cursor is in the selection area, else #f"--
ProbeNextObjectNo help--
ToggleStaccato::paramsNo help--
DenemoLastNo help--
JumpDownOctave::paramsNo help--
DotDoubleDotNoDotAdds a dot to the note/rest/chord at the cursor, or removes them if double dotted.Dot/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/ChangeDuration
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Insert64TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 6/4 Time-
NotationMagick-InsertReversedStringAsBinaryRhythmGive a string to generate a rhythm out of its ascii chars in binary encoding. The string gets reversed before converting.Insert Reversed String as Binary Rhythm/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/GenerateRhythmFromString
DirectiveGet-paper-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
FiguredBassExercises::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-note"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a note directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
InitializeMidiGenerationNo help--
BookmarkNamed::paramsNo help--
ChangeToBChanges note at cursor to nearest note B Rhythm is unchangedChange to B-
RewindMidi"Rewind the MIDI generated for the current movement. Given a time in seconds it tries to rewind to there."--
ProbeNextMeasureNo help--
DirectiveGet-header-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
DotDoubleDotNoDot::paramsNo help--
Insert24TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 2/4 Time-
NotationMagick-InsertReversedStringAsBinaryRhythm::paramsNo help--
PiecePrints a piece name for the MovementPiece/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Book Titles
SplitMeasureSplit the current measure into two at the cursor.Split Measure at Cursor/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
ANS::InsertListRandomlyNo help--
FinalizePlaybackNo help--
AddBAdds note B to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd B-
ProbePreviousMeasureNo help--
GetOffset"Interactively gets an offset from the user in the print view window. Returns pair of numbers."--
SingleDigitTimeSigMakes the time signature at the cursor single digit; if no time signature at cursor applies to initial timesig of staff. Operates as On/Off toggle.(Print) Single Digit (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/TimeSig
TransposeScorePrintPrints the score transposed by the interval selected by SetTransposeIntervalFromSelection(Print) Transposed/ObjectMenu/Score
Insert34TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 3/4 Time-
DirectivePut-timesig-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
StandAloneDirectiveProtoNo help--
Piece::paramsNo help--
OutputMidi"Takes and int as MIDI data and sends it directly to the MIDI out backend"--
SplitMeasure::paramsNo help--
StartTupletAsks for ratio of tuplet and then puts in a start for that. Use EndTuplet command after entering tuplet notes. Note that the Denemo display will not automatically group the tuplet, but it will print with expected beaming etc.Start Arbitrary Tuplet/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Tuplets
InitializePlaybackNo help--
DeleteSelectionLeaveEmptyDelete all selected objects and leave empty measures behindDelete Selected Objects/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
AddNoteBInserts note B after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert B After-
DirectivePut-score-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
IsSlurEnd"Returns #t if there is a chord with slur ending at cursor, else #f"--
SingleDigitTimeSig::paramsNo help--
TransposeScorePrint::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Insert44TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 4/4 Time-
AM::generateHidden8thstaffsNo help--
ChangeStaff(Print) the current voice moves to the staff you name.Change Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
GoToMeasureEndMove the Cursor to the end of the measureGo To Measure End-
DirectiveGet-paper-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveActivate-note"Activates a note directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
FinalizePrintNo help--
DeleteSelectionLeaveEmpty::paramsNo help--
InsertBInserts note B before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert B-
NextMidiNotes"Takes an interval, returns a pair, a list of the next note-on events that occur within that interval and the time of these events."--
DenemoForwardNo help--
ScoreTagline Centered at the bottom of the last page.Tagline/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles
DirectiveGet-header-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
Insert42TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 4/2 Time-
AM::generateHidden5thNo help--
ChangeStaff::paramsNo help--
GoToMeasureEnd::paramsNo help--
StopStaffStop drawing the staff and barlines in Lilypond. Notes are still drawn.(Print) Stop Drawing Staff/ObjectMenu/Directives/Staff
InitializePrintNo help--
MoveToAMoves cursor to nearest note AMove to A-
ProbeNo help--
GetNewTarget"Interactively gets a target (a click on a LilyPond link in the printview window) from the user "--
ScoreTagline::paramsNo help--
AddHighestDownMinor2Add a minor second as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Minor 2nd below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
Insert32TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 3/2 Time-
DirectivePut-timesig-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
OutputMidiBytesNo help--
StopStaff::paramsNo help--
CaptureMeasuresForStaffCreates blank measures one for each measure captured as a screenshot from one of a set of parts. Display the source score on the screen using any program. Click on opposite corners of each measure in turn to capture that measure as an image into Denemo. Right-click or scroll-wheel to switch corners to adjust. Press any key to finish. This command is for capturing in parts form; to capture in full score use CaptureMeasures commandCapture Measures (one staff)/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/CaptureScore
ChangeToAChanges note at cursor to nearest note A Rhythm is unchangedChange to A-
MajorMinorAugmentedOrDiminishedDetermine if the chord sounded is Major Minor Augmented or DiminishedMajorMinorAugmentedDiminished/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
DirectivePut-clef-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
IsSlurStart"Returns #t if there is a chord with slur starting at cursor, else #f"--
RepeatEndInsert a barline indicating the end of a repeated section.Repeat End Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
AddHighestDownMinor2::paramsNo help--
DirectiveDelete-stemdirective"Deletes a stemdirective directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
Insert22TimeNo Tooltip yetInsert 2/2 Time-
AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalFirst5thNo help--
Eb-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedEb Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
PlayMidiKeyNo help--
DirectiveGet-paper-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
StartTuplet::paramsNo help--
DirectiveDelete-note"Deletes a note directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
DefaultFinalizeTypesettingNo help--
CaptureMeasuresForStaff::paramsNo help--
AddAAdds note A to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd A-
RestartPlay"Restart midi play, cancelling any pause"--
MajorMinorAugmentedOrDiminished::paramsNo help--
RepeatEnd::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-header-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
SetInitialSopranoClefNo Tooltip yetSet Soprano Clef-
PendingMidi"Takes a midi note key and plays it with next rhythm effect"--
ToggleArpeggioMark/Unmark chord with an arpeggioArpeggio (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DenemoNextNo help--
ShiftRealHalfUpTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one half tone upHalf tone up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
Eb-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
AddNoteAInserts note A after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert A After-
PositionEqual?No help--
GetTargetInfo"Returns a list of the target type and grob (if a directive). Target is set by clicking on the typeset version of the score at a link that LilyPond has inserted."--
ANS::RandomChromaticNo help--
SetInitialTenorClefNo Tooltip yetSet Tenor Clef-
AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalFirst8thNo help--
DirectivePut-timesig-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShiftRealHalfUp::paramsNo help--
TweakOffsetNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DefaultInitializeTypesettingNo help--
ToggleStemSupportFingerings and String numbers will be moved to avoid colliding with stems on typesetting.Avoid Collisions with Stems/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings
InsertAInserts note A before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert A-
DirectivePut-timesig-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
IsTied"Returns #t if there is a tied note/chord at cursor, else #f"--
GoToMeasureBeginningNo help--
ToggleArpeggio::paramsNo help--
ChangeEnharmonicDownSwitch through enharmonic variants of the same sounding note in the direction of lower diatonic base notesChange Enharmonic -/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
DirectiveActivate-stemdirective"Activates a stemdirective directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
SetInitialAltoClefNo Tooltip yetSet Alto Clef-
ChoirStaffStartStart grouping single staves together in order to form multi-stave systems. In a ChoirStaff, the group starts with a bracket, but bar lines are not connected. ChoirStaff Start/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
DirectiveDelete-paper"Deletes a paper directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
DirectiveGetNthTag-movementcontrol"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth movementcontrol directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
ToggleStemSupport::paramsNo help--
GetMidiOnTime"Return a number, the midi time in seconds for the start of the object at the cursor; return #f if none "--
PrevDirectiveOfTagInMeasureNo help--
ChangeEnharmonicDown::paramsNo help--
JumpUpOctaveMoves cursor up one octave.Octave Up/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
SetInitialg8clefNo Tooltip yetSet G8 Clef-
AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalMain4thNo help--
DeleteRhythmDelete the selected music snippet/rhythm patternDelete Snippet-
PlayMidiNote"Takes midi key number, volume 0-255, duration in ms and channel 0-15 and plays the note on midi out."--
ChoirStaffStart::paramsNo help--
ToggleAccentMark/Unmark the current chord accentedAccent (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DefaultFinalizeMidiGenerationNo help--
RehearsalMarkAdds a Denemo bookmark combined with a default Rehearsal MarkAdd Rehearsal/Bookmark/ObjectMenu/Directives
NextDirectiveOfTagInMeasureNo help--
EndSecondTimeBarCloses the second time bar peviously opened (printing)Close Second Time Bar/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
PopupMenu"Pops up a menu given by the list of pairs in the argument. Each pair should be a label string and an expression, the expression for the chosen label is returned. Alternatively the label string can be replaced by a pair of strings, label . tooltip. The third syntax is just a list of string labels, the chosen string is returned."--
DenemoGoForwardNo help--
MouseDefaultMouse left click positions the cursor, right click edits, left-click with caps-lock does nothing..Mouse Default Action/MainMenu/InputMenu/Mouse
SetInitialBassClefNo Tooltip yetSet Bass Clef-
DirectiveGet-timesig-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
CreateRhythmCopy selection as music snippet or rhythm pattern for notes to follow as they are enteredCreate Snippet-
duration::GetMetricalPositionNo help--
ToggleAccent::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
JumpUpOctave::paramsNo help--
RehearsalMark::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick-InsertStringAsBinaryRhythmGive a string to generate a rhythm out of its ascii chars in binary encodingInsert String as Binary Rhythm/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/GenerateRhythmFromString
DirectivePut-tuplet-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
IsGrace"Returns #t if there is a grace note/chord at cursor, else #f"--
NextDirectiveOfTagNo help--
EndSecondTimeBar::paramsNo help--
MouseDefault::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-stemdirective"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a stemdirective directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
SetInitialTrebleClefNo Tooltip yetSet Treble Clef-
AM::hiddencrossed8thNo help--
ClearOverlayClear the list of pitches that overlay the notesClear Overlay-
duration::GetDenominatorInTicksNo help--
SectionPrints a subtitle for the current movementSub-Title/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Book Titles
DirectiveActivate-paper"Activates a paper directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
ReBarRemoves gaps in duration of measures, redistributes the notes according to the time signature.Adjust the Measure Lengths/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
DirectiveGetNthTag-layout"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth layout directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DefaultInitializeMidiGenerationNo help--
GetMidiOffTime"Return a number, the midi time in seconds for the end of the object at the cursor; return #f if none "--
NotationMagick-InsertStringAsBinaryRhythm::paramsNo help--
PrevDirectiveOfTagNo help--
PageBreak(Print) Forces a new page at this barline.Page Break/ObjectMenu/Directives
InsertSopranoClefNo Tooltip yetNew Soprano Clef-
ToggleRhythmToggle audible feedback on/offToggle Audible Feedback-
duration::GetDenominatorNo help--
Section::paramsNo help--
OneShotTimer"Takes duration and executable scheme script. Executes the passed scheme code after the passed duration milliseconds"--
ReBar::paramsNo help--
CloseSourceAudioFileDrops the audio track attached to the current movement.Close Source Audio File/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu/Audio
AccompanistsScoreSets/Unsets the top staff of each movement to a tiny font, with the lower staffs - the accompaniment - at the normal font. Print effect only.(Print) Accompanist's Score/ObjectMenu/Score
MoveToColumnEndNo help--
DetachQuitCallback"Removes a callback from the current musical score"--
ANS::RandomDiatonicNo help--
PageBreak::paramsNo help--
InsertTenorClefNo Tooltip yetNew Tenor Clef-
AM::hiddencrossed5thNo help--
DirectiveGet-timesig-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleRestToggle between note entry and rest entryToggle Rest Mode-
duration::GetNumeratorNo help--
IntelligentDeleteDeletes a single object at the cursor, an empty measure or the complete selection.Delete/MainMenu/EditMenu
NotationMagick-SortSelectionDescendingSort all notes in the selection, descending order.Sort Selection (Descending)/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
LongaAppend/Insert Longa durationLonga/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration
DefaultFinalizePlaybackNo help--
AccompanistsScore::paramsNo help--
SetCurrentVoiceAsStaffThe current voice will be typeset on its own staff.Voice to Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DirectivePut-stemdirective-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetNonprinting"Sets the Non Printing attribute of a chord (or note/rest) at the cursor. For a rest this makes a non printing rest, for a note it makes it ia pure rhythm (which will not print, but can be assigned pitch, e.g. via a MIDI keyboard. Pass in #f to unset the attribute"--
FindPrevObjectAllColumnsNo help--
DenemoPauseNo help--
CloseSourceAudioFile::paramsNo help--
ScorePoetName of the poet, flush-left below the subsubtitle.Poet/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
DirectivePut-keysig-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertAltoClefNo Tooltip yetNew Alto Clef-
ToggleEditToggle between current mode and edit modeToggle Edit Mode-
IntelligentDelete::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-paper"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a paper directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
DirectiveGetNthTag-paper"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth paper directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
Longa::paramsNo help--
ChangeModwheelChange the Modwheel value of a channel/staff1 Modwheel/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
SetCurrentVoiceAsStaff::paramsNo help--
SetPlaybackInterval"Set start and/or end time for playback to the passed numbers/strings in seconds. Use #t if a value is not to be changed. Returns #f for bad parameters "--
HarmonicSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark current selection of object with a harmonicHarmonic (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
FindNextObjectAllColumnsNo help--
DenemoPlayNo help--
ScorePoet::paramsNo help--
AddHighestDownMajor2Add a major second as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Major 2nd below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
Insertg8clefNo Tooltip yetNew G8 Clef-
AM::anti8thNo help--
FetchCommandsRefreshes the set of commands available from Use More Commands after this has finishedUpdate Commands from Internet-
Timer"Takes a duration and scheme script, starts a timer that tries to execute the script after every duration ms. It returns a timer id which must be passed back to destroy the timer"--
NotationMagick-SortSelectionDescending::paramsNo help--
ChangeModwheel::paramsNo help--
DefaultInitializePlaybackNo help--
CaptureMeasuresCreates blank measures one for each measure captured as a screenshot from a source score. Display the source score using any program. Click on opposite corners of each measure in turn to capture that measure as an image into Denemo. Right-click or scroll-wheel to switch corners to adjust. Press any key to finish. This command is for capturing in score form; to underlay each part with its own source measure use CaptureMeasuresPartPerStaff Capture Measures (Score)/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/CaptureScore
MajorOrAugmentedDetermine if chord sounded is Major or AugmentedMajorAugmented/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
HarmonicSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
AttachQuitCallback"Takes a script as a string, which will be stored. All the callbacks are called when the musical score is closed"--
AddHighestDownMajor2::paramsNo help--
InsertBassClefNo Tooltip yetNew Bass Clef-
DirectiveGet-timesig-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
MyCommandsAllows choosing extra commands/menu items from your own collection of extrasMy Commands-
duration::InsertBaseDurationListNo help--
RepeatStartInsert a barline indicating the start of a repeated section.Repeat Start Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
CaptureMeasures::paramsNo help--
MajorOrAugmented::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-keysig-grob"Writes the grob field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetNonprinting"Returns #t if there is an object at the cursor which has any printing behavior it may have overridden"--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::randomNo help--
DirectivePut-keysig-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertTrebleClefNo Tooltip yetNew Treble Clef-
AM::anti5thNo help--
MoreCommandsAllows choosing standard extra commands/menu itemsMore Commands-
RepeatStart::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShiftRealWholeDownTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one whole tone downWhole tone down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
DirectiveGetNthTag-header"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth header directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DefaultFinalizePrintNo help--
AdjustPlaybackStart"Adjust start time for playback by passed number of seconds. Returns #f for bad parameter "--
UpBowSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark current selection or note with UpBowUpBow (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
ANS::ConsecutiveIndirect?No help--
TallerStaffsNo Tooltip yetTaller Staffs-
AboutGives the version number etc of this programAbout-
ShiftRealWholeDown::paramsNo help--
DeactivateTimeSignatureStencilDeactivates the stencil for Time Signatures for the whole score, which prevents them from getting drawn and taking space. But the logic is still active.(Print) Don't Engrave Time Signatures/ObjectMenu/Score
PlayAtCursorSounds the note or chord at the cursor, using the current staffs instrument.Play Chord at Cursor/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
GetStringPref"Takes string name of a string-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f"--
DefaultDenemoPlayNo help--
UpBowSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
ANS::ConsecutiveHiddenCrossed?No help--
ShorterStaffsNo Tooltip yetShorter Staffs-
AM::hidden8thNo help--
DirectivePut-timesig-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
HelpOpens a browser on the user manualBrowse Manual-
PianoStaffEndStop PianoStaff multi-stave system.PianoStaff End/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
HideOssiaPlace this at the end of the music to be printed from the Ossia staffHide Ossia/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Ossia
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
DefaultInitializePrintNo help--
PlayAtCursor::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-standalone-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
HighlightCursor"Turn highlighting of cursor off/on"--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::ConsecutiveHidden?No help--
DirectivePut-keysig-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
WidenMeasuresNo Tooltip yetWiden Measures-
PlaybackPropertiesAllows you to specify properties used in playing back (midi)Playback Properties-
PianoStaffEnd::paramsNo help--
PrintPartWithTitlePagePrints part with part name on title pagePrint Part with Title Page/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
DirectivePut-layout-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DeactivateTimeSignatureStencil::paramsNo help--
HideOssia::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-scoreheader"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth scoreheader directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
TextAbovePrints your text above the music at this pointArbitrary Text/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings
MusbObj::MoveToNo help--
PrevBookmarkSeach backward for bookmarks in the current staff.Prev Bookmark/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Bookmarks
AdjustPlaybackEnd"Adjust end time for playback by passed number of seconds. Returns #f for bad parameter "--
ANS::ConsecutiveAnti?No help--
MouseInsertionChanges the mouse use when CapsLock is on: left click inserts note in the prevailing duration. The shortcuts for number keys 0, 1, 2 ... are set to change the prevailing duration.Mouse Note Insertion/MainMenu/InputMenu/Mouse
ShrinkMeasuresNo Tooltip yetShrink Measure-
AM::hidden5thNo help--
PrintPartWithTitlePage::paramsNo help--
TextAbove::paramsNo help--
PrevBookmark::paramsNo help--
SelectLeftCreate a selection, move cursor left.Select Left/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
PARTIALNo help--
GetIntPref"Takes string name of an int-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f"--
Playback::LoopNo help--
ANS::IntervalGetStepsNo help--
ANS::ConsecutiveCrossed?No help--
MouseInsertion::paramsNo help--
DeleteMeasureAllStaffsDelete the current measure in all staffsDelete Measure All Staffs-
DirectivePut-timesig-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChapterPrints a heading in upper case for the current movement.Heading/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Book Titles
MergeWithNextMeasureJoins two measures together.Merge with Next Measure/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
DirectivePut-scoreheader-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SelectLeft::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-chord-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
AdjustXes"Adjusts the horizontal (x-) positioning of notes etc after paste"--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
DenemoStopNo help--
ANS::PillarOfFifthNo help--
LineBreak(Print) Start a new line (i.e. system) at this measure.Line Break/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectivePut-keysig-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DeleteMeasureDelete the current measure in this staff, leaving the staff shortStaff Delete Measure-
AM::crossed8thNo help--
DeleteMovementDelete the current movementDelete Movement-
duration::GetSelectionDurationInTicksNo help--
Chapter::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MergeWithNextMeasure::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-keysig"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth keysig directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
MusObj::maxPitchNo help--
ZoomResetZoom to 100%, restore the original sizeZoom to 100%/MainMenu/ViewMenu/Zoom
PushClipboard"Pushes the Denemo clipboard (cut/copy buffer) onto a stack; Use d-PopClipboard to retrieve it."--
LineBreak::paramsNo help--
AppendMeasureNo Tooltip yetStaff Append Measure-
Bb-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedBb Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
PreviousMovementGo to the previous movementPrevious Movement-
duration::GetBaseDurationInTicksNo help--
ANS::PillarOfFifthIndexNo help--
ChangeEnharmonicUpShift through enharmonic variants of the same sounding note in the direction of higher diatonic base notes.Change Enharmonic +/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
ZoomReset::paramsNo help--
SetCurrentStaffAsVoiceThe current staff will be typeset as a voice on the staff above.Staff to Voice/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
FIGURENo help--
ToggleCursorHighlightShows up the position of the cursor more clearly (off/on)Cursor Highlighting (Off/On)/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
StoppedSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark the selected notes stoppedStopped (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
GetBooleanPref"Takes string name of a boolean-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f, ensure that the preference name is correct before using."--
ScoreOpusName of the opus, flush-right below the arranger.Opus/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
InsertMeasureAfterInsert a blank measure in current staff after the current measureStaff Insert Measure After-
AM::crossed5thNo help--
ANS::NoteTableNo help--
Bb-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
NextMovementGo to the next movementNext Movement-
DirectivePut-timesig-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
duration::GetNumberOfDotsInTicksNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetNoteUnderCursorAsLilypondNo help--
SetCurrentStaffAsVoice::paramsNo help--
LYRICNo help--
VoiceToStaff"Makes the current voice a independent staff"--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleCursorHighlight::paramsNo help--
StoppedSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
SecondTimeBarCloses first time bars and starts second time bar(s) (printing)Second Time Bar/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
ScoreOpus::paramsNo help--
InsertMeasureBeforeInsert a blank measure before the current one (in current staff)Staff Insert Measure Before-
DirectiveGet-keysig-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
MoveToEndCursor to end of staff/voice, without extending selection if anyMove to Staff/Voice End-
DirectivePut-layout-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ANS::NoteTableRNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-stemdirective"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth stemdirective directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
AddHighestDownPerfect1Add a perfect prime as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Perfect 1st below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
CreateMusObjCursorNoteNo help--
BeamingOn(Print) Start automatic beaming at this point in score. (Used after turning beaming off).Start Beaming/ObjectMenu/Directives
PopClipboard"Pops the Denemo clipboard (cut/copy buffer) from a stack created by d-PushClipboard. Returs #f if nothing on stack, else #t."--
GRACE_ENDNo help--
DiminishedOrMinorDetermine if the chord sounded is Diminished or MinorDiminishedMinor/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
DenemoRewindNo help--
AAppend/Edit AA-
AddMeasureInsert a blank measure after the current one (in all staffs)Insert Measure After-
AM::consecutive8thNo help--
MoveToBeginningCursor to start of staff/voice, without extending selection if anyMove to Staff/Voice Beginning-
DirectiveGet-note-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
DeleteLilyPondOnChordDeletes the LilyPond attached to the chord at the cursor.Delete LilyPond on Chord/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/Directives
AddHighestDownPerfect1::paramsNo help--
BeamingOn::paramsNo help--
DiminishedOrMinor::paramsNo help--
SetPrefs"Takes xml representation of a preference and adds it to the Denemo preferences"--
MoveToMeasureRightMoves the cursor to the first object in the previous measureleaving selection, if any, unchangedMove to Measure Right-
ANS::ConsecutiveOpen?No help--
InsertMeasureInsert a blank measure before the current one (in all staffs)Insert Measure Before-
GoToEndCursor to end of staff/voice, extending selection if anyGo to End-
DirectivePut-timesig-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
duration::SplitTicksToBaseDurationsNo help--
DeleteLilyPondOnChord::paramsNo help--
ShiftRealWholeUpTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one whole tone upWhole tone up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
ChangeEnharmonicUp::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DYNAMICNo help--
StaffToVoice"Makes the current staff a voice belonging to the staff above"--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MarcatoSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark the selected notes marcatoMarcato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
MoveToMeasureLeftMoves the cursor to the first object in the next measure leaving selection, if any, unchangedMove to Measure Left-
DeletePreviousObjectDelete to the left of the cursor.Delete Previous Object-
DirectiveGet-keysig-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
AM::consecutive5thNo help--
GoToBeginningCursor to start of staff/voice, extending selection if anyGo to Beginning-
ShiftRealWholeUp::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-layout-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
BreveAppend/Insert BreveBreve/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration
ChangeGenericGeneric 0xB Control Change - User can give the midi bytes, too. Generic Control Change/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
DeleteSelection"Deletes all objects in the selection Returns #f if no selection else #t."--
SecondTimeBar::paramsNo help--
MeasureRightMoves the cursor to the first object in the previous measure, extending selection if anyMeasure Right-
ANS::Interval->SoundNo help--
set!musobj.dotsNo help--
DeleteObjectDelete the object at the cursorDelete Object-
AM::displayLilypondNo help--
TypesetVersesAtEndLet's you choose a number of verses to print at the end of the piece (movement). Use a customized score layout to prevent them from appearing beneath the music in addition.Typeset Verses at End/ObjectMenu/Lyrics
GoToMeasureOpens a dialog for going to a numbered measureGo to Measure-
DownbowSelectionSwitcherMark/Unmark selection or current objectDownBow (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectivePut-chord-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPreviousNo help--
MarcatoSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
PianoStaffStartStart grouping single staves together in order to form multi-stave systems. The PianoStaff is identical to a GrandStaff, except that it supports printing the instrument name directly.PianoStaff Start/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
Chordize"Enforces the treatment of the note at the cursor as a chord in LilyPond"--
MeasureLeftMoves the cursor to the first object in the next measure, extending selection if anyMeasure Left-
ChangeGeneric::paramsNo help--
ToggleTieTies/unties the note at the cursorToggle Tie-
TypesetVersesAtEnd::paramsNo help--
InsertBarlineInserts specialized barline at the cursor position. Mostly not workingInsert Barline-
DirectivePut-timesig-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleMarcatoMark/Unmark the current chord marcatoMarcato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectivePut-scoreheader-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
FingeringsDoublestrokePlace a fingering instruction on a noteFingerings/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
AM::displayNo help--
DownbowSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
GetMeasuresInStaff"Gives the number of measures in the current staff"--
PianoStaffStart::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MoveToStaffDownMoves the cursor to the staff below without altering selectionMove to Staff Down-
NoteNamesMoveChanges the shortcuts for note names a, b, c, d, e, f, g so that they move the cursor to the nearest note of that name.Note Names Move Cursor/MainMenu/InputMenu/Keyboard
InsertTiedNoteInserts a duplicate of the current note, tiedTied note-
DirectiveGet-keysig-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
NextBookmarkSeach forward for bookmarks in the current staff.Next Bookmark/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Bookmarks
AttachLilyToChordAttach or edit attached LilyPond text to the chord at the cursor. This can be used for attaching and placing text and much more. See LilyPond documentation.Attach Lilypond to Chord-
ToggleMarcato::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick-SortSelectionAscendingSort all notes in the selection, ascending order.Sort Selection (Ascending)/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
DirectiveGet-layout-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
FingeringsDoublestroke::paramsNo help--
SelectRightCreate a selection, move the cursor right.Select Right/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
SetThumbnailSelection"Sets the selection to be used for a thumbnail. Returns #f if no selection or selection not in first movement else #t."--
BARLINENo help--
NoteNamesMove::paramsNo help--
set!musobj.basedurationNo help--
RemoveDotNo Tooltip yetRemove Dot-
NextBookmark::paramsNo help--
AttachLilyToNoteAttach or edit attached LilyPond text to the note at the cursor. This can be used for guitar fingerings, cautionary accidentals and much more. See LilyPond documentation.Attach Lilypond to Note-
DirectiveGet-chord-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
TitledPiecePrints title for the current movement, which will get a page reference in a table of contents.Title/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Book Titles
NotationMagick-SortSelectionAscending::paramsNo help--
NoOpDoes absolutely nothing. Use to "blank" a shortcut.Null Operation/MainMenu/MoreMenu
Breve::paramsNo help--
SelectRight::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
KEYSIGNo help--
PrevStandaloneDirectiveInMeasure"Moves the cursor within the current measure to the previous object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
DenemoGoBackNo help--
ShortInstrumentNamePrints shortened form of instrument name before this staff for second and subsequent systemsShort Instrument Name/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
AddDotNo Tooltip yetAdd Dot-
DeleteDirectiveDelete a directive attached to chord/note at cursor.Delete a Directive-
DirectivePut-timesig-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
TitledPiece::paramsNo help--
MoveToColumnStartNo help--
NoOp::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AM::GenerateStaffListNo help--
TIMESIGNo help--
GetStaffsInClipboard"Gives the number of staffs in the Denemo Music Clipboard"--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SynchronizeAudioPlays the audio attached to the current movment. Creates a timing bar for each space bar press. Music written in the staffs below will synchronize with the audio.Synchronize Audio/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu/Audio
ShortInstrumentName::paramsNo help--
StemDownAlters a StemNeutral object to stem down.StemDown-
EditKeysigDirectiveEdit any directives attached to key signature.Edit Key Signature Directives-
duration::ticks->lilypondNo help--
ColumnEmpty?No help--
DirectiveGet-layout-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalFirstNo help--
ZoomOutZoom OutZoom Out/MainMenu/ViewMenu/Zoom
ShiftOnTurns on horizontal displacements of notes where needed.Use Horizontal Shifts/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
CreateThumbnail"Creates a thumbnail for the current score. With no argument it waits for the thumbnail to complete, freezing any display. With #t it generates the thumbnail asynchrously. It does not report on completion."--
CLEFNo help--
GraceNoteSwitcherTransforms the current selected notes into grace notes.Grace Note (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/GraceNotes
SynchronizeAudio::paramsNo help--
ScoreMeterMeter string, flush-left below the poet.Meter/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
set!musobj.durationNo help--
StemUpAlters a StemNeutral object to stem up.StemUp-
EditTimesigDirectiveEdit any directives attached to time signature.Edit Time Signature Directives-
MusicalSymbols-notesNo help--
DirectivePut-note-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MeasureBeginning?No help--
ANS::GetIntervalNo help--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
MusObj::GetIntervalNo help--
ShiftOn::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-keysig-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GraceNoteSwitcher::paramsNo help--
NextStandaloneDirectiveInMeasure"Moves the cursor within the current measure to the next object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
PendingFlattenIncreases the flatness of the next entered note. The status bar shows the current state.Flatten Next Note-
ZoomOut::paramsNo help--
EditClefDirectiveEdit any directives attached to clef.Edit Clef Directives-
DirectivePut-timesig-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetHighestAvailableNoteNo help--
MeasureEnd?No help--
BreathMarkInserts a Breath MarkBreath Mark/ObjectMenu/Directives
ScoreMeter::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddLowestUpMinor7Add a minor seventh as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Minor 7th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
ANS::CalculateDiatonicStepDownNo help--
musobj.durationNo help--
BeamingOff(Print)Stop automatic beaming from current position in score.Stop Beaming/ObjectMenu/Directives
duration::MetricalMain?No help--
TUPOPENNo help--
BassClefNoteNameSpeedTest%tests your ability to read the notes of the bass clef staffBass Clef Note Name Speed Recognition/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoFirstNo help--
PendingSharpenIncreases the sharpness of the next entered note. The status bar shows the current state.Sharpen Next Note-
EditMovementDirectiveEdit any directives attached to movement.Edit Movement Directives-
ClearClipboard"Clears the Denemo Music Clipboard"--
DeleteLilyPondOnNoteDeletes the LilyPond attached to the note where the cursor is.Delete LilyPond on Note/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Directives
DirectivePut-layout-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
BreathMark::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpMinor7::paramsNo help--
ANS::CalculateDiatonicStepUpNo help--
BeamingOff::paramsNo help--
MusObj::minPitchNo help--
Exit"Exits Denemo without saving history, prefs etc."--
CHORDNo help--
BassClefNoteNameSpeedTest::paramsNo help--
ShowOssiaPlace this at the start of the music to be printed from the Ossia staffShow Ossia/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Ossia
FlattenNo Tooltip yetFlatten-
EditScoreDirectiveEdit any directives attached to score.Edit Score Directives-
DirectiveGet-note-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
DeleteLilyPondOnNote::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsDeleteDelete note head style of this movement. Reset to whatever Score or Lilypond has set as default.Delete Movement Notehead Settings/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectiveGet-tuplet-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
GetUniquePairsFilterLowestNo help--
PrevStandaloneDirective"Moves the cursor the previous object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
ShowOssia::paramsNo help--
SharpenNo Tooltip yetSharpen-
F-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedF Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
EditVoiceDirectiveEdit any directives attached to voice.Edit Voice Directives-
DirectiveGet-timesig-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
GetLowestAvailableNoteNo help--
MovementNoteheadsDelete::paramsNo help--
SlurLongaInserts a 𝅛 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅛/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
DirectivePut-scoreheader-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
HideHides the object at cursor position with a lilypond directive. Currently only Notes and the three Signatures. No rests!(Print) Hide Object/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PortatoSelectionSwitcherMarks/Unmaks the selection with the PortatoPortato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
RemoveNoteFromChordRemove a note from the current chordRemove note-
ToggleNoteTieTies the note at the cursor leaving other notes in the current chord unchanged.Individual Note Tie (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/TiedNotes
EditStaffDirectiveEdit any directives attached to staff.Edit Staff Directives-
PutClipObj"Takes a staff number m and a object number n. Inserts the (m, n)th Denemo Object from Denemo Clipboard into the staff at the cursor position"--
StemDirective?No help--
DirectivePut-layout-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SlurLonga::paramsNo help--
Hide::paramsNo help--
F-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
TakeSnapshot"Snapshots the current movement putting it in the undo queue returns #f if no snapshot was taken because of a guard"--
GroupStaffEndStop GroupStaff multi-stave system.GroupStaff End/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
AddNoteToChordAdd a note to the current chord The cursor position determines which note to addAdd note-
ToggleNoteTie::paramsNo help--
EditDirectiveEdit any directives attached to chord/note at cursor.Edit Directives-
DirectivePut-chord-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
TaglineLinkCreates a tagline with a link in PDF output.Tagline with Link/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles
ChangePrintDurationLongaChange one chord member to appear like a longa duration without changing the original logic like measure calculation or the duration of newly added chord members.Change chord-member to longa/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/ChangePrintDuration
LoadDefaultComposerNumberkeysWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesReset Keys in Composer Mode/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectiveGet-tuplet-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalMainNo help--
GroupStaffEnd::paramsNo help--
NextStandaloneDirective"Moves the cursor the next object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
NoteNamesDefaultChanges the shortcuts for note names a, b, c, d, e, f, g so that they edit the note at the cursor, or append a note when in the appending position.Note Names Default Action/MainMenu/InputMenu/Keyboard
InsertSeptupletNo Tooltip yetInsert Septuplet-
InvertedMapNo help--
TransposeStaffPrintPrints this staff (only) transposed. This is in addtion to any score-wide transposition(Print) Transpose/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
EditObjectEdit the object at the cursor.Edit Object-
DirectiveGet-timesig-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
duration::ticks->denemoNo help--
TaglineLink::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ChangePrintDurationLonga::paramsNo help--
ANS::CalculateHalfRealStepDownNo help--
LoadDefaultComposerNumberkeys::paramsNo help--
LoadSelectDurationComposerNumberkeysChange the number keys to select the prevailing duration in composer mode.Change to 'Select Duration' Number Keys in Composer Mode/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
FirstTimeBarCloses a repeated section and starts a first time bar (printing)First Time Bar/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
NoteNamesDefault::paramsNo help--
InsertSextupletNo Tooltip yetInsert Sextuplet-
TransposeStaffPrint::paramsNo help--
InsertDynamicInserts a dynamic marking at the cursor positionInsert Dynamics-
duration::lilypond->ticksNo help--
GetClipObjects"Takes a staff number m, Returns the number of objects in the mth staff on the Denemo Clipboard or #f if none."--
TupletClose?No help--
FinishCadenzaReturns to normal barlines etc after a cadenzaEnd Cadenza/ObjectMenu/Directives
ANS::CalculateHalfRealStepUpNo help--
SelectDefaultLayout"Creates the default layout."--
LoadSelectDurationComposerNumberkeys::paramsNo help--
BookPoetPrints the poet or lyricist name on title pagePoet/Lyricist/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
PortatoSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
FirstTimeBar::paramsNo help--
InstrumentNamePrint Instrument name before staff at start of score,Instrument Name/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
EditChordsAllows chord symbols to be added to the current note. E.G.cis:dim7 for c-sharp diminished 7th. See Lilypond docs for notationEdit Chord Symbols-
duration::denemo->ticksNo help--
DirectiveGet-chord-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
FinishCadenza::paramsNo help--
ANS::CalculateWholeRealStepDownNo help--
InsertQuintupletNo Tooltip yetInsert Quintuplet-
DirectiveGet-tuplet-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
BookPoet::paramsNo help--
InsertSnippet"Inserts music Snippet from passed id Returns #f if not possible"--
DirectiveGet-header-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
InstrumentName::paramsNo help--
ShowFiguredBassShow the figured bass on the current staff on printingShow Figures (Print)-
DirectiveGet-timesig-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
duration::lilypond->denemoNo help--
TupletOpen?No help--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::CalculateWholeRealStepUpNo help--
InsertQuadtupletNo Tooltip yetInsert Quadtuplet-
ShiftOffTurns off horizontal displacement of notes (which avoid collisions between parts)No Horizontal Shifts/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
CloseReopenRepeatCloses and open repeat block and opens a new one.Close and Reopen Repeat/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
HideFiguredBassHide the figured bass on the current staff on printingHide Figures (Print)-
GetClipObjType"Takes a staff number m and a object number n. Returns the type of object at the (m, n)th position on the Denemo Clipboard or #f if none."--
Tupletclose?No help--
ScoreInstrumentName of the instrument, centered below the subsubtitle. Also centered at the top of pages (other than the first page).Instrument/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
ANS::CalculateRealOctaveDownNo help--
InsertLongaRestInsert a rest with longa durationLonga Rest/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
EndTupletNo Tooltip yetEnd Tuplet-
ShiftOff::paramsNo help--
CreateLayout"Creates a custom layout from the currently selected (standard) layout if the score layouts window is open. Uses the passed name for the new layout. Returns #f if nothing happened. An additional parameter #t can force creation of the layout while score layout window is closed."--
CloseReopenRepeat::paramsNo help--
ChangePadNo help--
DeleteFiguredBassDelete the figured bass on the current staffDelete Figures-
duration::denemo->lilypondNo help--
DirectivePut-note-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Tupletopen?No help--
NotationMagick-ShuffleSelectedObjectsShuffle the selected objectsShuffle Selected Objects/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
ScoreInstrument::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpMajor7Add a major seventh as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Major 7th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
ANS::CalculateRealOctaveUpNo help--
InsertLongaRest::paramsNo help--
ChangeVolumeChange the Volume of a channel/staffVolume/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
StartTripletNo Tooltip yetStart Triplet-
DirectiveGet-tuplet-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
GetUniquePairsNo help--
NoteNameSpeedTest%tests your ability to name the notes of the scaleNote Name Speed Recognition/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
SelectSnippet"Selects music Snippet from passed id Returns #f if not possible"--
DirectiveGet-header-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
DeleteBeamingDirectiveDeletes a ] or [ (end or start beam) directive on the current chord.Delete Beaming Directive/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
EditFiguredBassAdd a bass figure to the current note. Use | sign to split the duration of a note so as to have multiple figures on one note. See Lilypond docs for other notationInsert/Edit Figured Bass-
DirectiveGet-timesig-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
duration::GetNumberOfDotsInDenemoNo help--
Tupletmarker?No help--
EndBeamInstructs LilyPond engraver to stop previously started manual beaming. Print effect only.End Beam/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
AddLowestUpMajor7::paramsNo help--
GetHighestNoteNo help--
ChangeVolume::paramsNo help--
InsertTripletNo Tooltip yetInsert Triplet-
NoteNameSpeedTest::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
SetPaddingNo help--
DeleteBeamingDirective::paramsNo help--
DeleteVerseDeletes current verse of lyrics from current voiceDelete Verse-
SetBackground"Set passed 24 bit number as RGB color of background."--
EndBeam::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsSlashSlash note head style for the current movement.Slash/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
ANS::AddIntervalAsChordnoteFromHighestDownNo help--
InsertDupletNo Tooltip yetInsert Duplet-
GetLayoutId"Returns the id of the currently selected score layout (see View->Score Layout). Returns #f if no layout is selected."--
AddVerseAdd a verse of lyricsAdd Lyric Verse-
duration::GetNumberOfDotsInLilypondNo help--
DirectiveGet-note-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
Clef?No help--
MovementNoteheadsSlash::paramsNo help--
SlurBreveInserts a 𝅜 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅜/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
GetLowestNoteNo help--
ToggleBlankModeNo Tooltip yetToggle Blank Mode-
DirectiveGet-tuplet-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
SetTuningAllStaffsAt this time during playback switch to the temperament set when this command was invoked.Set Tuning Across All Staffs/ObjectMenu/Directives/Tuning
CreateSnippetFromObject"Creates a music Snippet comprising the object at the cursor Returns #f if not possible, otherwise an identifier for that snippet"--
DirectiveGet-header-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
FictaPrints the accidental above rather than before the note. In European music from before about 1600, singers were expected to chromatically alter notes at their own initiative according to certain rules. This is called musica ficta. In modern transcriptions, these accidentals are usually printed over the note.Ficta Accidental/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
InsertStemInserts a stem neutral object. After this automatic stem directions are active. You can click on this tag and use Sharpen/StemUp etc commands to change stem directionAuto Stemming-
DirectiveGet-timesig-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
duration::CalculateDotsFromTicksNo help--
NotationMagick-ShuffleSelectedObjects::paramsNo help--
SlurBreve::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::AddIntervalAsChordnoteFromLowestUpNo help--
ToggleRestModeNo Tooltip yetToggle Rest Mode-
SetTuningAllStaffs::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
GroupStaffStartStart grouping single staves together in order to form multi-stave systems. In the StaffGroup context, the group is started with a bracket and bar lines are drawn through all the staves.GroupStaff Start/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
Ficta::paramsNo help--
ChangeNoteheadChange the type of notehead for the current noteSet Notehead-
SetTuplet"Set passed string as numerator/denominator for a tuplet open at cursor"--
Keysignature?No help--
PrintTwoReducedPrints the top two staffs on a single staff as cue.Print Two Parts as Cue for Accompanist/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
ANS::IntervalCalcDownNo help--
OpZeroWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpZero/MainMenu/MoreMenu
InsertBlankTwoHundredFiftySixthNoteInsert a non-printing 𝅃 rest𝅃 Spacer-
AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgressionNo help--
GroupStaffStart::paramsNo help--
OpenAudioOpens an audio file which will be mixed with the current movement.Open Source Audio/MainMenu/FileMenu/OpenMenu
CreateOssiaStaffCreates a small staff above the current staff for inserting cues, ossia passages etc. Use Show Ossia and Hide Ossia to show specific measures.Create Ossia Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Ossia
SetNewbieStatusSets your status as a newbie on or off. This affects the tooltips. Note you can also delay tooltips, indefinitely if you wish, via the preferences dialog. See Edit->Change Preferences->Command BehaviourTurn Excessive Tooltips (Off/On)/MainMenu/HelpMenu
ChordCommentAttach a textual comment to the chord at the cursorComment/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
InsertTimeSigEdit/Insert a time signature change for the current measureTime Signature Change-
DirectivePut-chord-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PrintTwoReduced::paramsNo help--
OpZero::paramsNo help--
InsertBlankOneHundredTwentyEighthNoteInsert a non-printing 𝅂 rest𝅂 Spacer-
DirectiveDelete-tuplet"Deletes a tuplet directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
CongruentiaPrint congruentia / canon symbolCongruentia/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks
PrevNote"Moves the cursor the previous object of type CHORD which is not a rest in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
DirectiveGet-header-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
OpenAudio::paramsNo help--
SetNewbieStatus::paramsNo help--
ChordComment::paramsNo help--
InitialTimeSigSet the initial time signature of the current staffInital Time Signature-
DirectiveGet-timesig-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
duration::CalculateTicksWithDotsNo help--
Timesignature?No help--
CreateOssiaStaff::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::IntervalCalcUpNo help--
InsertBlankSixtyfourthNoteInsert a non-printing 𝅁 rest𝅁 Spacer-
MapToAbstractionMovementNo help--
Congruentia::paramsNo help--
BookComposerPrints a composer name on title pageComposer/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
CadenzaOnTurns off barlines etc for cadenzaStart Cadenza/ObjectMenu/Directives
HideEmptyStaffsControls whether staffs containing only rests are printed.Hide Empty Staffs (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/Score/Print Layout
InsertKeyInsert/Edit a key change at the cursor positionKey Signature Change-
duration::GuessBaseNoteInTicksNo help--
Preview4Bars::paramsNo help--
GetTuplet"Returns a string numerator/denominator for a tuplet open object or #f if cursor not on a tuplet open"--
DirectivePut-voice-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ANS::GetDiatonicNo help--
InsertBlankThirtysecondNoteInsert a non-printing 𝅀 rest𝅀 Spacer-
BookComposer::paramsNo help--
CadenzaOn::paramsNo help--
ChangeRelativeFontSizeNo help--
HideEmptyStaffs::paramsNo help--
InitialKeySet the initial key signature of the current staffInitial Key-
duration::inexact->exactNo help--
Preview4BarsPrint preview of current bar and the next three.Preview Four Bars/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
DirectiveGet-chord-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
Directive?No help--
InsertBlankSixteenthNoteInsert a non-printing 𝄿 rest𝄿 Spacer-
DirectiveActivate-tuplet"Activates a tuplet directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
NotationMagick-MirrorSelectedObjectsMirror the selected notes. Axis is the cursor position.Mirror Selected Objects (Axis=Cursor)/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
ZoomInZoom InZoom In/MainMenu/ViewMenu/Zoom
PrintWithAmbitusPrints the score printing the range (ambitus) of each part at the start of the staffPrint with Ambitus/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
ShiftDownTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one step down, stay in the keysignature.Tonal step down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
NextNote"Moves the cursor the next object of type CHORD which is not a rest in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
DirectiveDelete-header"Deletes a header directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
SetValueNo help--
MIDI-shortcut::pitchbendNo help--
InsertClefInsert/Edit a change of clef at the cursorClef Change-
DirectiveGet-timesig-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
ScoreDedicationThe dedicatee of the music, centered at the top of the first page.Dedication/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
InsertBlankEighthNoteInsert a non-printing 𝄾 rest𝄾 Spacer-
NotationMagick-MirrorSelectedObjects::paramsNo help--
ApplyTestsToAbstractionMovementPositionsNo help--
ZoomIn::paramsNo help--
C-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedC Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
PrintWithAmbitus::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
ShiftDown::paramsNo help--
TogglePortatoMark/Unmark the chord PortatoPortato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
Pitchbend::timerNo help--
InitialClefChange the initial clef of the current staffInitial Clef-
GetLilyPond"Returns the lilypond typesetting text for object at the cursor or #f if the object has not yet been typeset"--
Singlenote?No help--
DirectivePut-score-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ScoreDedication::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpMinor6Add a minor sixth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Minor 6th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
InsertBlankQuarterNoteInsert a non-printing 𝄽 rest𝄽 Spacer-
C-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
TogglePortato::paramsNo help--
SetRelativeFontSizeNo help--
StaffPropertiesChange the properties of the current staffStaff Properties-
ReadingNoteNamesSolfege%tests your ability to name the notes of the scaleSolfege Note Name Recognition/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DirectivePut-note-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
StartBeamInstructs the LilyPond engraver to start a beam here. (Print effect only)Start Beam/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
AddLowestUpMinor6::paramsNo help--
ANS::IntervalCalcPrototypeNo help--
InsertBlankHalfNoteInsert a non-printing 𝄼 rest𝄼 Spacer-
DirectiveTextEdit-tuplet"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a tuplet directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
Directive-standalone?No help--
PrevChordInMeasure"Moves the cursor the the previous object of type CHORD in the current measure. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
DirectiveActivate-header"Activates a header directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
defstructNo help--
AddVoiceAdds a new voice (part), to the current staff. It is tricky to switch between the voices. Suggest to use merge staffsAdd Voice-
DirectiveGet-timesig-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
ReadingNoteNamesSolfege::paramsNo help--
Chord?No help--
StartBeam::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ChangePrintDurationBreveChange one chord member to appear like a breve duration without changing the original logic like measure calculation or the duration of newly added chord members.Change chord-member to breve/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/ChangePrintDuration
InsertBlankWholeNoteInsert a non-printing 𝄻 rest𝄻 Spacer-
PasteAbstractionMovementNo help--
MeasureComplete?No help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
MovementNoteheadsXcircleXcircle note head style for the current movement.Xcircle/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectivePut-score-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DeleteAfterDeletes the staff after the current staffDelete Staff After-
GetType"Returns the name of the type of object at the cursor"--
DirectivePut-note-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Slur7Inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅲 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥𝅲/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
ChangePrintDurationBreve::paramsNo help--
ANS::AlterationNo help--
InsertSixtyfourthRestInsert 𝅁 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝅁</span>-
SetTuningStaffAt this time in playback the current staff's tuning will switch to the temperament selected when this command is invoked.Set Tuning for Current Staff/ObjectMenu/Directives/Tuning
DirectiveGet-clef-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
OverfullMeasure?No help--
CloseRepeatCloses a section that starts with an Open Repeat. Not needed with 1st and 2nd time bars. (Printing)Close a Repeat Section/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
MovementNoteheadsXcircle::paramsNo help--
CustosPrints a custos at the end of each line for the current movement. Repeat command to turn custos off.Custos (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
DeleteStaffDeletes the current staffDelete Current Staff-
DirectiveGet-note-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
Slur7::paramsNo help--
InsertThirtysecondRestInsert 𝅀 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝅀</span>-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetTuningStaff::paramsNo help--
FullDurationMeasure?No help--
Import-MusicXmlTry to Import a MusicXml fileImport MusicXml/MainMenu/FileMenu/Import
CloseRepeat::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-header"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a header directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
Custos::paramsNo help--
DeleteBeforeDeletes the staff before the current staffDelete Staff Before-
NextChordInMeasure"Moves the cursor the the next object of type CHORD in the current measure. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
ToggleCheckChordsAdvances through the current movement as you play the notes, stopping for wrong or missing notes in MIDI in.Check Chords (On/Off)/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::GetHalfToneDistanceFromCNo help--
OpNineWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpNine/MainMenu/MoreMenu
ChangeProgramChange the Program of the current channel/staffProgram/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
InsertSixteenthRestInsert 𝄿 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝄿</span>-
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
Import-MusicXml::paramsNo help--
StaffCommentSaves textual comments for this staffComment/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
AddLastInserts a new staff at the end of the scoreAdd Last Staff-
LocateDotDenemo"Returns the directory holding the user's preferences"--
DirectivePut-chord-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleCheckChords::paramsNo help--
ANS::GetWhiteKeyNo help--
OpNine::paramsNo help--
HelpForReturnKeyDoes nothing except explain what the Return key is used for in Denemo, and how to make it an ordinary shortcut if you prefer.Help for Return Keypress/MainMenu/HelpMenu
InsertEighthRestInsert 𝄾 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝄾</span>-
musobj.metricalpNo help--
DirectiveGet-clef-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeProgram::paramsNo help--
MIDI-shortcut::controllerNo help--
list-positionNo help--
StaffComment::paramsNo help--
AddInitialInserts a new staff at the top of the scoreAdd Initial Staff-
VoicesDoublestrokeChoose a preset for four voices or automatic voice.Voice Preset/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
DirectivePut-chord-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PlayNoteNo help--
InsertBreveRestInsert a rest with breve durationBreve Rest/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
HelpForReturnKey::paramsNo help--
InsertQuarterRestInsert 𝄽 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝄽</span>-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
set!musobj.metricalpNo help--
BookCopyrightPrints a copyright notice on title pageCopyright/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
DirectivePut-paper-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SplitChordSplit a chord into a specific amount of smaller notes while preserving original duration, generating tuplets if necessary. Not for rests.Split Note/Chord/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
AddAfterInserts/Adds a new staff after the current staffAdd Staff After-
MoveNoteToCursor::paramsNo help--
VoicesDoublestroke::paramsNo help--
PrevChord"Moves the cursor the the previous object of type CHORD in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
InsertBreveRest::paramsNo help--
RecreateTimebaseRecalculates the timing of each note.Create Timebase/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
InsertHalfRestInsert 𝄼 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝄼</span>-
musobj.horizontalNo help--
MeasureFillStatusNo help--
BookCopyright::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
SplitChord::paramsNo help--
AlterPositionsNo help--
ANS::GetOctaveNo help--
AddBeforeInserts a new staff before the current staffAdd Staff Before-
MoveNoteToCursorMoves the nearest note to join the cursorTo Cursor/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
ActivateMenuItem"Takes a string, a menu path (from below menus). It executes the command for that menu item. Returns #f for no menu item."--
DirectivePut-standalone-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
RecreateTimebase::paramsNo help--
InsertWholeRestInsert 𝄻 rest<span font_desc="Denemo">𝄻</span>-
NotationMagick-ReverseSelectedObjectsRevert selected objectsReverse Selected Objects/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
set!musobj.horizontalNo help--
DirectivePut-clef-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
FootPedalConductorPress the foot pedal at the start of each measure. The bar number is displayed and the beats are interpolated following the timesignature set. Two quick presses of the foot pedal stops the conductor.Foot Pedal Conductor/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
GoToMeasureEndMove the Cursor to the end of the measureGo To Measure End-
ShiftUpTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection one step up, stay in the keysignature.Tonal step up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
StaffMultiMeasureRestsGroups of whole measure rests of three or more are changed to multi-measure rests for the whole staff.Multi-Measure Rests/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
DirectiveGet-layout-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
Merge-shuffle-list!No help--
MoveToVoiceDownGo to the lower numbered voice on this staff without altering selectionMove to Voice Down-
DirectiveGet-chord-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
ScoreComposerName of the composer, flush-right below the subsubtitle.Composer/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
TwoHundredFiftySixthNoteInsert 𝅥TwoHundredFiftySixthNote-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NotationMagick-ReverseSelectedObjects::paramsNo help--
set!musobj.measureNo help--
FootPedalConductor::paramsNo help--
GetStartTickNo help--
ShiftUp::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-paper-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ANS::GetNoteNo help--
SetMidiShortcutNo help--
MoveToVoiceUpGo to the higher numbered voice on staff without altering selectionMove to Voice Up-
NextChord"Moves the cursor the the next object of type CHORD in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move"--
CreateButtonNo help--
StaffMultiMeasureRests::paramsNo help--
ScoreComposer::paramsNo help--
DirectiveDelete-scoreheader"Deletes a scoreheader directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
AddLowestUpMajor6Add a major sixth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Major 6th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
OneHundredTwentyEighthNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥𝅲OneHundredTwentyEighthNote-
set!musobj.staffNo help--
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
MIDI-shortcuts::alistNo help--
VoiceDownGo to the lower numbered voice on this staff, extending selection if anyVoice Down-
ReadingNoteNames%tests your ability to name the notes of the scaleNote Name Recognition/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
LoadCommand" pass in a path (from below menus) to a command script. Loads the command from .denemo or system if it can be found. It is used at startup in .denemo files like ReadingNoteNames.denemo which executes (d-LoadCommand "MainMenu/Educational/ReadingNoteNames") to ensure that the command it needs is in the command set."--
DirectivePut-staff-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Finger5Inserts fingering for finger 5Finger 5/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
AddLowestUpMajor6::paramsNo help--
SixtyfourthNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥𝅱SixtyfourthNote-
MergeRests(Print) Merges rests where two voices have a common rest. Not for whole measure or multi-measure rests.Merge Rests/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
musobj.movementNo help--
DirectivePut-clef-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectivePut-keysig-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Merge-shuffle-listNo help--
VoiceUpGo to the higher numbered voice on staff, extending selection if anyVoice Up-
ReadingNoteNames::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-note-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Finger5::paramsNo help--
ThirtysecondNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥𝅰ThirtysecondNote-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MergeRests::paramsNo help--
set!musobj.movementNo help--
DirectivePut-paper-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MovementNoteheadsCrossCross note head style for the current movement.Cross/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
FindEditPointSearches backward for the start of non-printing notes.Find Edit Point/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
PrevSelectedObject"Moves the cursor to the previous object in the selection. Returns #t if the cursor moved"--
Slur6Inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅱 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥𝅱/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
SixteenthNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥𝅯SixteenthNote-
SetBarNumberEnter a number to change the lilypond bar number. The printout will continue to count up from there.(Print) Set Bar Number/ObjectMenu/Directives
SwapMovementsSwap this movement with the one beforeSwap Movements-
DirectiveDelete-movementcontrol"Deletes a movementcontrol directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
MovementNoteheadsCross::paramsNo help--
FindEditPoint::paramsNo help--
BeamLeftThreePrints with just three beams linking to the left.Three Beams Left/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
InitializeScript"Takes a command name. called by a script if it requires initialization the initialization script is expected to be in init.scm in the menupath of the command passed in."--
DirectivePut-voice-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Slur6::paramsNo help--
EighthNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥𝅮EighthNote-
SetBarNumber::paramsNo help--
ChangeHold2PedalLonger release time but notes will fade out eventually.69 Hold Pedal #2 (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
JoinVoicesMerge this staff as a voice on the previous staffJoin Voices-
DirectivePut-clef-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DocumentCommandNo help--
Import-MidiTry to Imports a Midi FileImport Midi/MainMenu/FileMenu/Import
DirectivePut-keysig-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
BeamLeftThree::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-note-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
QuarterNoteInsert 𝅘𝅥QuarterNote-
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
SplitVoicesSplit off the next voice as a separate staffSplit Voices-
Import-Midi::paramsNo help--
CreatePartsFromTopCreates a set of parts extracting the highest part first.Create Parts (Treble First)/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DirectivePut-paper-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ExtraOffsetNo help--
duration::ChangeNoteDurationInTicksNo help--
OpEightWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpEight/MainMenu/MoreMenu
Flip-coinNo help--
MvntCommentStores textual comments for this movementComment/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
NextSelectedObject"Moves the cursor to the next object in the selection. Returns #t if the cursor moved"--
ChangePrintDuration0Change one chord member to appear like a whole-note duration without changing the original logic like measure calculation or the duration of newly added chord members.Change chord-member to whole note/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/ChangePrintDuration
NewStaffBeforeCreates a new staff with the given name, before the current staff.New Staff Before Current/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/InsertStaff
HalfNoteInsert 𝅗𝅥HalfNote-
SetPitchBendActionsTakes two keyboard shortcuts and sets the commands as the actions for Pitch Bend controller wheel up/downSet Pitch Bend Controller/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
SwapStaffsSwap this staff with the one higher up. Be aware that if you have inserted directives to move a voice to another staff these may need re-making.Swap Staffs-
DirectiveActivate-movementcontrol"Activates a movementcontrol directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
CreatePartsFromTop::paramsNo help--
OpEight::paramsNo help--
MvntComment::paramsNo help--
MoveToMovementEndMove the cursor to last measure, last staff without altering the selection.Move To Movement End/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
GetRelativeFontSize"Deprecated - gets an integer from the user via a dialog"--
DirectivePut-score-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChangePrintDuration0::paramsNo help--
NewStaffBefore::paramsNo help--
WholeNoteInsert 𝅝WholeNote-
SetPitchBendActions::paramsNo help--
CommandManagementView help, change and save keyboard shortcutsManage Command Set-
DirectivePut-clef-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
BookArrangerPrints the arranger name on title pageArranger/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
DuplicateChordDuplicate a note or chord. Not for rests.Duplicate Note/Chord/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
DirectivePut-keysig-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetCursorNoteAsLilypondNo help--
StartDownStems::paramsNo help--
MoveToMovementEnd::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-chord-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NoBeam(Print) Removes beam from current noteNo Beam/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
OpenRepeatMarks the point where a repeat will start. A correspond close, or first and second time bars are needed.Open Repeat Section/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu/Repeats
AmbitusToggle the ambitus engraver for this staff on or off(Print) Ambitus (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
OctaveDownOctave DownOctave Down-
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeHold2Pedal::paramsNo help--
SaveAccelsSave the current commands and keyboard shortcuts as the defaultSave Command Set-
GetPrevailingTimeSigNo help--
BookArranger::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-paper-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
DuplicateChord::paramsNo help--
StartDownStemsStems from now on point downward.Stems Down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/StemControl
PrevObjectInMeasure"Moves the cursor to the previous object in the current measure, returning #f if the cursor was on the first object"--
NoBeam::paramsNo help--
SetQuarterCommaMeanToneNo help--
Ambitus::paramsNo help--
OctaveUpOctave UpOctave Up-
JoinChordsToMergedChordJoins all notes, chords and rests in the selection and inserts a all selected notes as chord. May create tied notes.Join music objects to new chord/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
PreferencesSet and save your preferences for how Denemo operates on startup. Advanced users can edit .denemo-XXXX/denemorc for missing onesChange Preferences-
SpaceNumberIdentify the space number in which the note is display onIdentify Space Number/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
OpenRepeat::paramsNo help--
ShowLastChangeShows the last change recorded on the Undo stack.Show Last Change/MainMenu/EditMenu
GetPadding"Returns the padding that has been set by dragging in the Print view window"--
DirectivePut-chord-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ScoreArrangerName of the arranger, flush-right below the composer.Arranger/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
GAppend/Edit GG-
JoinChordsToMergedChord::paramsNo help--
SaveSelectionSave the selected music. Not sure if this is workingSave Selection-
DirectivePut-clef-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SpaceNumber::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-keysig-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShowLastChange::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-chord-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleChordDirectiveNo help--
ScoreArranger::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpPerfect5Add a perfect fifth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Perfect 5th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
FAppend/Edit FF-
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
ScorePropertiesChange some of the properties of the current score. This will start up a dialog windowScore Properties-
DirectiveGet-paper-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::InsertNotesNo help--
ChangeLongaChange current note duration to LongaLonga/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/ChangeDuration
DiatonicInterval%tests your ability to find the diatonic interval name between two notesDiatonic Interval Detection/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DirectiveDelete-standaloneNo help--
StageForUndo"Undo normally undoes all the actions performed by a script. This puts a stage at the point in a script where it is called, so that a user-invoked undo will stop at this point, continuing when a further undo is invoked. Returns #t"--
NextObjectInMeasure"Moves the cursor to the next object in the current measure, returning #f if there were no more objects to the left in the current measure"--
AddLowestUpPerfect5::paramsNo help--
EAppend/Edit EE-
PasteClipboardPaste LilyPond notes from the text clipboard This will import music written as LilyPond syntax You open the LilyPond file in a texteditor, copy the stretch of notes (control-c command in your texteditor usually) and then use this command.Paste LilyPond notes-
Finger4Inserts fingering for finger 4Finger 4/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
ChangeLonga::paramsNo help--
ChangeChannelChange the Channel of a staffChannel/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
ParseJsonNo help--
AttachedTextPrints text you give above/below/auto-positioned.Text with Positioning/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings
DiatonicInterval::paramsNo help--
GetTextSelection"Returns the text on the clipboard"--
DirectiveGetTag-timesigNo help--
DirectivePut-chord-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChangeToRestNo help--
DAppend/Edit DD-
make-musobjNo help--
PastePaste the Denemo clipboard into the score where the cursor is positionedPaste-
DirectivePut-clef-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetTypeAsLilypondNo help--
Finger4::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsDiamondDiamond note head style for the current movement.Diamond/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectivePut-keysig-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChangeChannel::paramsNo help--
AttachedText::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-standalone-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetHeaderFieldNo help--
Slur5Inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅰 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥𝅰/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
CAppend/Edit CC-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GraceAfterPrint the grace note(s) at the cursor attached to the previous note. Beware! You must reissue this command if you change the notes in any way, only the pitch and duration when this command was issued will be printed.Grace After/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/GraceNotes
CutCut the music selected to the Denemo clipboardCut-
DirectiveGet-paper-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
MovementNoteheadsDiamond::paramsNo help--
GetLastChange"return a string giving the latest step available for Undo"--
PrevObject"Moves the cursor to the left returning #t if the cursor moved"--
DirectivePut-layout-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Slur5::paramsNo help--
BAppend/Edit BB-
GraceAfter::paramsNo help--
BeamRightThreePrints with just three beams linking to the right.Three Beams Right/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
CopyCopy the music selected to the Denemo clipboardCopy-
GetContextAsLilypondNo help--
Import-LilypondTry to Import a Lilypond FileImport Lilypond/MainMenu/FileMenu/Import
GetOption"create a dialog with the options & return the one chosen, of #f if the user cancels"--
DirectivePut-chord-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ANS::ChangeChordNotesNo help--
MoveToStaffUpMoves the cursor to the staff above without altering selectionMove to Staff Up-
CheckTiesInStaffChecks for wrongly tied notes in the current voice/staff.Check Ties/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
BeamRightThree::paramsNo help--
RedoRedoes the next of the steps you have UndoneRedo-
DirectivePut-clef-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Import-Lilypond::paramsNo help--
SuggestNaturalPrints a natural over the note at the cursorSuggest Natural/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
DirectivePut-keysig-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
OpSevenWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpSeven/MainMenu/MoreMenu
ScoreCommentStores any textual commentary you may have for this score.Comment/ObjectMenu/Score
DirectiveGet-standalone-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
NewStaffAfterCreates a new staff with the given name, after the current staff. Use the staff to voice command if you want to make this staff a voice on the previous staff.New Staff After Current/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/InsertStaff
StaffDownMoves the cursor to the staff below, extending selection if anyStaff Down-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
UndoUndoes one (more) step of your edits to the current score.Undo-
SuggestNatural::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-paper-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
CreateCuesForStaffGoes through the staff looking for long rests. Creates a cue in the whole measure rest.Create Cues/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
Rest?No help--
OpSeven::paramsNo help--
ScoreComment::paramsNo help--
SelectColumnSelects the whole columnSelect Column/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
GetMenuPath"Takes a command name and returns the menu path to that command or #f if none"--
NextObject"Moves the cursor to the right returning #t if this was possible"--
NextHigherMove cursor to next note higher than cursor posiitonNext Higher/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
NewStaffAfter::paramsNo help--
StaffUpMoves the cursor to the staff above, extending selection if anyStaff Up-
CheckTiesInStaff::paramsNo help--
QuitQuit the Denemo program - closes tabs one at a time.Quit-
ForAllMovementsNo help--
BookTitlePrints a title on title pageTitle/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
AddDuplicateMeasureInserts a copy of the current measure after the present measure.Insert Duplicate Measure After/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
CreateCuesForStaff::paramsNo help--
Note?No help--
StartUpStems::paramsNo help--
SelectColumn::paramsNo help--
ScriptCallback"Takes the the name of a scripted command. Runs the script stored for that command. Scripts which invoke other scripted commands use this (implicitly?) "--
DirectiveGet-chord-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
AllegroAssaiGives Allegro Assai tempo indicationAllegro Assai/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
ToggleReduceToDrawingAreaHides/Shows menus, panes etc. The ones shown are those checked in the view menu.Hide/Show Menus-
scheme-escapeNo help--
CloseClose the current score. Other scores (tabs) will stay openClose Score-
DirectiveGet-clef-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
musobj.dotsNo help--
BookTitle::paramsNo help--
Directive-timesig?No help--
AddDuplicateMeasure::paramsNo help--
NextHigher::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-keysig-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ANS::GetChordNotesNo help--
StartUpStemsStems from now on point upward.Stems Up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/StemControl
AllegroAssai::paramsNo help--
PopPushPositionPops a position from the stack of cursor positions, pushes the current position, then moves the cursor to the popped positionPop and Push Position-
DirectivePut-stemdirective-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertOneNoteInserts a note in the prevailing duration.Insert Note/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/InsertNote/InsertDuration
PrintPartTypesets the current part (the one containing the cursor).Print Part-
musobj.basedurationNo help--
DirectiveGetTag-keysigNo help--
DirectivePut-paper-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MoveRestTurns the rest at the cursor into a polyphonic rest at the cursor height.Displace Rest Vertically/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
GetChecksum"Takes a string and returns a string representing an MD5 checksum for the passed string."--
LineNumberIdentify the line number in which the note is displayedIdentify Line Number/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DiatonicShift"Moves the note at the cursor by the number of diatonic steps passed in"--
ScoreTitlePrints the name given as a title centered at the start of the score.Title/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
InsertOneNote::paramsNo help--
PopPositionPops a position from the stack of cursor positions, moving the cursor therePop Position-
FreeFermataAdds a standalone fermata which has no playback effect. Can be used to place a Fermata on a barline.(Print) Standalone Fermata (for Barlines)/ObjectMenu/Directives
PrintTypesets the score using LilyPond and opens a print dialogPrint-
DirectiveGet-score-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
ANS::Ans2LyNo help--
MoveRest::paramsNo help--
HideWindow"Hides the Denemo gui or shows it if passed #f"--
LineNumber::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-chord-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
ScoreTitle::paramsNo help--
PushPositionPushes the current cursor position onto a stackPush Position-
DirectiveGet-clef-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
PrintMovementTypesets the current movement and opens a print dialogPrint Movement-
DirectiveGetNthTag-tuplet"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth tuplet directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-keysig-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
AddLowestUpDiminished5Add a diminished fifth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Diminished 5th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
ChangeLegatoPedalSkips the attack portion of the VCA's envelope. For phrasing like wind or brass or guitar hammer-on.68 Legato Pedal (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
CountSteps%tests your ability to find the number of diatonic notes between two notesStep Counting Exercise/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
ToggleReverseTurnAdd/Removes a Reverse Turn to the noteReverse Turn (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
DirectivePut-stemdirective-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GoToSelectionStartMoves the cursor to the first object in the selection without altering the selection. returns #f if no selectionTo Selection Start-
FreeFermata::paramsNo help--
PrintExcerptPreviewDisplays a musical excerpt in your image viewerPrint Excerpt-
Finger3Inserts fingering for finger 3Finger 3/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
DirectivePut-paper-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddLowestUpDiminished5::paramsNo help--
ANS::Ly2AnsNo help--
MeasureEmpty?No help--
ChangeLegatoPedal::paramsNo help--
PrintScoreAndPartsCreates score layouts for the current layout (full score) and parts (named after instrument name). Set instrument names before use.Print Score and Parts/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
CountSteps::paramsNo help--
SetNewbie"Sets the newbie status to the passed value"--
InsertNoteInChord"Takes a LilyPond note name, and adds that note to the chord"--
SwapPointAndMarkSwaps the active end of the selectionSwap Ends of Selection-
html-escapeNo help--
DenemoDynamicListNo help--
PrintSelectionDisplays selected music from score in your pdf viewerPrint Selection-
DirectiveGet-score-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleReverseTurn::paramsNo help--
Finger3::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsHarmonic-mixedHarmonic-black note head style for the current movement.Harmonic-black/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
PrintScoreAndParts::paramsNo help--
DestroyButtons"Removes Score buttons"--
DirectiveGet-chord-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
GoToMarkMoves the cursor to the Mark without altering the selectionTo Mark-
Music?No help--
NotationMagick-RandomWithinClefRangeDiatonicInsert a random note within clef range, only diatonic notes according to current keysignature.Diatonic within Clef Range/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/SingleRandomNote
DirectiveGet-clef-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
PrintViewTypesets the score If you have a score layout selected it will use that otherwise all movements staffs and lyrics are typeset by default. Be patient! It takes time to create a beautifully laid out score. Once complete you can view and then send to your printer or to a file as a .pdf document.Print Preview-
MovementNoteheadsHarmonic-mixed::paramsNo help--
Slur4Inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅯 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥𝅯/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
DirectiveGetNthTag-timesig"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth timesig directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-keysig-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
ChangePrintDuration1Change one chord member to appear like a half-note duration without changing the original logic like measure calculation or the duration of newly added chord members.Change chord-member to half note/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/ChangePrintDuration
ExtraAmountNo help--
DirectivePut-stemdirective-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MoveCursorRightMoves the cursor one object right, without altering the selectionMove Cursor Right-
NotationMagick-RandomWithinClefRangeDiatonic::paramsNo help--
BeamLeftTwoPrints with just two beams linking to the left.Two Beams Left/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
PrintPreviewDisplays the final finished score in your pd viewerPrint Preview-
Directive-keysig?No help--
DirectivePut-paper-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Slur4::paramsNo help--
ChangePrintDuration1::paramsNo help--
GetVerse"Gets the current verse of the current staff or #f if none, with an integer parameter, gets the nth verse"--
CreateIntroCreates a new staff with a bar for nothing (an intro of the right number of beats)Create Intro/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
MultiMeasureRestsCreates a multi-measure rest from the whole measure rests after the cursor. You must create the whole measure rests first.Multi-Measure Rests/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
PutRest"Inserts a rest at the cursor; either passed in duration (note prevailing duration not supported properly)."--
CursorRightMoves the cursor one object right, altering the selection if anyCursor Right-
TransposeOctaveUp::paramsNo help--
BeamLeftTwo::paramsNo help--
ExportMIDIExport the score as a MIDI fileExport MIDI-
DirectiveGet-score-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetTag-clefNo help--
SuggestFlatPrints flat sign over the note at the cursorSuggest Flat/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
OpSixWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpSix/MainMenu/MoreMenu
HideButtons"Hides Score buttons or shows them if passed #f"--
CreateIntro::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-note-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MultiMeasureRests::paramsNo help--
BookInstrumentationPrints the instrumentation on the title page. This can be edited for layouts that print just one part or section.Instrumentation/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
CursorUpMoves the cursor one scale step upCursor Up-
TransposeOctaveUpInstructs the LilyPond Engraver to transpose this score one octave up.(Print) Transpose Octave Up/ObjectMenu/Score
DrumGM2CustomConvert General Midi drum-staffs to user-notation drum-staffs. Please edit the script to enter your own values.Drum GM2 Custom/MainMenu/EditMenu/MIDI
DirectiveGet-clef-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
ExportPNGExport the score as a PNG image fileExport PNG-
ActionChooserNo help--
SuggestFlat::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-clef"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth clef directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-keysig-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
OpSix::paramsNo help--
ZoomDialogScales the display by value given by user.Set Display Scale/MainMenu/ViewMenu/Zoom
TinyStaffAllMovementsGets a staff number 1 ... n from user and makes that staff tiny in all movements.Tiny Staff in All Movements/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
ChangeValueNo help--
BookInstrumentation::paramsNo help--
CursorDownMoves the cursor one scale step downCursor Down-
set!musobj.startNo help--
DrumGM2Custom::paramsNo help--
ExportPDFExport the score as a PDF document fileExport PDF-
LilyPondIncludeAllows specification of a LilyPond include file from the Denemo provided include files.LilyPond Include File/ObjectMenu/Score
DirectivePut-paper-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SmallFontEndPrinting resumes normal size music.End Small Size/ObjectMenu/Directives
InsertTiedNoteDuration::paramsNo help--
TinyStaffAllMovements::paramsNo help--
PutVerse"Puts the passed string as the current verse of the current staff"--
SetAccidental"Takes a LilyPond note name, changes the note at the cursor to have the accidental passed in either LilyPond string or integer -2..+2. Returns #f if cursor is not on a note position. "--
TweakRelativeFontSizeNo help--
EnterRestInserts a rest in the prevailing durationInsert Rest/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
MoveCursorLeftMoves the cursor one object left, without altering the selectionMove Cursor Left-
CreateMusObjNo help--
ExportMUDELAExport the score as a lilypond fileExport Lilypond-
DirectiveGet-score-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
LilyPondInclude::paramsNo help--
SmallFontEnd::paramsNo help--
InsertLongaInsert a LongaLonga/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/InsertNote/InsertDuration
DirectiveGet-timesig-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
InsertTiedNoteDurationAttaches a tied note: you must give the duration after invoking this function.Attach Tied Note/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/TiedNotes
DirectivePut-note-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
EnterRest::paramsNo help--
ChordsOverBassPlace the cursor on a bass note and invoke this command. It creates a treble staff above and for each note in the bass staff, as you play it, it switches to the treble staff and allows you to enter a chord. Use the Pitch Bend wheel to stop/start the process. Hold a chord while moving to the next bass note to extend the chord over more than one bass note.Create Chords Over Bass Line/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
CursorLeftMoves the cursor one object left, altering the selection if anyCursor Left-
musobj.measureNo help--
DirectiveGet-clef-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
SavePartsSave Parts: each staff becomes a file in lilypond formatSave Parts-
HideMenus"Hides all the menus"--
DirectiveGet-keysig-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
InsertLonga::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-voice-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
UpprallAdds/Removes Up Prall ornamentUp Prall/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
SetMovementTempoSets the (initial) tempo in quarter notes per minute.MIDI Tempo/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
DirectiveGetNthTag-score"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth score directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
ChordsOverBass::paramsNo help--
musobj.staffNo help--
NewMovementCreate a new movement, usign any default templateNew Movement-
DirectivePut-paper-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ReminderAccidentalShows the accidental in the print out inside (). Display shows accidental but plain.Reminder Accidental/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
ZoomDialog::paramsNo help--
Upprall::paramsNo help--
AppendToVerse"Appends the passed string to the current verse of the current staff"--
SetMovementTempo::paramsNo help--
PutNoteName"Takes a LilyPond note name, and changes the note at the cursor to that note"--
ChangeOffsetNo help--
InsertMovementAfterInsert a new movement after the current oneInsert Movement After-
DirectiveGet-score-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
Directive-clef?No help--
PrintThreeReducedPrints top three parts on one staff as cues.Print Three Parts as Cue for Accompanist/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
ReminderAccidental::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpAugmented4Add a tritone/augmented fourth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Augmented 4th above base /ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
DirectiveDelete-timesig"Deletes a timesig directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
StepSkipOrSame%tests your ability to determine if note is moving by a step or skipStep, Skip, or Same?/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DirectivePut-note-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPref_progressbardecorationsNo help--
DirectiveGet-clef-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
InsertMovementBeforeInsert a new movement before the current oneInsert Movement Before-
DirectiveGetTag-voiceNo help--
Finger2Inserts fingering for finger 2Finger 2/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
DirectiveGet-keysig-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
AddLowestUpAugmented4::paramsNo help--
HelpAllFeaturesOpens a score with examples of many things you can create with Denemo with Explanations attached. Click on the explanations in the Print View window.Help for All Features/MainMenu/HelpMenu
StepSkipOrSame::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-stemdirective-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PrintThreeReduced::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-voice"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth voice directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
CheckTupletsInMeasureChecks that start/end tuplets match in the current measure.Check Tuplets/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
DenemoPref_system_heightNo help--
NewWindowCreate working area (tab with an empty score in it)New Tab-
Finger2::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-paper-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MovementNoteheadsHarmonic-blackHarmonic-black note head style for the current movement.Harmonic-black/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
HelpAllFeatures::paramsNo help--
GetId"Takes a command name and returns and id for it or #f if no command of that name exists"--
ChangeChordNotes"Takes a string of LilyPond note names. Replaces the notes of the chord at the cursor with these notes, preserving other attributes"--
CheckTupletsInMeasure::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_zoomNo help--
SaveTemplateSave the score as a template for re-use as a starting point for new scoresSave Template-
DirectiveGet-score-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
MovementNoteheadsHarmonic-black::paramsNo help--
Slur3Inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅮 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥𝅮/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
DirectiveActivate-timesig"Activates a timesig directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
NotationMagick-RandomWithinClefRangeChromaticInsert a random note within clef range. Full chromatic spectrum.Chromatic within Clef Range/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/SingleRandomNote
DirectiveGet-note-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
FindNextLowerNoteMoves cursor to next note that is lower than the cursor.Next Lower/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
TweakRelativeOffsetNo help--
DenemoPref_dynamic_compressionNo help--
musobj.startNo help--
BeamRightTwoPrints with just two beams linking to the right.Two Beams Right/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
DirectiveGet-clef-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
OpenMyTemplateStart a new score from one of your own template filesOpen Custom Template-
Slur3::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-keysig-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
NotationMagick-RandomWithinClefRangeChromatic::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
RecordAndConvertStarts playing the score and recording from MIDI in, When finished it converts the recording to notation.Record and Convert/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
FindNextLowerNote::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-staff"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth staff directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
DenemoPref_fluidsynth_chorusNo help--
D.C.AlFine::paramsNo help--
BeamRightTwo::paramsNo help--
OpenExampleStart a new score from a built-in exampleOpen Example-
SuggestSharpPrints a sharp above the note at the cursorSuggest Sharp/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
OpFiveWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpFive/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectivePut-staff-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddKeybinding"Takes a command name or command id and binding name and sets that binding on that command returns the command id that previously had the binding or #f if none"--
RecordAndConvert::paramsNo help--
AddMovement"Appends a new movement without copying staff structure."--
InitialVoiceAutoUndoes the effect of the VoiceOne, Two ... commands. The voice has variable stem direction, slur placement etc.Initial Automatic Voice/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
D.C.AlFinePuts a da capo in the score. Position is adjusted via the numbers in the script.D.C. al fine/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks
AdagioAttaches tempo marking to chord at cursorAdagio/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
OpenTemplateStart a new score from a built-in template fileOpen Template-
DirectiveGet-score-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
SuggestSharp::paramsNo help--
OpFive::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-timesig"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a timesig directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
DenemoPref_fluidsynth_reverbNo help--
PrintAccompanistsScorePrints out the score with the topmost staff in tiny size and puts page breaks before each movement.Print Accompanist's Score/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
DirectiveGet-note-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
KillTimer"Takes a timer id and destroys the timer"--
GetNthLineNo help--
InitialVoiceAuto::paramsNo help--
string-needs-escape?No help--
Adagio::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-clef-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
SaveCopySave a copy of the scoreCreate Copy-
Directive-voice?No help--
DirectiveGet-keysig-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
ChangePrintDuration2Change one chord member to appear like a quarter-note duration without changing the original logic like measure calculation or the duration of newly added chord members.Change Chordmember to Quarter /ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/ChangePrintDuration
TabStaffConverts to tablature notation (print only)Tablature/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
FiguredBassFilterOn::paramsNo help--
PrintAccompanistsScore::paramsNo help--
RefreshDynamicDirectivesRe-runs any directives that may have become stale.Refresh Dynamic Directives/ObjectMenu/Score
EndVoltaEnds a volta, that is a n'th time barEnd 1st/2nd Time Bar/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectiveGetNthTag-note"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth note directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
ClosingBarlineInserts a closing barline (a double bar with last one thicker).Closing Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
string-escapeNo help--
SaveAsSave the score under a new nameSave As-
DirectiveGetTag-staffNo help--
TabStaff::paramsNo help--
ChangeSoftPedalLeft Piano Pedal. Lowers the volume of any notes played.67 Soft Pedal (On/Off) (Left Piano Pedal)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
FiguredBassFilterOnStart filtering MIDI events, First note is bass, hold this down while entering notes for figures. Pedal changes harmony on same bass.Figured Bass Filter On/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
RefreshDynamicDirectives::paramsNo help--
GetLabel"Takes a command name and returns the label for the menu item that executes the command or #f if none"--
TogglePrallPrallAdds/Removes a PrallPrall to the notePrallPrall (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
IncrementKeysig"Makes the keysig sharper/flatter, affects keysig change when cursor is on one, otherwise affects initial keysig"--
EndVolta::paramsNo help--
ClosingBarline::paramsNo help--
char-escape-specNo help--
SaveSave the score. The score is saved to disk in XML format.Save-
Appending?No help--
DirectivePut-score-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertWholeMeasureRestInserts/Appends a rest measure; if the current measure is empty, it simply places the whole measure rest in it. Do not invoke in a populated measure preceding an empty measure.Insert Whole Measure Rest/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
ChangePrintDuration2::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddHighestDownMinor7Add a minor seventh as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Minor 7th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
ChangeSoftPedal::paramsNo help--
OttavaInserts an 8va mark (transposing the notes accordingly) or terminates one already started.Ottava/ObjectMenu/Directives
SelectAllStaffsSelects the whole movement / All staffsSelect All Staffs/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
DirectiveGet-note-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
TogglePrallPrall::paramsNo help--
HasFigures"Returns #f if the current staff has no figures (or will not print out figured bass. See d-ShowFiguredBass)"--
DirectiveGet-clef-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
OpenNewWindowOpen a file containing a music score for editing in a separate working area (tabOpen In New-
UnderfullMeasure?No help--
CautionaryAccidentalForces the accidental on the note to be printed.Cautionary Accidental/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
DirectiveGet-keysig-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
AddHighestDownMinor7::paramsNo help--
Ottava::paramsNo help--
SelectAllStaffs::paramsNo help--
InsertWholeMeasureRest::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetNthTag-chord"Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth chord directive if it exists else returns #f if none"--
string-escaperNo help--
MovementPropsChange properties of this movementChange Properties-
CautionaryAccidental::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpPerfect4Add a perfect fourth as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Perfect 4th above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
UpDownOrSame%tests your note tracking abilityTrace Note Direction/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
GetLilyVersion"Returns the installed LilyPond version"--
GetPrevailingDuration"Returns the prevailing duration, ie duration which will be used for the next inserted note."--
AddMovementsAdd movements from a Denemo fileAdd Movement-
DirectivePut-score-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Finger1Inserts fingering for finger 1Finger 1/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
AddLowestUpPerfect4::paramsNo help--
ChangeBreveChange current note duration to BreveBreve/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/ChangeDuration
DirectivePut-tuplet-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
UpDownOrSame::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-standalone-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
BassFigure"Returns a string for the bass figure for the two MIDI keys passed in"--
DenemoPrintAllHeadersNo help--
DirectiveDelete-clef"Deletes a clef directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
AddStaffsAdd staffs from a Denemo fileAdd Staffs-
TimesigWithBeatStructureInserts a time signature with indication for how to beam the notes. Insert at beginning of staff in order to replace the initial time signature.Time Signature with Beat Structure/ObjectMenu/TimeSig
Finger1::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsHarmonicHarmonic note head style for the current movement.Harmonic/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectiveGet-keysig-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
CursorToHighestNoteMoves the cursor to the highest note on current horizontal position (in a chord or on a single note)Cursor to Highest Note/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
DenemoPref_portaudio_period_sizeNo help--
DirectiveGetForTag-movementcontrol"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a movementcontrol directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
ImportMusicXmlImport a MusicXml fileImport MusicXml-
None?No help--
TimesigWithBeatStructure::paramsNo help--
Directive-staff?No help--
DirectiveGet-note-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
MovementNoteheadsHarmonic::paramsNo help--
Slur2Inserts a 𝅘𝅥 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅘𝅥/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
ChangeBreve::paramsNo help--
CursorToHighestNote::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_portaudio_sample_rateNo help--
NotationMagick-InsertPoolShuffledInserts all notes, shuffled, from a user-specified pool of notes in Lilypond syntaxInsert Shuffled Pool/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
CheckLilyVersion"Returns a boolean if the installed version of LilyPond is greater than or equal to the passed in version string"--
GetPrevailingTimesigAsLilyPond"Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing time signature at the cursor."--
BeamLeftOnePrints with just one beam linking to left.One Beam Left/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
ImportMidiImport a Midi fileImport Midi-
ProbePositionNo help--
DirectivePut-score-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGetTag-layoutNo help--
Slur2::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NotationMagick-InsertPoolShuffled::paramsNo help--
MouseOrMidiDrivenPlaybackTurns off play along playback: when this is on the playback does not advance past the cursor unless you play along the correct note via Midi In, or move the mouse over the music to drive the score along.Play Along Playback (Off/On)/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
SpellCheckMidiChord"returns #t if the passed list of MIDI keys fails the pitch spellcheck"--
Allegro::paramsNo help--
BeamLeftOne::paramsNo help--
DirectiveActivate-clef"Activates a clef directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
ImportLilypondImport a Lilypond fileImport Lilypond-
NoteColumnShiftOn printing the current note/chord will be shifted from notes in other voices by the amount you give. Use with Voice Presets to ensure this chord is in a different voice.Force Note Shift/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DirectiveDelete-keysig"Deletes a keysig directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
OpFourWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpFour/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectivePut-note-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MouseOrMidiDrivenPlayback::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetForTag-layout"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a layout directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
InitialVoiceFourSets the (initial) voice of the staff to be voice four (this affects stems down, slurs etc on printing)Initial Voice Four/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DirectiveGet-paper-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed tag."--
AllegroPrint Allegro in bold italics above the chord.Allegro/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
Replace-nthNo help--
LargoAttaches Largo to chordLargo/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
OpenOpen a file containing a music score for editingOpen-
DirectiveGet-staff-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
NoteColumnShift::paramsNo help--
OpFour::paramsNo help--
VoicePreset4Preset for voice four. Stems down.Voice Preset 4 (Stems Down)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
InputFilterNames"Takes a string putting it on the scheme-controlled status bar as a list of active filters"--
GetPrevailingKeysigAsLilyPond"Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing key signature at the cursor."--
Largo::paramsNo help--
LimitInterSystemSpace::setNo help--
NewScoreStart a new musical score for a named instrument/voice.New-
DirectiveGet-score-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
InitialVoiceFour::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
FixSlursInStaffRemoves incorrectly placed slur start/end markers on current voice/staff.Fix Slurs/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
VoicePreset4::paramsNo help--
DisplaceRestHorizontallyAsks for a horizontal shift and moves the rest at the cursor by that much when printing.Displace Rest Horizontally/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
GetCursorNoteAsMidi"Gets the MIDI key number for the note-position where the cursor is"--
OpenSecondTimeBar(Print) start a second time bar, must be followed by EndVoltaStart a Second Time Bar/ObjectMenu/Directives
OpenSourceDialogOpens a dialog to fetch a source facsimile or manuscript. Links can be placed in the Denemo score to this source file so that the source passage for a given bar can be re-displayed when reviewing the score.Open Source for Transcribing/MainMenu/FileMenu/OpenMenu
HideMovementHides the movement on printing.(Print) Hide Movement/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
GetMeasureTicksNo help--
RepeatProcWhileTestNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-clef"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a clef directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
NewStart a new musical scoreEmpty Score-
DirectiveActivate-keysig"Activates a keysig directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
DisplaceRestHorizontally::paramsNo help--
OpenSecondTimeBar::paramsNo help--
OpenSourceDialog::paramsNo help--
OpenOctaveDownOpens a block printing an octave lower: must be terminated with CloseLilyBlock(Print) Open { Octave Down/ObjectMenu/Directives/Print Transpositions
DirectiveGetForTag-paper"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a paper directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
HideMovement::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-header-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
duration::GetWholeMeasureInTicksNo help--
RepeatUntilFailNo help--
FlattenEnharmonicSetShifts the set of accidentals one step flatterShift Accidentals Flatwise-
DirectiveGet-voice-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
AddHighestDownMajor7Add a major seventh as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Major 7th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
PitchShiftOutputs a pitch bend signal to the synthesizer for the value +/- 64 given.Shift Pitch/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
WriteStatus"Takes a string putting the scheme controlled status bar; with no argument it hides this status bar"--
SelectStaffSelects the whole staffSelect Staff/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
GetPrevailingClefAsLilyPond"Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing clef at the cursor."--
EmptyMeasure?No help--
SharpenEnharmonicSetShifts the set of accidentals one step sharperShift Accidentals Sharpwise-
DirectiveGet-score-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
Directive-layout?No help--
FortissimoPlaces a ff sign on the chord at the cursorFortissimo/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Dynamic Markings
DirectiveGet-tuplet-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
AddHighestDownMajor7::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_jacktransport_start_stoppedNo help--
PitchShift::paramsNo help--
SelectStaff::paramsNo help--
GetNoteAsMidi"Returns the MIDI key number for the note at the cursor, or 0 if none"--
RepeatNo help--
DirectivePut-timesig-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ExecuteSchemeExecute the scheme code from the scripting windowExecute Scheme-
DirectiveGetTag-paperNo help--
Fortissimo::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-keysig"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a keysig directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
AddLowestUpMinor3Add a minor third as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Minor 3rd above base /ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
FixSlursInStaff::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_jacktransportNo help--
DirectivePut-chord-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGetForTag-header"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a header directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-scoreheader-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed tag."--
CreateAbstractionMovementNo help--
AppendMeasureAllStaffsAppends a blank measure to every staff in this movementAppend Measure All Staffs-
LineOrSpace%tests your ability to recognize the difference between line and spaceLine and Space Recognition/MainMenu/Educational/Note-Reading
DirectiveGet-score-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
Finger0Inserts fingering for open stringFinger 0/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings/Fingerings
AddLowestUpMinor3::paramsNo help--
TinyStaffPrints current staff in a tiny font.Tiny Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
ChangeSustenutoPedalMiddle Grand Piano Pedal. All Notes currently active (without a note off) will not have a note-off until Sustenuto Off.66 Sustenuto Pedal (On/Off) (Middle Grand Piano Pedal)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
DirectivePut-standalone-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ModelessNo help--
GetPrevailingClef"Returns the prevailing clef at the cursor. Note that non-builtin clefs like drum are not handled yet."--
OpenOctaveDown::paramsNo help--
lyimport::load-fileNo help--
TrueNo help--
NextRhythmMake next snippet the current snippet. Notes entered will follow the rhythmic pattern of this snippetNext Snippet-
AdjustFiguredBassHeightsAllows several groups of figures to be individually adjusted for height.Heights of Groups/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/FiguredBass
LineOrSpace::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-score-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleUpprallAdds/Removes Up Prall ornamentUp Prall (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
Finger0::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
ClassicModeNo help--
RefreshDisplay"Re-draws the Denemo display, which can have side effects on the data"--
MovementNoteheadsPetrucciPetrucci note head style for the current movement.Petrucci/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DenemoKeypressActivatedCommandNo help--
ChangeSustenutoPedal::paramsNo help--
InsertRhythmNo Tooltip yetInsert Snippet-
AdjustFiguredBassHeights::paramsNo help--
Slur1Inserts a 𝅗𝅥 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅗𝅥/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
DirectivePut-scoreheader-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NotationMagick-InsertNoteFromPoolInserts one note from a user-specified pool of notes in Lilypond syntaxNote from Pool/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/SingleRandomNote
InsertModeNo help--
ToggleUpprall::paramsNo help--
MovementNoteheadsPetrucci::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetForTag-scoreheader"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a scoreheader directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-keysig-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the keysig directive with the passed tag."--
DenemoNo help--
BeamRightOnePrints with just one beam linking to the right.One Beam Right/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Beaming
ChangePitchNo Tooltip yetChange Pitch-
DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-midibytes"Gets the value of the midibytes field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed tag."--
Slur1::paramsNo help--
ToggleEndPhrasingSlurEnd a phrasing slur on the current note.End Phrasing Slur/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Slurs
NotationMagick-InsertNoteFromPool::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-standalone-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
EditModeNo help--
ConvertMidiForBassTakes a MIDI recording over a bass line and inserts the chords by matching the bass notes. Each chord must include the bass note.Convert MIDI Chords Over Bass/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
Andante::paramsNo help--
BeamRightOne::paramsNo help--
ForceCautionNo Tooltip yetForce Cautionary Accidental-
DirectivePut-score-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetPrevailingTimesig"Returns the prevailing time signature at the cursor"--
ToggleEndPhrasingSlur::paramsNo help--
OpThreeWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpThree/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectiveGet-tuplet-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
DenemoPref_object_paletteNo help--
TinyStaff::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-standalone-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPasteNo help--
NoteNo help--
ConvertMidiForBass::paramsNo help--
NeoMensuralNoteheadPrints note with neomensural style notehead.Neo-mensural/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/NoteheadControl
WholeMeasureRestInserts a whole measure rest at the cursorWhole Measure Rest/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/RestEntry
SetSaved"Sets the status of the current musical score to saved, or unsaved if passed #f"--
AndantePrint Andante in bold italics above the chord.Andante/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
FalseNo help--
NonPrintingStaffHides the staff in LilyPond print out.Non-Printing Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
ToggleAcciaccaturaMakes the note at the cursor an acciaccatura grace note, if it is one, makes it normalAcciaccatura Off/On-
Directive-paper?No help--
DirectivePut-scoreheader-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the scoreheader directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
OpThree::paramsNo help--
InitialVoiceThreeSets the (initial) voice of the staff to be voice three (this affects stems up, slurs etc on printing)Initial Voice Three/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DenemoPref_rhythm_paletteNo help--
FirstChordInSelectionNo help--
RestNo help--
NeoMensuralNotehead::paramsNo help--
WholeMeasureRest::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGetForTag-keysig"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a keysig directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
NonPrintingStaff::paramsNo help--
ToggleGraceMakes the note at the cursor an appogiatura grace note, if it is one, makes it normalGrace Note Off/On-
VoicePreset3Preset for third voice. Stems up.Voice Preset 3 (Stems Up)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
DirectiveGetTag-headerNo help--
DirectivePut-standalone-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InitialVoiceThree::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_autoupdateNo help--
DirectivePut-standalone-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NextChordInSelectionNo help--
ShiftNextAsks for horizontal and vertical offsets and inserts a directive to displace the object at the cursor on printing.(Print) Shift Object/ObjectMenu/Directives
BlankNo help--
OpenFirstTimeBar(Print) start a first time bar, must be followed by EndVolta.Start a First Time Bar/ObjectMenu/Directives
ToggleEndDiminuendoNo Tooltip yetEnd Diminuendo-
VoicePreset3::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-score-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
GetPrevailingKeysig"Returns the prevailing key signature at the cursor"--
MovementPageBreakPrints this movement starting on a new pagePage Break Before/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
DirectivePut-tuplet-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPref_visible_directive_buttonsNo help--
ShiftNext::paramsNo help--
RhythmNo help--
GetSaved"Gets the saved status of the current musical score"--
OpenFirstTimeBar::paramsNo help--
ToggleStartDiminuendoNo Tooltip yetStart Diminuendo-
InsertBreveInsert a BreveBreve/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/InsertNote/InsertDuration
MovementPageBreak::paramsNo help--
AddHighestDownMinor6Add a minor sixth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Minor 6th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
DenemoPref_lyrics_paneNo help--
InsertCaptureMeasureForStaffCapture the image of a single measure (as screenshot) inserting at the current measure in the current staff.Capture and Insert One Measure/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/CaptureScore
ConvertDrum2GmSingleSelectionConverts between the midi-drum notation and a user-drum notation. The user can set his/her drummap in a template in ~/.denemo/templates or choose any other copy he made of the template file to have drummaps for different drummers avaible.Convert GM-Drum to User-Drum/MainMenu/EditMenu
DirectiveGetForTag-stemdirective"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a stemdirective directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
musobj?No help--
ToggleEndCrescendoNo Tooltip yetEnd Crescendo-
DirectivePut-chord-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
TmbalesStyleChanges to a drum staffTmbales Style Staff/MainMenu/EditMenu/MIDI
InsertBreve::paramsNo help--
AddHighestDownMinor6::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_console_paneNo help--
InsertCaptureMeasureForStaff::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-standalone-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
ConvertDrum2GmSingleSelection::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
CursorToLowestNoteMoves the cursor to the lowest note on current horizontal position (in a chord or on a single note)Cursor to Lowest Note/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Cursor
NotationMagick::ReverseCopyBufferNo help--
DirectivePut-score-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
CursorToNote"Takes LilyPond note name string. Moves the cursor to the line or space"--
TmbalesStyle::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpMajor3Add a major third as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Major 3rd above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
DenemoPref_playback_controlsNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleStartCrescendoNo Tooltip yetStart Crescendo-
MarkStatus"Returns #f if mark is not set"--
CursorToLowestNote::paramsNo help--
musobj.pitchNo help--
DiminishedOrAugmentedDetermine if the chord sounded is Diminished or AugmentedDiminishedAugmented/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
AddLowestUpMajor3::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_midi_in_controlsNo help--
ToggleEndSlurInsert/delete end slur on this noteEnd Slur-
ReplaceChordSuppresses the normal LilyPond typetting for the current note/chord/rest replacing it with syntax provided by user.Replace LilyPond/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
DirectiveGetForTag-tuplet"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a tuplet directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-timesig-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed tag."--
AdjustBassFigureHeightSets the height of the bass figure above the note. The unit is the distance between adjacent lines in the staff.Height of Bass Figure/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/FiguredBass
DiminishedOrAugmented::paramsNo help--
ChangeRest8Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅥Change a 𝅃-
Directive-header?No help--
DirectivePut-note-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPref_notation_paletteNo help--
ToggleBeginSlurInsert/delete begin slur on this noteBegin Slur-
DirectivePut-standalone-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SingleAndTaggedSelectionSwitcherNo help--
MovementNoteheadsMensuralMensural note head style for the current movement.Mensural/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectivePut-layout-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
set!musobj.pitchNo help--
AdjustBassFigureHeight::paramsNo help--
InsertRest8Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅥Insert a 𝅃-
DirectivePut-note-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGetTag-movementcontrolNo help--
GetMeasureNumber"Returns the measure number at cursor position."--
Slur0Inserts a 𝅝 and slurs to it, extending previous slur. ⏜ 𝅝/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditDuration/Slurs
CheckScoreChecks score for wrong measure durations, unterminated tuplets, slurs, wrong ties etc.Check Score/ObjectMenu/Score
DenemoPref_toolbarNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
NotationMagick-TwelveToneRowGenerates twelve notes of the prevailing duration, each is unique so the whole chromatic range gets inserted in a random manner. Twelve Tone Row/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick
SetPointExtends the selection to the current cursor positionSet Point-
ApplyToTaggedSelectionNo help--
MovementNoteheadsMensural::paramsNo help--
GetHelp"Takes a command name and returns the tooltip or #f if none"--
WholeMeasureRepeatInserts a whole measure repeat sign.Whole Measure Repeat/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
Set8Set the prevailing duration to 𝅥𝅥-
Slur0::paramsNo help--
CheckScore::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_continuousNo help--
NotationMagick-TwelveToneRow::paramsNo help--
UnsetMarkGets rid of the selection.Unset Mark-
FindNextObjectAllStaffsNo help--
RemoveDotSelectionSwitcherRemove one dot for each note in the selection or single noteRemove Dot/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/EditNote
ShortMeasureAllow too few notes/rests in this measure. LilyPond will engrave this measure (in all staffs) with the short duration given by notes already present when this command was issued.Short Measure/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
DirectiveGetForTag-timesig"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a timesig directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-clef-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
ProcessSchemeCopyBufferMusObjNo help--
Presto::paramsNo help--
WholeMeasureRepeat::paramsNo help--
Change8Change the current note to a 𝅥𝅥-
DirectivePut-staff-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DenemoPref_enable_thumbnailsNo help--
SetMarkSets the start point for a selection, the end point of the selection is unalteredSet Mark-
DirectiveGet-standalone-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
NextTaggedObjectAllStaffsNo help--
RemoveDotSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
BookDatePrints a date on the title page.Date/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
ShortMeasure::paramsNo help--
ReplaceChord::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
OpTwoWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpTwo/MainMenu/MoreMenu
PrestoPrint Presto in bold italics above the chord.Presto/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Tempo Indications
ToggleTripletingInserts a start triplet or end tuple alternately.Toggle Triplet Entry (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Tuplets
Insert8Insert a 𝅥𝅥-
DirectiveGet-note-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
GetEndTick"Returns the tick count (PPQN) for the end of the object at the cursor, or #f if none"--
InitialVoiceTwoSets the (initial) voice of the staff to be voice two (this affects stems down, slurs etc on printing)Initial Voice Two/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DenemoPref_overlaysNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-ty"Writes the ty field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetInitialAflatminNo Tooltip yetSet Ab Minor as Initial Keysig-
BookDate::paramsNo help--
LoadKeybindings"Takes a file name, loads keybindings from actions/menus returns #f if it fails"--
OpTwo::paramsNo help--
ToggleTripleting::paramsNo help--
dispNo help--
VoicePreset2Preset for second voice. Stems down.Voice Preset 2 (Stems Down)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
8When appending, appends a 𝅥 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅥 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅥-
InitialVoiceTwo::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_tooltip_browse_mode_timeoutNo help--
SetInitialEflatminNo Tooltip yetSet Eb Minor as Initial Keysig-
Tag?No help--
PointAndClickWhen on, clicking on a note in the Print Preview window takes the cursor to that note. This works also for Rehearsal Marks and many other objects in the score. The only reason to turn it off is for export to PDF file via the Export menu. However, using print to file is a better way of doing this as thenit is not needed.Point and Click (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/Score
SmallFontStartMusic after this is printed in a small size.Small Size/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectiveGetForTag-clef"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a clef directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-score-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
NotationMagick::MirrorSelectionNo help--
VoicePreset2::paramsNo help--
ChangeRest7Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅲Change a 𝅂-
DirectivePut-voice-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleTupletNumberingControl whether tuplet numbers will be printed over tuplets.Tuplet Numbering (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Tuplets
DenemoPref_tooltip_browse_timeoutNo help--
SetInitialVolumeToZeroMutes playback on this staff by placing a volume=zero directive at the start.Mute/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Playback
SetInitialBflatminNo Tooltip yetSet Bb Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectivePut-standalone-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PointAndClick::paramsNo help--
SmallFontStart::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SchemePasteNo help--
BlankNo help--
InsertRest7Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅲Insert a 𝅂-
DirectivePut-chord-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Directive-movementcontrol?No help--
SelectLayoutId"Selects the score layout with the passed id. Returns #f if there is no such layout."--
GetBaseDurationInTicks"Returns the number of ticks (PPQN) for the chord without dots or tuplet effects at the cursor, or #f if not a chord. The value is -ve for special durations (i.e. non-standard notes)"--
ToggleBeginPhrasingSlurBegin a phrasing slur on the current note. You can have normal slurs (partially) inside a phrasing slur.Begin Phrasing Slur/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Slurs
ToggleTupletNumbering::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_tooltip_timeoutNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-gx"Writes the gx field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddHighestDownMajor6Add a major sixth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Major 6th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
SetInitialVolumeToZero::paramsNo help--
ChangePortamentoSlides between 2 notes. Can be adjusted with 5 - Portamento Time65 Portamento (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
SetInitialFminNo Tooltip yetSet F Minor as Initial Keysig-
UntagNo help--
ReloadDrumHashReloads the drum map which is needed for DrumGm2UserReload the "Drum GM to User" map/MainMenu/EditMenu
SaveKeybindings"Takes a file name, saves keybindings from actions/menus returns #f if it fails"--
SchemeCopyNo help--
InsertCaptureMeasureCapture the image of a single measure (as screenshot) inserting at the current measure.Capture and Insert One Measure/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/CaptureScore
Set7Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅲-
DirectiveGetTag-scoreheaderNo help--
TogglePrallAdds/Removes a prall to the notePrall (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
SmallerStaffThe current staff will print in a smaller size. Use this for the solo part above a piano accompanimentSmaller Staff/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
DenemoPref_animation_stepsNo help--
AddHighestDownMajor6::paramsNo help--
ChangePortamento::paramsNo help--
SetInitialCminNo Tooltip yetSet C Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGetForTag-score"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a score directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DirectiveGet-voice-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
GetPositionNo help--
InsertCaptureMeasure::paramsNo help--
Change7Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅲-
ReloadDrumHash::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-score-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the score directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
TogglePrall::paramsNo help--
SmallerStaff::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_display_refreshNo help--
SetInitialGminNo Tooltip yetSet G Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-standalone-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
TagNo help--
DirectivePut-layout-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddLowestUpMinor2Add a minor second as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Minor 2nd above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
MajorOrMinorDetermine if the chord played is major or minorMajorMinor/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Chord-Comparison
Insert7Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅲𝅘𝅥𝅲-
DirectiveGet-chord-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
LilyPondForPart"Generates LilyPond layout for the current part (ie staffs with the name of the staff with the cursor), all movements and staffs with that staff name are generated."--
GetDurationInTicks"Returns the number of ticks (PPQN) for the object at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DenemoPref_resolutionNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetInitialDminNo Tooltip yetSet D Minor as Initial Keysig-
ClearKeybindings"Clears all keybindings returns #t"--
AddLowestUpMinor2::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::ModifySelectedObjectsNo help--
DenemoAudioAnnotateNo help--
ToggleStopped::paramsNo help--
NoLineBreakDisallow a line break at this measure.No Line Break/ObjectMenu/Directives
MajorOrMinor::paramsNo help--
7When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥𝅲 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅲 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥𝅲-
DenemoPref_menunavigationNo help--
SetInitialASharpminNo Tooltip yetSet A# Minor as Initial Keysig-
MovementNoteheadsNeomensuralNeomensural note head style for the current movement.Neomensural/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectiveGetForTag-voice"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a voice directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
ToggleBeginPhrasingSlur::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-staff-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGet-chord-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
NotationMagick::PutBinaryStringListNo help--
ToggleStoppedNo Tooltip yetStopped (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
NoLineBreak::paramsNo help--
ChangeRest6Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅱Change a 𝅁-
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-midibytes"Writes the midibytes field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleHarmonicMark/Unmark chord with a harmonicHarmonic (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DenemoPref_strictshortcutsNo help--
ShiftRealOctaveDownShifts current notes/selection down one octave while preserving accidental status. This means real transpositionOctave Down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
SetInitialDSharpminNo Tooltip yetSet D# Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectivePut-standalone-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
MovementNoteheadsNeomensural::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-layout-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
SwitchMensuralBarlinesDraw the barlines only between the staves but not inside.(Print) Mensural Barlines (On/Off)/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
DynamicTextChoose dynamics and midi volume level.Dynamics/ObjectMenu/Directives
EnterNo help--
InsertRest6Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅱Insert a 𝅁-
DirectivePut-note-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
TypesetPart"Typesets the current part (ie the staff with the cursor), all movements and staffs with that staff name are typeset."--
SetDurationInTicks"Takes an integer, Sets the number of ticks (PPQN) for the object at the cursor, returns #f if none; if the object is a chord it is set undotted"--
ToggleHarmonic::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_modeNo help--
DirectivePut-tuplet-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShiftRealOctaveDown::paramsNo help--
DalSegnoPrints Dal Segno below the chord at the cursor.Dal Segno/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks
SetInitialGSharpminNo Tooltip yetSet G# Minor as Initial Keysig-
RadioBoxMenuNo help--
ChooseTimeSignatureChoose from a set of typical time signaturesChoose Typical Time Signature/ObjectMenu/TimeSig
LoadCommandset"Takes a file name for xml format commandset, loads commands, returns #f if it fails"--
Set6Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅱-
DynamicText::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_startmidiinNo help--
DalSegno::paramsNo help--
SetInitialCSharpminNo Tooltip yetSet C# Minor as Initial Keysig-
Directive-scoreheader?No help--
ChooseTimeSignature::paramsNo help--
CriticalCommentaryIntroA button is created for putting a title and introductory text for a critical commentary at the end of the score.Title and Introduction/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles/Epilog
DirectiveGetForTag-staff"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a staff directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
OpOneWrapper/Dummy for KeypressesOpOne/MainMenu/MoreMenu
DirectiveGet-note-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
IRCRuns your browser on a page giving access to denemo's internet relay chatChat to Other Users/MainMenu/HelpMenu
Change6Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅱-
DirectiveGet-standalone-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
InitialVoiceOneSets the (initial) voice of the staff to be voice one (this affects stems up, slurs etc on printing)Initial Voice One/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DenemoPref_quickshortcutsNo help--
SetInitialFSharpminNo Tooltip yetSet F# Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-standalone-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetTag-scoreNo help--
CriticalCommentaryIntro::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-layout-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
OpOne::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::PutBinaryStringNo help--
IRC::paramsNo help--
VoicePreset1Preset for first voice. Stems upVoice Preset 1 (Stems Up)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
Insert6Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅱-
ReduceLayoutToLilyPond"Converts the current score layout to editable LilyPond text. After this the score layout is only affected by editing the LilyPond syntax."--
GetOnsetTime"Returns start time for the object at the cursor, or #f if it has not been calculated"--
InitialVoiceOne::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_applytoselectionNo help--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
SetInitialBminNo Tooltip yetSet B Minor as Initial Keysig-
HideBarlinesOmits barlines when printing.(Print) Hide Barlines/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
Zoom"Takes a double or string and scales the display; return #f for invalid value else the value set. With no parameter returns the current value. "--
CheckForIncompleteMeasuresChecks each measure for complete number of beats, ignoring Anacrusis and ShortMeasure ones. Stops at anything bad.Check for Irregular Measures/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
SwitchMensuralBarlines::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::ReverseStringsInListNo help--
VoicePreset1::paramsNo help--
6When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥𝅱 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅱 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥𝅱-
RestsNo help--
ScoreIndentIndent the first system of every movement by the given amount.Indent/ObjectMenu/Score/Print Layout
DenemoPref_newbieNo help--
SetInitialEminNo Tooltip yetSet E Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectivePut-standalone-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
HideBarlines::paramsNo help--
CheckForIncompleteMeasures::paramsNo help--
DenemoLinkFollows the link at the cursor to a source document.Follow Link to Source/MainMenu/NavigationMenu
DirectiveGet-chord-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeRest5Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅰Change a 𝅀-
DirectiveGet-chord-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetForTag-note"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a note directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
ScoreIndent::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_return_key_is_specialNo help--
AddHighestDownPerfect5Add a perfect fifth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Perfect 5th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
SetInitialAminNo Tooltip yetSet A Minor as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-note-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
DenemoLink::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-layout-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
NotationMagick::Number->DigitsAsBinaryNo help--
UnGraceAfterMake the grace note at the cursor closer to the following rather than preceding note.Un-Grace After/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/GraceNotes
InsertRest5Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅰Insert a 𝅀-
GetLayoutName"Returns the name of the currently selected score layout (see View->Score Layout). Returns #f if no layout is selected."--
AccentSelectionSwitcherAdds the > accentAccent (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
GetNoteDuration"Returns the duration in LilyPond syntax of the note at the cursor, or #f if none"--
GlissandoInserts a glissandoGlissando/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks
DenemoPref_cursor_highlightNo help--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-y"Gets the value of the y field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
AddHighestDownPerfect5::paramsNo help--
SetInitialCflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Cb Major as Initial Keysig-
MasterTempo"Takes a double or string and scales the tempo; returns the tempo set. With no parameter returns the current master tempo "--
UnGraceAfter::paramsNo help--
Set5Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅰-
AccentSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
Glissando::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_persistenceNo help--
EvenOutStaffLengthsAppends empty measures to any staffs that are too short.Even Up the Staffs/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu
MidiFilterOff::paramsNo help--
SetInitialGflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Gb Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectivePut-standalone-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddLowestUpMajor2Add a major second as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Major 2nd above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
DirectiveGet-standalone-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
F-MajorIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedF Major/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
Change5Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅰-
DirectiveGet-note-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetForTag-chord"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a chord directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DenemoPref_modalNo help--
EvenOutStaffLengths::paramsNo help--
MidiFilterOffTurn off any MIDI filter script currently active.MIDI Filter Off/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
NotationMagick::ListOfNumbers->NumbersAsBinaryNo help--
SetInitialDflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Db Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-chord-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
MapToSelectionNo help--
Directive-score?No help--
ForteAttaches Forte to chord and MIDI volumeForte/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Dynamic Markings
DirectiveGet-layout-ty"Gets the value of the ty field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
AddLowestUpMajor2::paramsNo help--
EnableAccordion16vDefines the accordions shifts for this score. The command Menu of Objects to Insert will allow them to be inserted.Enable Accordion 16'/ObjectMenu/Directives
F-Major::paramsNo help--
Insert5Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅰-
SelectNextLayout"Selects the next score layout. If the current layout is the last, returns #f otherwise #t."--
GetNoteBaseDuration"Returns the base duration of the note at the cursor number=0, 1, 2 for whole half quarter note etc, or #f if none"--
DenemoPref_pitchspellingprogramNo help--
DirectiveGet-tuplet-tx"Gets the value of the tx field (a string) of the tuplet directive with the passed tag."--
SetInitialAflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Ab Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGetTag-noteNo help--
MovementTempo"Takes an integer or string number of beats (quarter notes) per minute as the tempo for the current movement; returns the tempo set "--
MovementNoteheadsBaroqueBaroque note head style for the current movement.Baroque/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
Forte::paramsNo help--
ToggleCoda::paramsNo help--
EnableAccordion16v::paramsNo help--
5When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥𝅰 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅰 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥𝅰-
DenemoPref_pitchspellingchannelNo help--
ShiftRealOctaveUpShifts current notes/selection up one octave while preserving accidental status. This means real transpositionOctave Up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
ChangeHoldPedalHold Pedal On/Off (Right Piano Pedal). Deactivates Note-Off until set to "Off"64 Hold Pedal (Right Piano Pedal)/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
SetInitialEflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Eb Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-standalone-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
MovementNoteheadsBaroque::paramsNo help--
ToggleDownBowMark/Unmark chord with a Down BowDownBow (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectivePut-object-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the object directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleCodaNo Tooltip yetCoda (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
ChangeRest4Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅯Change a 𝄿-
DirectiveGet-staff-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleMordentAdds/Removes a Mordent to the noteMordent (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
DirectiveGetForTag-standalone"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a standalone directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
DenemoPref_laststaffNo help--
NotationMagick::Digit->binaryNo help--
ShiftRealOctaveUp::paramsNo help--
PrintAllLayoutsPrints the score using all the defined score layouts.Prints All Layouts/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
SetInitialBflatmajNo Tooltip yetSet Bb Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-standalone-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
DoublestrokeNo help--
ToggleDownBow::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-layout-gx"Gets the value of the gx field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeHoldPedal::paramsNo help--
InsertRest4Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅯Insert a 𝄿-
SelectFirstLayout"Selects the first score layout."--
ChooseBarlineChoose a barline Choose Barline/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
GetDots"Returns the number of dots on the note at the cursor, or #f if no note"--
DenemoPref_lastmeasureNo help--
NotationMagick::String->CharsAsBinaryNo help--
SetLongaSets Longa as the prevailing duration, installing it as a musical snippet.Longa/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/SelectDuration
PrintAllLayouts::paramsNo help--
SetInitialFmajNo Tooltip yetSet F Major as Initial Keysig-
AllowLineBreakPermits the typesetter to break the line at this point.Allow Line Break/ObjectMenu/Directives
MasterVolume"Takes a double or string and scales the volume; returns the volume set "--
PasteReplaceSelectionPaste the clipboard. Replace any selected objects. This paste-version also creates new barlines instead of strictly using the copied ones.Paste and Replace Selection/MainMenu/EditMenu
TypesettingOnTurns on typesetting from this point forward in all staffs.TypesettingOn/ObjectMenu/Directives
ChooseBarline::paramsNo help--
ForAllLayoutsClears conditional behaviour of this layout. The Directive will apply to all score layouts.Reset for All Layouts/ObjectMenu/Directives/Conditional-Directives
DenemoPref_firststaffNo help--
NotationMagick::Char->binaryNo help--
SetLonga::paramsNo help--
GoToEmptyMeasureMove cursor to the next point in the current staff where the music ends.Go To Next Empty Measure/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
SetInitialCSharpmajNo Tooltip yetSet C# Major as Initial Keysig-
Set4Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅯-
DirectiveGet-standalone-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
AllowLineBreak::paramsNo help--
PasteReplaceSelection::paramsNo help--
TypesettingOn::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-object-minpixels"Gets the value of the minpixels field (a string) of the object directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveActivate-scoreheader"Activates a scoreheader directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
docport2No help--
DenemoAudioAnnotationNo help--
VoicePresetAutomaticAutomatic voice preset. Resets to normal behaviour.Voice Preset Automatic/ObjectMenu/Directives/Voices
DirectiveGet-voice-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetForTag-object"Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a object directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none"--
ForAllLayouts::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_firstmeasureNo help--
GoToEmptyMeasure::paramsNo help--
SetInitialFSharpmajNo Tooltip yetSet F# Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-note-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
ForEachToSelectionNo help--
Change4Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅯-
HideClefOn printing, omit the clef change at the cursor, or the initial clef if the cursor is not on a clef change.(Print) Hide/ObjectMenu/ClefMenu
OpenMyDefaultTemplateOpens the template Default.denemo in the user's custom template folder.Open Default Template/MainMenu/FileMenu/OpenMenu
DirectiveGet-layout-gy"Gets the value of the gy field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveDelete-objectNo help--
VoicePresetAutomatic::paramsNo help--
SelectNextCustomLayout"Selects the next custom score layout. If the current layout is the last, returns #f otherwise #t."--
GetNotes"Returns a space separated string of LilyPond notes for the chord at the cursor position or #f if none"--
ToggleMordent::paramsNo help--
IndentAlter the indent of the opening system for the current movement.Indent/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Print Layout
DenemoPref_typesettypeNo help--
SetInitialBmajNo Tooltip yetSet B Major as Initial Keysig-
Insert4Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅯-
Directive-note?No help--
SetEnharmonicPosition"Takes a integer sets the enharmonic range to use 0 = E-flat to G-sharp "--
_No help--
OpenMyDefaultTemplate::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-standaloneNo help--
FollowLinkNo help--
HideClef::paramsNo help--
%module-public-interfaceNo help--
Indent::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_typesetrefreshNo help--
AddHighestDownDiminished5Add a tritone/diminished fifth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Diminished 5th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
SetInitialEmajNo Tooltip yetSet E Major as Initial Keysig-
4When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥𝅯 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅯 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥𝅯-
DirectiveGet-standalone-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
DirectiveGetTag-chordNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-scoreheader"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a scoreheader directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
docport1No help--
ReduceSystemSpacingReduces the gap between the systems of staffs on a page.Reduce Space Between Systems/ObjectMenu/Score
TenutoSelectionSwitcherToggles the Tenuto Line _ On/OffTenuto (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectiveGet-score-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
SetDirectiveTagActionScript"Sets an "action script" on the directive of the given tag"--
DenemoPref_manualtypesetNo help--
AddHighestDownDiminished5::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::LeadingZerosFillerNo help--
SetInitialAmajNo Tooltip yetSet A Major as Initial Keysig-
DirectiveGet-chord-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeRest3Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅮Change a 𝄾-
DoubleBarlineInsert a double barline at cursor position.Double Bar/ObjectMenu/Directives/Barlines
DirectiveGet-layout-override"Gets the value of the override field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
UnHideNotesReverts the "Stop drawing notes" command(Print) Start Drawing Notes (Again)/ObjectMenu/Directives/Staff
ReduceSystemSpacing::paramsNo help--
SelectFirstCustomLayout"Selects the first custom score layout."--
TenutoSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
GetNoteFromTopAsMidi"Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns MIDI key for the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the highest, or #f if none"--
DenemoPref_immediateplaybackNo help--
CheckPitches::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::RandomWithinClefRangeChromaticNo help--
SetInitialDmajNo Tooltip yetSet D Major as Initial Keysig-
InsertRest3Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥𝅮Insert a 𝄾-
GetMidiTuning"Return a string of tuning bytes (offsets from 64) for MIDI tuning message"--
DoubleBarline::paramsNo help--
AddLowestUpPerfect1Add a perfect prime as chordnote relative to the lowest note upwards.Add Perfect 1st above base/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddAboveBase
UnHideNotes::paramsNo help--
DirectiveTextEdit-score"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a score directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
MetronomeMarkInsert tempi and/or metronome marks, printed or not, adjust playback tempo to suitTempi and Metronome Marks/ObjectMenu/Directives
use-denemoNo help--
DenemoPref_lilyentrystyleNo help--
CheckPitchesCompares note from MIDI with current note, if equal in pitch, advances to next note, else beeps.Check Note Pitches/MainMenu/Educational/MIDI
NotationMagick::RandomWithinClefRangeDiatonicNo help--
SetInitialGmajNo Tooltip yetSet Initial Keysig to G Major-
Set3Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮-
DirectivePut-staff-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddLowestUpPerfect1::paramsNo help--
MetronomeMark::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
XmlDocumentVariableNo help--
TextAnnotationAllows placing arbitrary text on the score which can then be dragged in the final typeset view for fine control over positioning.Textual Annotation/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectivePut-standalone-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveTextEdit-movementcontrol"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a movementcontrol directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
GetCommandFromUser"Intercepts the next keyboard shortcut and returns the name of the command invoked, before invoking the command. Returns #f if the keypress(es) are not a shortcut for any command"--
DenemoPref_createclonesNo help--
SetInitialCmajNo Tooltip yetSet Initial Keysig to C Major-
DirectiveGet-standalone-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
C-MajorIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedC Major/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
Change3Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮-
MovementNoteheadsDefaultDefault note head style for the current movement.Default/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/NoteHeadStyles
DirectiveGet-layout-width"Gets the value of the width field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleSegno::paramsNo help--
TextAnnotation::paramsNo help--
OpenSource"Follows a link to a source file of form string "filename:x:y:page". It opens the file and places a marker there. "--
GetNoteFromTop"Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns LilyPond representation of the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the highest, or #f if none"--
InsertAflatminNo Tooltip yetInsert Ab Minor-
Insert3Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮-
MovementNoteheadsDefault::paramsNo help--
ToggleUpBowMark/Unmark chord with an Up BowUpBow (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectiveActivate-score"Activates a score directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
DenemoPref_savepartsNo help--
SelectionToEmptyMeasureCreates a selection to the next empty measure in the current staffSelection to Next Empty Measure/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
ToggleSegnoNo Tooltip yetSegno (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
AugmentAugments the current Note/Chord/Rest. Quarter Note becomes Half Note.Augment/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
PrintBassPartWithoutFiguresPrints the Bass part omitting any figured bass figures.Print Bass Part Omitting Figures/MainMenu/FileMenu/PrintMenu
IncipitFromSelectionCreates an incipit from the selection. This music will be printed on the title page. Only one voice is supported.Incipit from Selection/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles
InsertEflatminNo Tooltip yetInsert Eb Minor-
SingleAndSelectionSwitcherNo help--
3When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥𝅮 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥𝅮 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥𝅮-
DirectivePut-staff-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Directive-chord?No help--
ToggleUpBow::paramsNo help--
DenemoPref_maxhistoryNo help--
DirectivePut-header-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SelectionToEmptyMeasure::paramsNo help--
Augment::paramsNo help--
MoveToPreviousEmptyMeasureMove the cursor left until it finds an empty measure or the staffs beginningMove To Previous Empty Measure/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek
DirectivePut-chord-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the chord directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
PutTextClipboardNo help--
GetCommand"Intercepts the next keypress and returns the name of the command invoked, before invoking the command. Returns #f if the keypress is not a shortcut for any command"--
PrintBassPartWithoutFigures::paramsNo help--
IncipitFromSelection::paramsNo help--
InsertBflatminNo Tooltip yetInsert Bb Minor-
DirectivePut-clef-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChangeRest2Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥Change a 𝄽-
Directive-scoreNo help--
CriticalCommentAdds a comment which can be printed in a critical commentary at the end of all the movements (see CriticalCommentary command to create this).Critical Comment/ObjectMenu/Directives
DirectiveGet-layout-height"Gets the value of the height field (a string) of the layout directive with the passed tag."--
TypesettingOffTurns off typesetting from that point until turned on.TypesettingOff/ObjectMenu/Directives
DenemoPref_autosaveNo help--
OpenSourceFile"Opens a source file for transcribing from. Links to this source file can be placed by shift-clicking on its contents"--
MoveToPreviousEmptyMeasure::paramsNo help--
GetNote"Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns LilyPond representation of the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the lowest, or #f if none"--
GetUserName"Asks the user for a user name which is returned"--
FlattenKeysigFlattens the key signature by one degree. If no key signature at the cursor, operates on the initial key signature./ObjectMenu/Key
MezzoPianoprints mp and outputs MIDI vol change#Mezzo Piano/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Dynamic Markings
DirectiveGet-standalone-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the standalone directive with the passed tag."--
OnlyForLayoutThe Denemo Directive at the cursor will only apply to the current Score Layout (see View->Score Layout)Exclusive to Current Layout/ObjectMenu/Directives/Conditional-Directives
ParenthesizeNoteEnclose the note at the cursor in ( ) when printed.Parenthesize Note/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
InsertFminNo Tooltip yetInsert F Minor-
NextSelectedObjectAllStaffsNo help--
C-Major::paramsNo help--
InsertRest2Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅘𝅥Insert a 𝄽-
DirectivePut-scoreNo help--
CriticalComment::paramsNo help--
TypesettingOff::paramsNo help--
DirectiveDelete-score"Deletes a score directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
InsertLinkNo help--
ToggleImmediatePlaybackToggle on/off if you want to hear the note directly after inserting/changing.Toggle Immediate Playback/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
FlattenKeysig::paramsNo help--
DenemoConvertNo help--
OnlyForLayout::paramsNo help--
ParenthesizeNote::paramsNo help--
InsertCminNo Tooltip yetInsert C Minor-
Set2Set the prevailing duration to 𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥-
DirectivePut-staff-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGetTag-standaloneNo help--
MezzoPiano::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-header-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
XmlDocumentCommandNo help--
ToggleImmediatePlayback::paramsNo help--
HideTimesigOn printing, omit the time signature change at the cursor, or the initial time signature if the cursor is not on a time signature change.(Print) Hide/ObjectMenu/TimeSig
DirectivePut-note-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the note directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
StagedDeleteDeletes the object at the cursor. For Chords it deletes the chord stage by stage.Delete/MainMenu/EditMenu
GetCommandKeypress"Returns the last keypress that successfully invoked a command "--
ScoreCopyrightCopyright notice, centered at the bottom of the first page. To insert the copyright symbol, see Lilypond Text encoding.Copyright/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Simple Titles
InsertGminNo Tooltip yetInsert G Minor-
DirectivePut-clef-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Change2Change the current note to a 𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥-
DirectiveDelete-layout"Deletes a layout directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
HideTimesig::paramsNo help--
OpenSourceAudioFile"Opens a source audio file for transcribing from. "--
PutWholeMeasureRests"Insert rests at the cursor to the value of the one whole measure in the key signature and return the number of rests inserted"--
GetPassword"Asks the user for a password which is returned"--
StagedDelete::paramsNo help--
ScoreCopyright::paramsNo help--
InsertDminNo Tooltip yetInsert D Minor-
MoveToSelectionBeginningInThisStaffNo help--
Insert2Insert a 𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥-
DirectiveTextEdit-voice"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a voice directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
AddHighestDownAugmented4Add a augmented fourth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Augmented 4th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
UpbeatConvert the current measure to a partial measure so that it is complete with just the beats already inserted.Anacrusis (Upbeat, Pickup)/ObjectMenu/MeasureMenu
NormalBeamEndingsEnds beams in the expected places (print).Use Normal Beam Endings/ObjectMenu/Score
StaccatissimoSelectionSwitcherToggles StaccatissimoStaccatissimo (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
InsertASharpminNo Tooltip yetInsert A# Minor-
2When appending, appends a 𝅘𝅥 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅘𝅥 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅘𝅥-
DirectiveGet-staff-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
StringNumFollowed by a number, places string number on note.String Number/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Strings
DirectivePut-header-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddHighestDownAugmented4::paramsNo help--
Upbeat::paramsNo help--
ChangeExpressionAka "Sub Volume" or "Percent Volume". The "real" volume. Use Volume as initial value for each staff/channel and change further cresc/desc with expression. 11 Expression/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
NormalBeamEndings::paramsNo help--
StaccatissimoSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-staff-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleTurnAdds/Removes a turn to the noteTurn (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Ornaments
GetKeypress"Intercepts the next keypress and returns a string containing the name of the keypress (the shortcut name). Returns #f if keyboard interception was not possible."--
CurrentMeasureOffTimeNo help--
MidiAdvanceOnEdit::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::RandomWithinClefRangeNo help--
InsertDSharpminNo Tooltip yetInsert D# Minor-
DirectivePut-clef-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ChangeRest1Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅗𝅥Change a 𝄼-
StringNum::paramsNo help--
DirectiveActivate-layout"Activates a layout directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
ShiftRealDialogDownTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection an arbitrary number of tones down. User can specify interval through a dialog.Arbitrary transpose down/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
ChangeExpression::paramsNo help--
CloseSourceAudio"Closes a source audio attached to the current movement."--
InsertRest"Insert a rests at the cursor in the prevailing duration, or if given a integer, in that duration, setting the prevailing duration"--
ToggleTurn::paramsNo help--
GetKeyboardState"Returns an integer value, a set of bitfields representing the keyboard state, e.g. GDK_SHIFT_MASK etc"--
MidiAdvanceOnEditAdvances the cursor on MIDI note entry. Use in Edit mode.MIDI Advance on Edit/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
NotationMagick::InsertMemberRandomlyLyNo help--
InsertGSharpminNo Tooltip yetInsert G# Minor-
InsertRest1Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅗𝅥Insert a 𝄼-
ShiftRealDialogDown::paramsNo help--
DirectiveActivate-voice"Activates a voice directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button"--
InsertCSharpminNo Tooltip yetInsert C# Minor-
InsertDefinedLilyPondGives a menu of previously created LilyPondDefinition commands (see Score->LilyPond Definition menu for this)Menu of Objects to Insert/ObjectMenu/Directives
Set1Set the prevailing duration to 𝅗𝅥𝅗𝅥-
DirectiveGet-staff-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
DirectivePut-standaloneNo help--
DeleteStaffGroupingsClear the staff from all groupingsDelete all staff contexts/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
SimplifyTiesConverts tied notes to longer notes and removes spurious ties.Simplify Ties/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
DirectiveGet-header-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
InsertNullObjectNo help--
GetChar"Intercepts the next keypress and returns a string containing the character. Returns #f if keyboard interception was not possible."--
NotationMagick::InsertListRandomlyLyNo help--
InsertFSharpminNo Tooltip yetInsert F# Minor-
DirectivePut-clef-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
InsertDefinedLilyPond::paramsNo help--
Change1Change the current note to a 𝅗𝅥𝅗𝅥-
DirectivePut-paper-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the paper directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
DirectiveGet-note-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the note directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleStaccatissimoMark/Unmark chord as StaccatissimoStaccatissimo (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectiveTextEdit-layout"Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a layout directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none"--
SimplifyTies::paramsNo help--
InsertTwoGraceNotesBeamedInserts two grace notes at the cursor beaming them together. Follow with a duration key.Insert Two/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/GraceNotes
StartAudioPlay"Plays audio allowing timings to be entered via keypresses if passed #t as parameter. "--
GetNoteName"Returns the name of the (highest) note in any chord at the cursor position, or #f if none"--
SetMidiThru"Routes the MIDI in to MIDI out if it is not intercepted by d-GetMidi"--
DeleteStaffGroupings::paramsNo help--
InitialVoiceChoose which voice this staff will initially be set to. To change voice during music see the Directives->Voices menu.Choose Initial Voice/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
InsertBminNo Tooltip yetInsert B Minor-
DiminishDiminishs the note/chord/rest. Quarter Note becomes Eight Note. Diminish/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
Insert1Insert a 𝅗𝅥𝅗𝅥-
ToggleStaccatissimo::paramsNo help--
InsertTwoGraceNotesBeamed::paramsNo help--
SelectMeasureCreate a selection for the entire current measureSelect Measure/MainMenu/EditMenu/Select
MidiTempoSend a Midi command to change the tempo to a new bpm. No printout.Set Tempo/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
InitialVoice::paramsNo help--
InsertEminNo Tooltip yetInsert E Minor-
Diminish::paramsNo help--
1When appending, appends a 𝅗𝅥 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅗𝅥 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅗𝅥-
DirectiveGet-staff-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
CriticalCommentaryCollects together any critical comments from the score and places them in an epilog at the end of the music. The Title and text of the Epilog are created with the CriticalCommentaryIntro command, and critical comments are added with the CriticalComment command.(Re)Create Epilog - Critical Commentary/ObjectMenu/Score/Titles/Book Titles/Epilog
TremoloFollow with a duration key for the subdivisions required: prints the note at the cursor with the tremolo marking.Tremolo/ObjectMenu/NotesRests
DirectiveGet-header-prefix"Gets the value of the prefix field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
AskForIntervalNo help--
SelectMeasure::paramsNo help--
PrintTypesetPDF"Prints from the PDF file generated by TypesetForScript."--
ParenthesizeChordEnclose the chord in ( ) on printing.Parenthesize Chord/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu
InsertAminNo Tooltip yetInsert A Minor-
DirectiveGet-clef-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
ChangeRest0Changes a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅝Change a 𝄻-
DirectiveGet-staff-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the staff directive with the passed tag."--
CriticalCommentary::paramsNo help--
SetScoreHeaderFieldNo help--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Tremolo::paramsNo help--
NotForLayoutThe Denemo Directive at the cursor will be ignored when printing from the current score layout (See View->Score Layout)Ignore for Current Layout/ObjectMenu/Directives/Conditional-Directives
MidiTempo::paramsNo help--
InsertStandaloneDirectiveInsert or edit a directive in the LilyPond music typesetting language. This can be used for extra spacing, transposing or almost anything. See LilyPond documentation for ideas.Insert Lilypond/ObjectMenu/Directives
StopAudioPlay"Stops audio playback"--
DebugObject"Prints out information about the object at the cursor"--
GetRecordedMidiOnTick"Returns the ticks of the next event on the recorded MIDI track -ve if it is a NOTEOFF or #f if none. Advances to the next note."--
ParenthesizeChord::paramsNo help--
InsertCflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Cb Major-
InsertRest0Inserts a rest at cursor position Sets prevailing rhythm to 𝅝Insert a 𝄻-
HideNotesStops the Lilypond engraving of notes(Print) Stop Drawing Notes/ObjectMenu/Directives/Staff
NotForLayout::paramsNo help--
InsertStandaloneDirective::paramsNo help--
HideKeysigOn printing, omit the key signature change at the cursor, or the initial key signature if the cursor is not on a key signature change.(Print) Hide/ObjectMenu/Key
ReduceSlurShorten a slur that ends at the cursor.Shorten Slur from End/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Slurs
CurrentMeasureOnTimeNo help--
MovementPiecePrints the name given above and to the left at the start of the movement.Piece/ObjectMenu/MovementMenu/Titles/Simple Titles
InsertGflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Gb Major-
Set0Set the prevailing duration to 𝅝𝅝-
DirectivePut-voice-display"Writes the display field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleDirectiveNo help--
HideNotes::paramsNo help--
DirectiveGet-header-postfix"Gets the value of the postfix field (a string) of the header directive with the passed tag."--
HideKeysig::paramsNo help--
ReduceSlur::paramsNo help--
TypesetForScript"Typesets the score. Takes a script which will be called when Refresh is performed on the typeset window."--
MovementPiece::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::RandomChromaticLyNo help--
InsertDflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Db Major-
Change0Change the current note to a 𝅝𝅝-
DirectiveGet-voice-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AddHighestDownPerfect4Add a perfect fourth as chordnote relative to the highest note downwards.Add Perfect 4th below top/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu/AddBelowTop
ScoreBlockPrologInserts LilyPond at the start of every score block (movement).LilyPond Score Block Prolog/ObjectMenu/Score
Help::TimedNoticeNo help--
Db-PentascaleIdentify Scale Notes that are soundedDb Pentascale/MainMenu/Educational/Aural Training/Identify-Scale-Note
SetAudioLeadIn"Takes a number of seconds to be used as lead-in for audio. If negative clips that much from the start of the audio. "--
StaccatoSelectionSwitcherAdds the staccato dot or removes itStaccato (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
GetCursorNoteWithOctave"Returns the note name and octave in LilyPond notation for the line or space where the cursor is"--
GetNoteForMidiKey"Returns the LilyPond representation of the passed MIDI key number, using the current enharmonic set."--
SharpenKeysigSharpens the key signature by one degree. If no key signature at cursor, sharpens the initial key signature./ObjectMenu/Key
InsertAflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Ab Major-
Insert0Insert a 𝅝𝅝-
SetFontSizeChoose the font size of for the score, and hence how much space it takes up.(Print)Set Overall Score Size/ObjectMenu/Score
AddHighestDownPerfect4::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-stemdirective-gy"Writes the gy field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ScoreBlockProlog::paramsNo help--
Help::PopNo help--
Db-Pentascale::paramsNo help--
StaccatoSelectionSwitcher::paramsNo help--
AngryDelete::paramsNo help--
InsertEflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Eb Major-
0When appending, appends a 𝅝 With the cursor on a note inserts a 𝅝 before the current note The note will be pitchless (displays yellow, non-printing, percussion-sounding) if MIDI-in is active - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch𝅝-
DirectivePut-voice-prefix"Writes the prefix field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SharpenKeysig::paramsNo help--
SetFontSize::paramsNo help--
ShiftRealDialogUpTranspose/shift the cursor note or selection an arbitrary number of tones up. User can specify interval through a dialog.Arbitrary transpose up/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Transpose
DirectivePut-header-x"Writes the x field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Help::PushNo help--
ProgressBarStop"If running, Stops the ProgressBar."--
AngryDeleteMIDI notes struck loudly delete the previous note before taking effect.Angry Delete/MainMenu/InputMenu/MIDI
InsertBflatmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Bb Major-
MoveToGMoves cursor to nearest note GMove to G-
DirectiveGet-score-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the score directive with the passed tag."--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ShiftRealDialogUp::paramsNo help--
LimitInterSystemSpaceLimits the extent to which the lines are spaced apart to fill the page.Limit Space Between Systems/ObjectMenu/Score/Print Layout
ShiftProtoNo help--
Help::ClearQueueNo help--
AudioIsPlaying"returns #f if audio is not playing else #t"--
GetRecordedMidiNote"Returns the ticks of the next event on the recorded MIDI track -ve if it is a NOTEOFF or #f if none"--
DenemoSetPlaybackIntervalToSelectionNo help--
InsertFmajNo Tooltip yetInsert F Major-
LilyPondDefinitionCreate a definition at the head of the LilyPond output. This can then be referenced in the music. See LilyPond documentation.LilyPond Definition/ObjectMenu/Score
ChangeToGChanges note at cursor to nearest note G Rhythm is unchangedChange to G-
GetCursorNote"Returns the note name for the line or space where the cursor is"--
LimitInterSystemSpace::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-stemdirective-override"Writes the override field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
Help::UpdateWriteStatusNo help--
GrandStaffEndStop GrandStaff multi-stave system.GrandStaff End/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings
HideLilyPondComments out the chord in the LilyPond output.Hide on Printing/ObjectMenu/ChordMenu
InsertCSharpmajNo Tooltip yetInsert C# Major-
LilyPondDefinition::paramsNo help--
AddGAdds note G to the chord at cursor Cursor height determines which octaveAdd G-
DirectivePut-voice-postfix"Writes the postfix field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ToggleTenutoMark/Unmark the chord TenutoTenuto (Off/On)/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/Articulations
DirectivePut-header-y"Writes the y field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AutoAccidentalsPrints accidentals according to a chosen style. Affects following notes only.(Print) Accidental Printing/ObjectMenu/Directives
Help::RemoveTagNo help--
GrandStaffEnd::paramsNo help--
ProgressBar"Takes a message as a string. Pops up the message inside of a pulsing progressbar"--
HideLilyPond::paramsNo help--
NotationMagick::RandomDiatonicLyNo help--
StaffSizeSets the size of the staff on printing relative to the default 0. Value -3 is tiny 3 is large.Set Staff Size/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu
InsertFSharpmajNo Tooltip yetInsert F# Major-
SearchBookmarkSearches for a named Bookmark in the current staff.Search Bookmark/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Bookmarks
AddNoteGInserts note G after note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert G After-
DirectiveGet-clef-grob"Gets the value of the grob field (a string) of the clef directive with the passed tag."--
ToggleTenuto::paramsNo help--
DirectivePut-movementcontrol-graphic"Writes the graphic field (a string) of the movementcontrol directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
AutoAccidentals::paramsNo help--
ChangePanWhere in the stereo field the channel sound will be placed.10 Pan/ObjectMenu/Directives/MIDI
Q-remove!No help--
NextAudioTiming"Returns the next in the list of timings registered by the user during audio play."--
NotationMagick-InsertReversedStringAsReversedBinaryRhythmGive a string to generate a rhythm out of its ascii chars in binary encoding. The string gets reversed before converting. The rhythm for each letter gets reversed before inserting.Insert Reversed String as Reversed Binary Rhythm/ObjectMenu/NotationMagick/GenerateRhythmFromString
RewindRecordedMidi"Rewinds the recorded MIDI track returns #f if no MIDI track recorded"--
DenemoSetPlaybackEndNo help--
StaffSize::paramsNo help--
InsertBmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Bmaj-
SearchBookmark::paramsNo help--
InsertGInserts note G before note at cursor Cursor determines which octave Note is inserted in the prevailing rhythmInsert G-
GetHorizontalPosition"Returns the cursor horizontal position in current measure. 1 = first position in measure, n+1 is appending position where n is the number of objects in current measure"--
DenemoPlayCursorToEndPlayback all staffs from the current cursor position to the end of the movement.Play from Cursor to End/MainMenu/PlaybackMenu
DirectiveGet-stemdirective-x"Gets the value of the x field (a string) of the stemdirective directive with the passed tag."--
Help::queueNo help--
NotationMagick-InsertReversedStringAsReversedBinaryRhythm::paramsNo help--
SetDisplayClefInserts a clef that affects only the display, not the printed form. Use this after ChangeStaff in the staff the voice will be on is in a different clef. Also useful to display in a familiar clef music which you want to be printed in a less familiar one (e.g. display in treble or bass music to be printed for violaDisplay Only Clef/ObjectMenu/ClefMenu
DenemoSetPlaybackStartNo help--
DirectiveDelete-voice"Deletes a voice directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted"--
DeleteDynamicDeletes a dynamic attached to the chord at the cursor.Delete/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/Markings/TextMarks/Dynamic Markings
InsertEmajNo Tooltip yetInsert Emaj-
MoveToFMoves cursor to nearest note FMove to F-
DirectiveGet-voice-display"Gets the value of the display field (a string) of the voice directive with the passed tag."--
CreatePartsCreate three parts from the current staff.Create Parts/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/Voices
DenemoPlayCursorToEnd::paramsNo help--
MakeGraceChanges the note at the cursor to/from being a grace note. Gives audio feedback.Grace/UnGrace/ObjectMenu/NotesRests/GraceNotes
DirectivePut-header-tx"Writes the tx field (a string) of the header directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
ScorePrologInserts LilyPond syntax for include files etc at head of score.LilyPond Score Prolog/ObjectMenu/Score
DirectivePut-timesig-minpixels"Writes the minpixels field (a string) of the timesig directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist."--
SetDisplayClef::paramsNo help--
InfoDialog"Takes a message as a string. Pops up the message for the user to take note of as a informative message"--

Denemo Directives

These give attributes to objects that are not built-in but can be changed by the user.

Denemo Directives can be attached at almost every level of a Denemo score and can modify the behavior of the element concerned. They contain fields to describe how the element's properties should be modified, either in the display or in the printing. Elements, such as clefs notes etc have their own built-in display and print properties; Denemo Directives allow you (or scripts you invoke) to modify them for many more purposes than the built-in set allows. This means Denemo can grow - you can add features - without getting a new version.

For example the drum clef is not built-in to Denemo. Instead a directive attached to the clef has a field (graphic) set to an image of the drum clef, and another field (postfix) set to the LilyPond syntax for a drum clef, while another field (override) is set to indicate that these values should replace the normal ones, rather than adding to them.

The elements that can be modified in this way are the following:

  • score: the LilyPond fields (prefix and postfix) are placed at the start of the score and just before each movement. The display field is shown at the top of the display.
  • scoreheader: Attached to the score. The postfix field is put inside a \header{} block at the start of the score.
  • movementcontrol: Attached to a movement. The prefix field is placed before the movements \score{} block, the postfix after it.
  • header: Attached to a movement. As scoreheader but for \header[] blocks inside the movement's score block.
  • paper: Attached to the score. The postfix is placed inside a \paper{} block.
  • layout: Attached to a movement. The postfix is placed inside a \layout{} block in the movement's scoreblock.
  • clef: Attached to a clef or clef change. The graphic holds the displayed icon, gx,gy its position. The postfix field is put into the music at the point where the clef is found, replacing the normal text if the override is set.
  • timesig: Attached to a time signature or time signature change. The graphic holds the displayed icon, gx,gy its position. The postfix field is put into the music at the point where the time signature is found, replacing the normal text if the override is set.
  • keysig: as timesig but for key signatures. (e.g. used to supress keysignatures in drum clef).
  • staff: The postfix field modifies the whole staff context, with the display field printed at the start of the staff
  • voice: The postfix field modifies the voice context, with the display field printed at the start of the staff containing the voice
  • standalone: A directive not attached to an music element - it comes with the music and is used for things like repeat bars etc.
  • chord: The prefix field is emitted before the LilyPond for the chord and the postfix after it.
  • note: The prefix field is emitted before the LilyPond for the note and the postfix after it. Examples are fingerings attached to notes etc. Again the display and graphic fields a placed in the display positioned relative to the note via the coordinate fields gx, gy (for the graphic) and tx, ty for the display text.

The Directives are sufficiently important to have their own commands.

  • d-DirectivePut-type-field where type is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note and field is one of display, tx, ty, gx, gy, graphic, prefix, postfix, override, midibytes. These commands take two arguments, a tag (string) and a value to set. For example

    Example 2. 

    (d-DirectivePut-note-postfix "LHFinger" "3")

    will put the fingering 3 on (after) the note at the cursor.
  • d-DirectiveGet-type-field type is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note and field is one of display, tx, ty, gx, gy, graphic, prefix, postfix, override, midibytes. This function returns the value in the field or #f if there is no directive with the given tag at the cursor.
  • d-DirectiveDelete-type type is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note. This function returns #t or #f if a directive with the given tag was deleted.

The Directive Fields

The fields of the Denemo Directive can control the Denemo Display and the LilyPond output.

The fields in d-DirectiveGet/Put have the following meanings

  • postfix - A fragment of LilyPond to be output (after the LilyPond for any object the directive is attached to).
  • prefix - A fragment of LilyPond to be output (before the LilyPond for any object the directive is attached to).
  • display - text to be shown in the Denemo Display
  • tx, ty - where to show the text in the Denemo Display
  • graphic - For directives that are in the music this is a .png image to be shown in the Denemo Display (the directory bitmaps holds these). The graphic can be saved for a command using the right-click -> Save Graphic command, after selecting a portion of the print preview as the image required. For directives attached to the score, movement etc the string set here will be displayed on the button in the button box for that sort of directive (see Show Score Titles etc in view menu for showing this button box).
  • gx, gy - where to show thegraphic in the Denemo Display
  • minpixels - how much space to leave for this item in the Denemo Display
  • override - Contains bits to determine whether the LilyPond contained in the Directive (postfix and/or prefix fields) should override the normal LilyPond output, and whether the Graphic should replace the normal Denemo display for the item. A further tranche of bits controls MIDI output for the directive, which can override the normal MIDI interpretation of the music and provide additional information not explicit in the music notation (e.g. the tempo of an Adagio marking).
  • midibytes - a string of numbers (in hexadecimal format) whose interpretation is given by the MIDI bits in the override field

The override field contains the following bits:

  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_LILYPOND : override the LilyPond output normally used at this point, rather than adding to the normal output. The text used is in the prefix and postfix fields.
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_GRAPHIC : overrides what Denemo would normally show in the display with the image named in the graphic field of the directive

The MIDI bits in the override field are as follows

  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_VOLUME : the MIDI velocity to use
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_DURATION : affects the duration of a note. not yet implemented
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_REPEAT : indicates that an earlier passage should be repeated (from a directive of the same tag). not yet implemented
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_CHANNEL : midibytes field gives the MIDI channel to use (? implemented?)
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_TEMPO : midibytes field gives the tempo to use.

The interpretation of these flags is modified by the following flags:

  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_ONCE : the value in midibytes is to be used just for the item the directive is attached to. not yet implemented
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_STEP : the value in midibytes is to be used from this point on
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_RAMP : the value in midibytes is to be used as a starting value, a corresponding directive (i.e. with the same tag) gives the findal value, values are then interpolated between these. not yet implemented
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_RELATIVE : value in midibytes is used relative to the current value (otherwise it is an absolute value; e.g. an absolute velocity etc)
  • DENEMO_OVERRIDE_PERCENT : value in midibytes is interpreted as percentage value. not yet implemented

These flags are combined together to get the combination required for the directive using the scheme procedure called logior.

Here is an example, making a step-change in volume of 0x40 in the MIDI output, and printing "più mosso" in the output score

;;;;;;;;;; piu mosso

(d-DirectivePut-standalone-minpixels "StepTempo" 20)



(d-DirectivePut-standalone-midibytes "StepTempo" "40")

(d-DirectivePut-standalone-display "StepTempo" "piu mosso")

(d-DirectivePut-standalone-postfix "StepTempo" "^\\markup {\\bold \\italic \"più mosso\"}")


In this example the directive is a standalone directive. MIDI commands are being extended to apply to chords and notes. Implementation of the commands for Voices, Movements, Score etc are not yet done.

Directive Edit Scripts


Score and movement directives can define a value for their graphic - a button then appears at the top of the score which can be used to edit the directive. Likewise Staff and Voice directives show as a properties icon before the staff to which they apply (staff directives above, voice directives below). Clicking on these lets you edit the directive.

The command EditDirective can be used when the cursor is on a Denemo Directive object, or an object with a Denemo Directive attached to it. What happens then is determined by a script named after the "tag", or name of the directive. For example the command RehearsalMark creates a Directive with tag "RehearsalMark" and EditDirective runs a script called RehearsalMark.scm.

There is also a low-level editing dialog which is invoked if no editing script exists or directly from scheme using (d-DirectiveTextEdit-* tagname). This allows you to edit and delete a directive directly. The other directive editing commands are EditScoreDirective EditMovementDirective EditStaffDirective EditVoiceDirective EditClefDirective EditKeysigDirective EditTimesigDirective for directives attached to the relevant objects.

The low level edit of directives from scheme uses the following command:

  • (d-DirectiveTextEdit-<field> <tagname>). Where <tagname> specifies the directive to be edited and <field> is one of score, scoreheader, movementcontrol, header, paper, layout, clef, timesig, keysig, staff, voice, standalone, chord or note.

For example (d-DirectiveTextEdit-paper "PrintAllHeaders") gives low-level access to the directive setting the print all headers command in the paper block of the LilyPond output.

Initialization Scripts

Each menu can have an initialization script, which can contain procedures that would be too time consuming to define every time they are needed. These scripts are guaranteed to be run before any menu item is activated within the menu. They can be read/written using the right click menu on any scripted menu item.

Edit Scripts

Each directive has a tag field, so that it can be recognized by the scripts that manipulate it. In particular for each tag there can be an edit script, for editing a directive of that tag. Edit scripts are kept in a directory actions/editscripts parallel with the directory actions/menus where the commands themselves are kept.

You can read and write edit scripts by using the low level editing dialog on a directive with the tag you are writing for.

The low level editing dialog is the one that is presented if there is no edit script. Edit scripts can themselves give access to this dialog by including an option cue-Advanced which calls (d-DirectiveTextEdit-field tag) for the appropriate field and tag. For an example see the edit script for Instruments -> Orchestra -> RehearsalMark.

They have available functions to enable editing of directives which are defined in actions//denemo.scm executed at startup. The functions and variables for script editing are

  • d-GetOption followed by a nul separated list of options, offers the options to the user and returns one, or #f if the user cancels.
  • Extra-Offset tag type context. Takes three string options: tag is the name of the directive to be edited, which must be the name of a LilyPond object, type is the type of directive (note, chord, standalone, staff, voice or score), context is the LilyPond context of the object. Only tag is required. Shifts the object in the LilyPond output.
  • SetPadding tag type context. As Extra-Offset, it sets the space left around the item in the LilyPond engraving process.
  • SetRelativeFontSize tag type context. As Extra-Offset, it shifts the font size of the following text in the LilyPond engraving process.
  • CreateButton tag label this is just a convenience function to put a button with the passed in label onto a button box at the top of the screen. Scripts can attach actions to such tagged buttons.
  • Useful variables defined: (define stop "\0") (define cue-Advanced "Advanced") (define cue-PlaceAbove "Place above staff") (define cue-PlaceBelow "Place below staff") (define cue-SetRelativeFontSize "Set Relative Font Size") (define cue-OffsetPositionAll "Offset Position (All)") (define cue-OffsetPositionOne "Offset Position (One)") (define cue-EditText "Edit Text") (define cue-SetPadding "Set Padding") (define cue-Delete "Delete")

LilyPond Editing


From version 0.7.8 we have the ability to edit the LilyPond output within Denemo. This approach immediately makes Denemo able to do many more things (e.g. multiple verses for songs) with the music still editable from within Denemo. The gallery of examples and the standard templates contain examples which you can use.

These can be used without knowing the LilyPond language (provided a suitable template or example file exists). Alternatively, with a general idea of how a LilyPond file works tweaks from the LilyPond documentation can be inserted into the LilyPond output and stored with the Denemo, leaving open the possibility of further editing of the notes within Denemo without the need to re-apply tweaks or keep separate LilyPond files.

Using the LilyPond Window

Under the View menu is a Show LilyPond item which pops up a window with the LilyPond output in it. The text is interspersed with buttons which enable you to hide or show the various sections or to create custom versions. The text in bold can be altered and the alterations are kept in the Denemo file.

The two windows are kept in sync, so you can move back and forth between editing textually and editing in Denemo.

Right clicking on the text gives a menu for actions on the LilyPond text. There is one for moving the cursor to the LilyPond text for the current Denemo object. Moving the cursor in the text window with the arrow keys causes the Denemo window cursor to move in synchronism.

This menu also includes a Print command that operates on the visible LilyPond text in the window. This means you can open specific custom score blocks and print from them, or even make a temporary edit for just one print. If you save the program while a choice of custom scoreblocks is open then these are remembered. So when you reload and hit Print those score blocks will be printed.


Several custom scoreblocks can be kept, and by making the one(s) desired visible, the same Denemo file can be used to print a variety of things from the same music input. For example, a full score or a set of parts, or several voices on group of staffs or even a piano reduction. The custom scoreblocks can be are named using the comment on the first line (see the template Piano.denemo for an example).

The various Voices/Staffs for the different Movements are separated by buttons. These are labelled by enumerating the movements and staffs in order, so the first voice in the first movement has the music defined as "MvmntIVoiceIMusic" and so on. Within these music blocks you can insert arbitrary LilyPond text between notes, (the insertion points are marked by grey blocks) and the text inserted will appear as a LilyPond directives in the main Denemo window.

The main Denemo window also moves its cursor to correspond with where you are editing. (It should of course move the cursor immediately you click on a point in the music, but, as yet, it only moves the cursor when you press a key just before the note name - one of the arrow keys will do).

Custom score blocks are created by right-clicking on the Standard score block and selecting create custom score block. You can cut and paste another score block, or start from the text of the standard one. If you print a single part from all movements, you get the standard scoreblock for this and can add it to your custom score block so that a single print command prints, e.g. both a full score and parts. Using the \book {} block you can put these into separate files (stored in the folder .denemo in your home folder).

The music defined by MvmntIVoiceIMusic is then used in the score blocks at the end of the LilyPond window, by the expression \MvmntIVoiceIMusic. This means that the same music can be output in several different ways, so that the same Denemo file can contain custom score blocks to output the music as a Piano Score with several voices or separate parts, for example.

The definitions for MvmntIVoiceIMusic actually look like this

  • MvmntIVoiceIProlog = {\MvmntIVoiceITimeSig \MvmntIVoiceIKeySig \MvmntIVoiceIClef}
  • MvmntIVoiceIMusic = {\MvmntIVoiceIProlog \MvmntIVoiceI}

Where \MvmntIVoiceI is the actual block of notes you have written, while the other definitions hold the time signature, clef etc. By using these, you can print the same music with different clefs, still maintaining the ability to edit the notes in Denemo.

Note that the normal Denemo Print commands are still operate as they do if you never look at the LilyPond window. What happens is that if you select the Print Current Part menu item then this creates a tailored standard scoreblock for that part. However, if you use the File->Print command then it prints the first custom scoreblock that is open (visible) (or the standard scoreblock if you do not have any custom scoreblocks).

Bugs: Clicking (as opposed to using the arrow keys) in the LilyPond text does not move the cursor in the Denemo window. Moving the text cursor in a lyric (etc.) does not move the Denemo cursor, so you cannot easily see where in the music it comes. Inserting LilyPond text after last note of a movement has to be done in Denemo. When you delete a LilyPond directive textually you have to move the cursor to start re-inserting it. LilyPond notes cannot be parsed back in (would be useful for importing music from arbitrary LilyPond files). LilyPond inserts at notes can only be completely deleted in the Denemo window - inserts are not merged.

Using the Denemo From the PC keyboard

Note Entry

Basic Note entry is to type a number key 0-8 for the duration of the note followed by a letter key a-g for the note name. If the duration is the same as the last entered note then just the note name is needed. The duration can be dotted with the period key, and the octave adjusted with comma (for down) or apostrophe (for up).

When you append music by pressing a duration key you get a brown note, indicating a duration which has not been given a pitch. Once you have pressed a note-name it becomes that note printed in black. Prior to that it is a pure rhythm and will play back as a drum beat and will print as a space.

When not appending music, you need to use the shift key to insert a new note, or set the caps lock. So Shift-a inserts the note A etc. Plain "a" edits the note at the cursor to be an A. Likewise with the numeric keypad the Shift key can be used to insert a note duration, while the plain number keys edit the duration of the note at the cursor. (If you do not have a numeric keypad, you have to use Shift-0,1, etc to do insertion of a duration).

Chord Entry

The standard keybinding for entering a note in a chord is the Insert key. This enters the note at the cursor position. There are also commands to enter a named note Alt-a, Alt-b... are the standard shortcuts for this.

Inserting LilyPond Directives

Denemo allow you to insert LilyPond directives between notes, prefixing and postfixing the individual notes of a chord or the whole chord itself and at the start of each staff in a score and at the start of each score. This means that the score can be tailored to a great extent without ever resorting to editing LilyPond files themselves. (Re-loading from an edited LilyPond file is generally unsuccessful). These LilyPond directives are now just a special case of DenemoDirectives - see discussion elsewhere.

To put a LilyPond directive on an individual note of a chord, put the cursor on that note and invoke

  • Other->AttachLilyToNote
  • To put a LilyPond directive between chords, place the cursor at the insertion point, and invoke

  • Other->InsertLilyPond
  • Such a LilyPond insert can be locked, which means you will be warned if you try to delete it while you are deleting notes.

    When you have inserted a LilyPond directive a green bar is printed at that point below the staff. In addition if you specify some display text it will be shown. If the LilyPond inserted is text to be printed above staff the notation ^text can be used. Denemo will show this text above the staff. Likewise, _text will cause text to be printed under the staff. If you wish to annotate your music use %text, which Denemo will print, but LilyPond will not (a newline character is automatically inserted for you to ensure this happens). LilyPond attached to chords or notes shows the display text only. The status bar also shows some of the information.

    Note and Rest Entry Toolbar

    This toolbar can be used to enter notes using the mouse. It also shows what the prevailing duration is, that is what duration of note will be inserted when you press a note name key.


    Creating paper scores with Denemo is done either directly with the print command or via an intermediate PDF file. If you have set the name of a PDF view in the Preferences then various specialized print commands commands such as Print Part will run LilyPond to typeset your score and then the PDF viewer will pop-up - you can print using the facilities of that program.


    LilyPond is quite slow - be patient!

    Advanced Features

    Musical Score that Do Things!

    By saving a Denemo score with a script defined (in the script window) you can create music lessons, automatic midi player ... the possibilities are (literally) endless. When you open such a score, the script is run - it can take user input and manipulate the score, or do other actions as your fancy takes you.

    There is a special score init.denemo that is run on startup. By editing this you can startup with whatever template and whatever actions you wish to be performed. If you set it to do something that quits Denemo, you may need to delete the file before using Denemo normally again. Your local init.denemo is stored in the directory .denemo/actions in your home directory.To create it put the script you want in the script window and use SaveAs selecting ~/.denemo/actions/init.denemo as your file to save to.

    Piano Staffs, Orchestral Scores etc

    Piano staffs, and staff groups can be created using the menu under the staff menu. You can set a piano staff within a staff group by setting successively the StartPiano and StartGroup contexts on a single staff, or more generally setting StartPiano, EndPiano on adjacent staffs within a staff group.

    Single Staff Polyphony

    This section is out of date. You can use newer facilities to keep voices on separate staffs in the display making for easier editing. Use Staff to Voice command to create a voice - it will print on the staff above but display separately.

    Denemo permits the use of mutiple staves for part work, as well as enabling multiple voices on a single staff. To add voices to the current staff do the following:

    1. Go to the measure(s) where you want to add the second voice

    2. Use Add Voice to Current Staff item.Then open the staff properties. This dialog box will appear.

    3. If this is a different instrument than the other voice, open the instrument drop down list and choose the appropriate instrument. The default name for this voice should be ok.

    4. Click Ok to close the dialog box.

    5. To switch voices use VoiceDown, VoiceUp under staff->voices menu. or using the keyboard shortcuts


      The stem positioning positioning may not look correct in the Denemo window, but it will look correct in the printed output.

    6. For every beat your voice is silent you need to add a null note, which is achieved with the following sequence of key strokes: 1. n puts you in null mode, 2. r toggles a rest 3. then type the rest value you need to add, with the appropriate key binding.

    7. For the beats that contain notes just enter them as you would normally see section x.


      If you choose not to enter rests in null mode the visual output will be the same but these notes will be heard during midi playback of your score.

    8. To leave the new voice and return to the previous one type


    Entering Vocal Music

    Choose Lyrics->Add Verse. You need to have the Lyrics View visible (see View menu). Each verse has a separate tab, with the current verse for the current staff being visible at any one time. Use -- to extend syllables over more notes (see LilyPond documentation).

    Entering Figured Bass

    To enter figures choose Other->Insert/Enter figured bass. There are some shortcuts that enable all the work to be done with the numeric keypad. A brief summary is given by right clicking the option. The conventions are described in the LilyPond docs.

    Entering Chord Symbols

    To enter chord symbols choose Chords->Markings->Chord Symbols. A brief summary is given by right clicking the option. The conventions are described in the LilyPond docs.

    What Happens at Startup

    On starting a Denemo up to two music scores (called init.denemo) are loaded, and any actions associated with them are run. The first of these is provided with the system and does essential initialization, the second you can provide yourself in the file ~/.denemo/actions/init.denemo (where ~ means your home directory).

    In addition, on startup a set of keyboard and mouse shortcuts, and a selection of optional menu items are loaded. Other sets are available via the Edit->Customize Commands ...->Manage Command Set dialog.

    You should exit and re-start Denemo after creating a new command set to be sure of getting your keybindings to work.

    The "Score Titles, Controls etc" checkbox is undocumented, unfortunately. What it does is to show/hide a button bar where Titles and such can be displayed. The menu items you need are under Score->Titles etc and Movement->Titles etc. When you set a title, composer, etc the Titles etc button bar will become populated.

    The Playback Controls are undocumented, unfortunately. Mostly obvious commands, the left/right arrows move the start and end playback point forwards and backwards, while the up/down arrows set the start and end playback points to the current cursor position. See the links from the features list "To-do List" on the website.

    Denemo Command Line Options

    Denemo --help shows the options for opening particular files at startup.